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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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Over the last couple of days I've watched, Sideways, Caddyshack and There's Something About Mary.Are there any 3 better comedies out there?I'd probably have Caddyshack in my top 3 with maybe Naked Gun and Dumb and Dumber. But that list would rotate probably daily with Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day, Mallrats, Spinal Tap and Holy Grail.I've watched Caddyshack and There's Something About Mary probably plus 10 times each and Sideways was not only funny but very touching at times. I think I reviewed it somewhere in this thread from the first time I watched it.

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The Descent(sp?)I was dreading this to be on par with Creep... but after seeing that it got 4 stars.. i thought it give it a shot.. and it turned out to be a pretty good film... the storyline being slightly different to the usual teenage horror flick.The acting was ok too.. with nice little mini storylines thrown in too.16 BlocksOn the way back from Dubai, i had about 200 movies to chose from in the plane... and Inside Man and 16 Blocks took my fancy.. but i only had time for one of them... and i cant belive i chose this fucking film!From start to finish.. it failed to interest me.. Mobb Depp's voice was really annoying.. and even Bruce Willis failed to impress. A must miss!

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith - A very good film, which is great fun, very entertaining, has a basic but good enough plot, and a good cast. It also has some good action throughout, is funny, and Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie are both very good in the main roles (with Vince Vaughn good but under-utilised and Adam Brody pretty good but barely used). On Sky Movies tonight.The Final Cut - set in the not-too-distant future, in a world where implanted microchips can record all moments of an individual's life. The chips are removed upon death so the images can be edited into a memorial film for loved ones who want to remember the deceased. The process is called "Rememory" and Alan Hakman (Robin Williams), a man traumatized by an incident in his childhood, is the best cutter of the Eye Tech Corporation. The company is facing groups that oppose to the "Rememory" though with ex-cutter Fletcher (Jim Caviezel) leading these opponents. When Alan is assigned to prepare the final cut of the memories of former Eye Tech manager Charles Bannister, his chip is disputed by Fletcher and he is willing to get his hands on the chip at any cost.A pretty good film on the whole, with an interesting storyline (the problem of infringement of privacy, and can somewhat mirror the loss of privacy in today's society), a good cast (Robin Williams, Mira Sorvino, James Caviezel, Stephanie Romanov, Genevieve Buechner), and a strong performance from Robin Williams. The ending of the film is unexplained and somewhat confusing though, the film is maybe too linear (with the twists not really having any effect), and it never really seems to use its interesting concept to full effect.FrailtyThe directorial debut of Bill Paxton, Frailty starts with Fenton Meeks (Matthew McConaughey) showing up at the FBI Headquarters in Texas to tell a detective (Powers Boothe) that his brother Adam is the responsible for the notorious "God's Hand" killings. As the movie progresses and the detective probes for more information, a shocking story unfolds of the disturbing childhood of the two brothers and their strange relationship with their father (Bill Paxton), whom claims their family has been chosen by God to become demon hunters.A good film and an impressive directorial debut by Bill Paxton, with an interesting story and some good acting from the small main cast (including Bill Paxton, Matthew McConaughey and Powers Boothe), with the two young actors in particular putting in stand-out performances (Matthew O'Leary and Jeremy Sumpter). Somewhat predictable with an easy to spot final twist, but an enjoyable 90-minutes viewing on the whole and reminded me at times of the TV series Supernatural.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith - A very good film, which is great fun, very entertaining, has a basic but good enough plot, and a good cast. It also has some good action throughout, is funny, and Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie are both very good in the main roles (with Vince Vaughn good but under-utilised and Adam Brody pretty good but barely used).

You should really invest in a thesaurus.
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16 BlocksOn the way back from Dubai, i had about 200 movies to chose from in the plane... and Inside Man and 16 Blocks took my fancy.. but i only had time for one of them... and i cant belive i chose this fucking film!From start to finish.. it failed to interest me.. Mobb Depp's voice was really annoying.. and even Bruce Willis failed to impress. A must miss!

You didnt miss much in Inside Man.
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Guest donnie darko

GUY X - Jason Biggs wrongly transfered to the middle of nowhere, it's ok for an offbeat army film.Walking Tall - The Rock is angry and he has a 2x4, very entertaining.Easy Riders and Raging Bulls - doco about 1970's film industry, fairly good but the book is better.Scream 3 - decent enough end to the slasher trilogy.

