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After slating it as a gimmick and happily being proven horribly wrong, I will be buying a DS this weekend when the Lite version is launched. You know, the version that doesn't look like a Barbie My First PDA.Got Mario Kart DS, Wario Ware & Brain Training already. On the hit list are:Metriod PrimeElectroplanktonNew Super Mario BrothersI really, really can't afford this :( .

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Mybe worthy of its own thread but could this be the first shot of GTA4?

What on Earth is that in the bottom-left corner?
Sadly not a bowl of cornflakes, but a 3D map.
*takes out imaginary spectacles*By Jove... that's awful.I've never, ever, had to judge the height of buildings on a map. I have, on the other hand, often required to see adjacent streets without said buildings obstructing my view.
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Got GTA Libery City Stories today, although i am yet to play it.Hopefully its good!

I got Liberty City Stories today also and I have only played a bit of it so far but it seems like a good nostalgia trip, It is amazing what sticks and how I can remember where places are from Grand Theft Auto 3, Liberty City is pretty much identical apart from some places having different names or some parts not being built yet. I am only just getting into the Story but it seems enjoyable so far and it is nice to see faces from other GTA games, the GTA humor on the radio shows is as strong as ever and while the soundtrack is limited I did mark out for hearing the Chase (aka the Midnight Express theme) on one of the radio stations.So far I would say it is well worth the
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Got GTA Libery City Stories today, although i am yet to play it.Hopefully its good!

I got Liberty City Stories today also and I have only played a bit of it so far but it seems like a good nostalgia trip, It is amazing what sticks and how I can remember where places are from Grand Theft Auto 3, Liberty City is pretty much identical apart from some places having different names or some parts not being built yet.
I'd mark out for continuity if you got to blow up a huge complex on the middle island, where the building site is in GTA III.
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Hey JLM, did you finish Fahrenheit yet?

That's like wishing AIDS on people in a computer games thread."Disagree with me do you? Well I hope you experience the last third Fahrenheit!"It was going alright until it went shit too.
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Hey JLM, did you finish Fahrenheit yet?

That's like wishing AIDS on people in a computer games thread."Disagree with me do you? Well I hope you experience the last third Fahrenheit!"It was going alright until it went shit too.
I think everyone should play that game. If you ever need an example of something starting awesome and having you really excited only to nosedive and make self-harm look like more fun, check out Fahrenheit.Best bit?

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When it's obvious that the budget dried up and the main bad guy is not only some computer AI, but he's JUST A BIG YELLOW LIGHT STRIP THING. A-fucking-mazing. The old woman turning heel was great too. I thought the Tough Feisty Latino Cop saying "I love you" to Lucas was hilarious, but nothing tops Cheap Sprite Man for giggles.
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Is it just me... or does GTA4 look amazingly like Crazy Taxi with it's colors? *shrugs*Singstar wise... I love singing Wind Of Change from rocks, and Our House from 80's (to the guy who refused to buy the 80's one... c'mon, it's got Poison on it, instantly making it one of the best buys of the series).

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I'll also be getting a DS lite this weekend (hopefully), with the Nintendogs that features a Siberian Husky (my mum has been going on about that for months now) and Metroid Prime - Hunters. I'll also wait for New Super Mario Brothers.Oh, if any of you PC gamers were a fan of Diablo, Titan Quest will be out at the end of the month. Definately worth downloading the demo.

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Is it just me... or does GTA4 look amazingly like Crazy Taxi with it's colors? *shrugs*

If that's a genuine screenshot, you still need to remember that the game isn't released until October 2007, so it won't be the final, polished article.
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Hey JLM, did you finish Fahrenheit yet?

That's like wishing AIDS on people in a computer games thread."Disagree with me do you? Well I hope you experience the last third Fahrenheit!"It was going alright until it went shit too.
I think everyone should play that game. If you ever need an example of something starting awesome and having you really excited only to nosedive and make self-harm look like more fun, check out Fahrenheit.Best bit?

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When it's obvious that the budget dried up and the main bad guy is not only some computer AI, but he's JUST A BIG YELLOW LIGHT STRIP THING. A-fucking-mazing. The old woman turning heel was great too. I thought the Tough Feisty Latino Cop saying "I love you" to Lucas was hilarious, but nothing tops Cheap Sprite Man for giggles.
Enjoyed it a great deal, different to anything else I'd played recently (which is why i requested it as a xmas present) but unfortunately couldn't do the whole pump the triggers as fast as possible thing and therefore couldn't get beyond the big confrontation on the roof of the building.
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Hey JLM, did you finish Fahrenheit yet?

That's like wishing AIDS on people in a computer games thread."Disagree with me do you? Well I hope you experience the last third Fahrenheit!"It was going alright until it went shit too.
I think everyone should play that game. If you ever need an example of something starting awesome and having you really excited only to nosedive and make self-harm look like more fun, check out Fahrenheit.Best bit?

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Oh god that 'I Love You' bit was horrendous. They spent a lot of time building up these characters then destroyed them with three words. The big yellow lightning bolt was truly a fearsome enemy. One thing I thought made little sense in the earlier part of the game was when you went into the police station archives. Surely no police station is that stupid to have thier files organised in such a demented way.
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