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Guest DJM

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Guest Beanie

I've never walked out of a movie because I hardly ever go to the cinema, there's nothing worse than paying good money to watch a film only to have fat slobs grazing all around me and loudmouthed cunts narrating the movies to their friends and/or girlfriends.

It's worse when it's the person YOU're with doing the yapping."Who's he? What's he doing? Why's he doing that? Where is he? What film is this? Have you seen my brain?"
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My Cousin VinnyA friend has been going on about this film for ages, and it came on Sky Movies the other day. Great film!.. Joe Pesci was hilarious along other characters in the film. Nice little gem this one.CrashAnother good film.. with very strong racial points being illustrated. You end up hating some of the characters.. which I guess makes the movie even better seeing as though you actually give a shit about who dies and who doesnt. Had a good story to it too.. with a good ending.

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CrashAnother good film.. with very strong racial points being illustrated. You end up hating some of the characters.. which I guess makes the movie even better seeing as though you actually give a shit about who dies and who doesnt. Had a good story to it too.. with a good ending.

I really liked Crash, but that script was a bit dire to be honest. It was so BLATANT and heavyhanded that at times I was laughing to myself at it's absurdity. When Sandra Bullock is getting her door fixed and from nowhere she goes "And get this gang thug crack head out of my house ASAP" or something, that's probably less than what was in the film. Also,

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when they pan to the 'blank' bullets in the shop. NO WAY! YOU MEAN IT WASN'T AN ANGEL?!?!?!?!?
. Still, bloody good acting..Never walked out on a film. Never plan on doing so.
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As I said previously I've never actually walked out of a cinema, I have however switched films off because they were just so unbarable to watch. The only three which spring to mind right now are the god awful One Night At McCools, the shitfest that was Titanic and the painful Adam Sandler film Going Overboard, the latter is so bad that it ranks #4 on IMDB's 100 lowest rated movies list.

Edited by Vito
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I've NEVER walked out on a movie. Even one I don't like. I stick with a movie to the end just to see if something happens that I like.

You should have watched Elizabeth Town, that will really test you...
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Bought "Into the Blue" with that Paul Walker guy and "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang".Any good? I remember "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" being pimped a lot on here.

I've NEVER walked out on a movie. Even one I don't like. I stick with a movie to the end just to see if something happens that I like.

You should have watched Elizabeth Town, that will really test you...
I remember watching this at the cinema on a wet January Sunday night with about two other people in the cinema for company. What a depressing expereance. (spelling mistake).My spelling is off today. I apologise.
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I'm going to watch OldBoy soon, so I thought I'd get some more info on it on Wikipedia, on there is says that its the second part of a trilogy along with Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance and Sympathy For Lady Vengeance. The plots dont seem to be connected, so will it matter if I watch OldBoy before Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance?Hopefully OldBoy is as good as some of you have made it be. :)

Edited by Adam Gard
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The plots dont seem to be connected, so will it matter if I watch OldBoy before Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance?

Not at all. OldBoy, Sympathy For Lady Vengeance and Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance are separate films that are grouped under Park Chan-wook's revenge trilogy due to their shared theme.Don't read too much into OldBoy, though. I really think it's the type of film that you should watch with no or little prior knowledge about. Anyway, it ranks in my top 5 and, hopefully, you'll enjoy it, too. Edited by Van_Dammer
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Oldboy is one of the best films I've ever seen, top five for sure.Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance is very good, though very bleak. I stll haven't gotten round to seeing Lady Vengeance, but I've heard lots of good reports.Baz, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is excellent.

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