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I've been playing Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 on the PS3, and to be honest I'm really disappointed. It's too easy to score against the computer, I think. Everyone knows superhuman goalkeepers are the future. Passing and first touches are a nightmare too. For example, if I'm knocking it about in midfield drawing people into tackles my passes generally go to the wrong guy, which wasn't a problem in any other year. As for first touches, if I'm taking a short corner or whatever and go to cut inside it usually just hits off the player and goes out of play. Craaap.


They've improved aerial ability and crossing technique though, I feel. You're able to volley/header it a lot easier from crosses in normal play. Free-kicks have been improved a great deal too, and hitting the target is simple now. I've got about 4 or 5 Lampard free-kicks saved already.


Online play is just as awful as everybody has said, I can't believe how poor it is. It's sluggish and half the time the ball is in two different places at once. To think it was actually worse than this before the patch, thank fuck I didn't have to experience that. Are they actually gonna fix it or is this is good as we're gonna get?


I've also been playing Heavenly Sword. Great game, quality graphics and generally awesome gameplay, although it is a bit too hack and slash and easy to get through. The storyline is quite good though. It's short but that doesn't bother me too much because I've gotta get stuck into Assassins Creed and Call of Duty. Any opinions on them?

Edited by GIB
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Assassins creed is possibly the best game of 2007.Imagine Prince of Persia, but 10,000X better, with lots of blood, guts and drool worthy graphics.

Man that sounds incredible. I've been putting off buying it because I still have lots (and lots) of games to finish, I am really tempted though.
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Assassins creed is possibly the best game of 2007.Imagine Prince of Persia, but 10,000X better, with lots of blood, guts and drool worthy graphics.

Man that sounds incredible. I've been putting off buying it because I still have lots (and lots) of games to finish, I am really tempted though.
I've seen nothing but disappointed reviews for this game. I think I'll rent before making a decision.This week I have been mostly playing Boom Boom Rocket, Pacman Championship Edition, Halo 3 and the Burnout Paradise demo. Gems, every one.Burnout Paradise is so fast and detailed, my eyes nearly fell out of my head. There's times (actually, pretty much all the time) when there's nothing you can do but react to something that happened milliseconds before. It's quite the adrenaline rush. Having the freedom of a city to tear around in, with non-compulsory, user-triggered "event" races, rather than jumping from on preset race track to the next is very refreshing.I think the full version may need to be purchased when it's out.
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I second the recommendation for the Burnout Paradise demo. Not only will I buy it as soon as it's released, but this is the game that's finally convinced me that I need an HDTV. Really pretty stunning.


Funny, marginally-NSFW review of Assassin's Creed (and lots of other stuff) here.

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MmmmOdd...I've started enjoying Madden on the PS3... Have gone into Superstar mode and it seems a lot of fun...Online is jerky and fairly hard to play... Normal modes... well it's sure a little easier on the HDTV...Might have to re-evaluate it...

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I second the recommendation for the Burnout Paradise demo. Not only will I buy it as soon as it's released, but this is the game that's finally convinced me that I need an HDTV. Really pretty stunning.Funny, marginally-NSFW review of Assassin's Creed (and lots of other stuff) here.

Heh, good stuff. I shouldn't have watched his Halo 3 review though, it was utter toss. He claims that a game shouldn't be half decent and shouldn't need multiplayer to "excuse" the single player campaign, but in doing that he admits that he's only reviewed half of the game. Seriously, he didn't even play the campaign in co-op mode. Sure, the NPC marines aren't particularly bright, but then the Warthog is designed for co-operative play and always has been. If his reviewing style involves playing the single player mode alone and nothing else then I'm glad he hasn't reviewed Bomberman. I admit that Halo 3's campaign was nothing mindblowing, but it was still very enjoyable and when combined with the incredible multiplayer mode it made for a fine package indeed. Given a few extra maps and bits and pieces I'd have bought Halo 3 without the campaign mode, so to ignore everything else from the review is completely moronic.
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Well I've been playing Metroid Prime and have found it to be very challenging indeed but a good game none the less, hopefully will get more excited as i get further into the game.I played Pro Evo 2008 on my mates PS3 and I found it very sluggish indeed.I have also played Super Mario Galaxy and wow what a brilliant game. I've got 26 stars so far and I'm loving everything about this game, I'm so glad they made sure it was this good which made it delayed but good things come to those who wait

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Assassins creed is possibly the best game of 2007.Imagine Prince of Persia, but 10,000X better, with lots of blood, guts and drool worthy graphics.

