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Saw X-Men 3 last night.I quite enjoyed it... my brother and cousin whom I was watching the film with were both pissed off that so many people died, but it didn't really bother me. Apart from Vinnie Jones walking around looking like some bondage queen it was a decent film.

Edited by Who has called me Hage?
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Saw X-Men 3 last night.I quite enjoyed it... my brother and cousin whom I was watching the film with were both pissed off that so many people died, but it didn't really bother me. Apart from Vinnie Jones walking around looking like some bondage queen it was a decent film.

I also saw X-Man 3 last night. And I thought it was pretty dreadful aside from the wonder of Frasier Crane as Hank. And Vinnie Jones knocking himself out.
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Mind if I ask why you disliked it so much..?

I just thought that everything bar the fight scenes was poor. The dialogue was embarrassing at times (particularly Wolvie's cheeky quips), the story was wafer thin and the acting was so basic. But then it was a film made with the younger generation in mind so I shouldn't really have been expecting too much from it.
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Mind if I ask why you disliked it so much..?

I just thought that everything bar the fight scenes was poor. The dialogue was embarrassing at times (particularly Wolvie's cheeky quips), the story was wafer thin and the acting was so basic. But then it was a film made with the younger generation in mind so I shouldn't really have been expecting too much from it.
I saw this Saturday night, and again yesterday to give it a second chance and I still find it very very dissapointing. *Spoliers ahead*

First thing I found is they handled the death of Cyclops very poorly. As they didn't show him dying, and this being a super hero film, I didnt believe the character had been killed off, as I kept expecting him to return at sometime during the film. For a character this important to X-Men, he should have been given a more specific clear death, which made it clear that he was dead.In my opinion the story of Rogue trying to decide if she should take the "cure" should have been made more a part of the main story and more fuss made, instead of her just dissapearing and no one seeming to give a crap. These are the main two storyline plots that annoyed me. Halle Berry must be the most wooden actress I have ever seen. She was awful as Storm in the first 2 films, and I was horrified to find that she was hardly off my screen.But there were some good things I liked. Kelsey Grammar was great as Beast, and I enjoyed the role of Pyro, who done a great job as Magneto's bitch. The fights scenes were enjoyable, and I like how they left everything open for a 4th film with Magneto still having some powers at the end of the film, as well at the very end of the credits, we find that Xavier has tranfered his conciences into the body of the vegetable that he shows on video in his class near start of the film.

So it was enjoyable, but still found myself very dissapointed when it ended. Edited by bwo
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The DepartedBest film ive ever seen at the cinema- faultless!

Did you not like the film in general or are you picking up on the faultless point?If so, what was wrong?Excellent acting, good story with unpredictable twists and kept me hooked for pretty much 3 hours, not a lot wrong there.
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Mind if I ask why you disliked it so much..?

I just thought that everything bar the fight scenes was poor. The dialogue was embarrassing at times (particularly Wolvie's cheeky quips), the story was wafer thin and the acting was so basic. But then it was a film made with the younger generation in mind so I shouldn't really have been expecting too much from it.
I saw this Saturday night, and again yesterday to give it a second chance and I still find it very very dissapointing. First thing I found is they handled the death of Cyclops very poorly. As they didn't show him dying, and this being a super hero film, I didnt believe the character had been killed off, as I kept expecting him to return at sometime during the film. For a character this important to X-Men, he should have been given a more specific clear death, which made it clear that he was dead.
Spoilers, asshole.
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ClickReally bad. I'm getting incresingly fed up of there being literally no characterisation in movies, why were we meant to be behind Adam Sandler in this movie? He was meant to be a 'good guy' who comes through in the end but all he had was a fantastic job at a young age, a hot wife and a lovely home, yet he constantly chose work over his family. How is that a good guy? That's just a prick who we feel jealous over. There was very little humour in it and Walken and Hasselhoff are the only watchable things in this awful movie.What the fuck is Kate Beckinsale's deal? She was awful in this, just awful. What was the point of her even being with him, they showed no love or relationship at all throughout.The idea's shit too and I was even more pissed off with the ending. Fucking crap.

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Thank You For SmokingFunny, smart AND entertaining?!?!? I know, it doesn't happen often but this film had all of those aspects involved without ever getting preachy or annoying or over-indulgent, I loved Aaron Eckhart as the spokesman for cigarettes and this performance alone turned me around on him and the whole idea of spin and bullshit and lobbying was something which doesn't sound like it would make an interesting film, but the subject was carried off brilliantly by the Director and Writer and Son of Ghostbusters, Jason Reitman. Great stuff.

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