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The GuyverJust so you know which version of The Guyver I'm talking about, this is the original animated series from Japan. It was a 12-part OVA, produced in the late 80s. I first saw it as a kid, when it was broadcast in the UK during the mid-90s, and The Guyver truly made an impression on me. Watching the series again after a number years, I've grown to love it even more.The story combines a variety of elements from anime/manga (obviously), sci-fi and a classic superhero tale. First, it introduces Chronos, an evil organisation that have altered human beings into bio-mutants in order to use them as living weapons. After a severe mishap, one of their Guyver units is found by Sho Fucamachi, a high school student. He unwillingly merges with it to become one of the three Guyvers in the world as Chronos frantically try to capture him and retrieve their weapon.The really gripping and intriguing part of this is, surprisingly, the characters themselves. Many factors that directly affect Sho are totally beyond his control. The people that he cares about are subjected to his horrific situation and he's unable to offer them complete security. The genetically-engineered monsters that he has to combat are strange creations and, quite possibly, the most memorable aspect of the series. There is a considerable amount of violence as The Guyver takes on his adversaries. It's not necessarily gory or disturbing, but extremely bloody. Either way, the fight scenes are very well-structured and always visually pleasing. Overall, every episode still looks relatively good by today's standards, while the animation is akin to your typical anime.It's a travesty that this version of The Guyver isn't widely known. To me, it's undoubtedly the definitive adaption; it shames the dire live action films and is better its Out Of Control predecessor. Plus, it's everything that Casshern wishes it was and more. Anyway, if you're a fan of anime, get this any way you can because it's excellent.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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I am in an absolute glut of comedy films at the moment. So far today I've watched Dumb and Dumber and have just stuck on Planes, Trains and Automobiles.Jim Carrey and John Candy are two of the best comedic actors ever. Steve Martin is shit in it though.

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Jim Carrey and John Candy are two of the best comedic actors ever. Steve Martin is shit in it though.

I think Martin is good in Planes, Trains And Automobiles, as he is in most of his early films, especially The Jerk.I agree with your comment on Jim Carrey, though; he's a tremendous comedic actor. It's a shame that people don't often acknowledge or realize that he's an great dramatic actor, too. Edited by Van_Dammer
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Jim Carrey and John Candy are two of the best comedic actors ever. Steve Martin is shit in it though.

I think Martin is good in Planes, Trains And Automobiles, as he is in most of his early films, especially The Jerk.I agree with your comment on Jim Carrey, though; he's a tremendous comedic actor. It's a shame that people don't often acknowledge or realize that he's an great dramatic actor, too.
Without doubt, Carrey's probably just as good as a dramatic actor as he is a comedic actor.I just hated Martin's sthick in the film, he was the most annoying person, and that person was MEANT to be John Candy, there's one good thing about Martin's performance in the film and that's ..."I just want a FUCKING car..." and he says fucking every 3 words.
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I am in an absolute glut of comedy films at the moment. So far today I've watched Dumb and Dumber and have just stuck on Planes, Trains and Automobiles.Jim Carrey and John Candy are two of the best comedic actors ever. Steve Martin is shit in it though.

Awesome film.When that kid sings "Everytime you go away" during the end credits I always have a secret crying session.
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Watched all three of The Evil Dead films again the end of last week...The Evil Dead - Not really the Classic or as great as it is made out to be by some. It has the most basic of storylines, is slow to get going (takes about 30-minutes, which is too long for a film which only has an 80-minute runtime) but good once the action comes, and has weak characters outside of Ash. The film also has a mixture of decent (Bruce Campbell) and pretty bad (everyone else a large percentage of the time) acting, and a mixture of mostly good but some quite poor looking special effects. It has not aged all that well (with some of the effects really looking bad), but is a commendable enough effort on a low-budget. There is a fair amount of room for improvement, and with a good director & writer and a good cast I would be interested to see what the remake would turn out like.The Evil Dead 2 - A very good film which is an improvement over the original. It is more appealing, has an interesting mix of live-action and stop-motion animation effects and mostly impressive looking special effects (still some poor looking effects at times though) which are better than the original as you would expect with a bigger budget. The first 10-minutes of the film are like a re-cap of the original movie, but Evil Dead 2 is just a lot more fun on the whole compared with the original, with Bruce Campbell putting in a first-class performance again and with some good humour throughout (even if it isn

Edited by DJM
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