Man that sounds incredible. I've been putting off buying it because I still have lots (and lots) of games to finish, I am really tempted though.
I've seen nothing but disappointed reviews for this game. I think I'll rent before making a decision.This week I have been mostly playing Boom Boom Rocket, Pacman Championship Edition, Halo 3 and the Burnout Paradise demo. Gems, every one.Burnout Paradise is so fast and detailed, my eyes nearly fell out of my head. There's times (actually, pretty much all the time) when there's nothing you can do but react to something that happened milliseconds before. It's quite the adrenaline rush. Having the freedom of a city to tear around in, with non-compulsory, user-triggered "event" races, rather than jumping from on preset race track to the next is very refreshing.I think the full version may need to be purchased when it's out.
I found the Burnout demo a bit tricky in the races - you are going so fast with lots of trafic and need to see which turn to take at a junction? Made life difficult.I do love the webcam integration though!
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I admit that Halo 3's campaign was nothing mindblowing

Blasphemy :(It does have flaws. If you hadn't played the previous Halo games, the plot must have seemed nonsensical. (Actually, it's not always clear what's going on even if you have played them. Despite the whole premise of the game being 'finish the fight', the missions are 90% 'go here, do this' without it being clear exactly what part of the fight is currently being finished.) But worse than this, the default difficulty is faaar too easy and doesn't give any particular incentive to replay at higher difficulties, and that's where the game starts to shine, because the enemy AI at higher difficulties is better than any other shooter I've played (fire up Legendary with the Thunderstorm skull on if you don't agree). The weapon balance is sublime - there's always a way to use whatever you're carrying, unless you're playing with really stupid difficulty settings, in which case 50% of them suddenly become useless, and somehow that only makes the game more fun...Multiplayer isn't an immediate attention-grabber either. It takes a couple of hours to get out of the toddler-pool ranks so you can get your hands on the big guns and the vehicles. Even if that particular reviewer had given multiplayer a go, he'd have had a negative first impression.It's the combination of these factors that make the game such an opinion-divider. They made a Halo game for people that were already Halo fans and whom they knew would be willing to invest time in getting the best out of the game, which is a ballsy move, because they must have known that Microsoft were positioning it as the biggest media property of the year, so that EVERYBODY with a 360 would buy it. It's no wonder some of them didn't like it.And yeah, the AI still can't drive for shit. :angry:Re Burnout: it does seem stupidly quick the first time you play it, but that's its charm - you get better in small increments without realising it, and you're never quite sure how you got away with that last bend. Seat-of-your-pants stuff.Currently playing Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions on PSP. It's refreshingly well-plotted for a recent FF game (best since FF9 IMO) and the dialogue is sparkling in places, although it can be overly serious. Gameplay takes a little getting used to but once you've got the hang of it it's compulsive and surprisingly challenging! I've been seeing the Game Over screen a fair bit... Recommended, but if you want a strategy RPG for PSP you need to consider Disgaea as well, because it's also great, and you definitely don't need both....you can tell I'm staying at my Mum's and I've run out of things to do, can't you :(
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God, SD vs Raw 2008 is incredibly awful on the 360. I'm thinking it's gonna be facing a trade in very soon.Now I hate to sound like the total gaming idiot that I am, but how do I shoot that Carlito guy on Dead Rising. I get to him and to the place that black guy tells you to run to...but I can't shoot him. It's really frustrating!

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