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For the record, Yakuza 2 is the mutt's nuts. Don't expect anything very different from the first game, but if you enjoyed that then you've every reason to get this. My main complaint with the original was that during combat, it was difficult to cancel or redirect a combo once you'd started, but that doesn't seem to be such an issue this time. I'm around three chapters in, and the story's shaping up well too, as expected.

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Been playing Spore.It's okay, the first sections are pretty fun and I enjoy working through most of that, the Space bit though is kinda odd, almost over-reaching.Still needs a bit more play before I say if it's really enjoyable or just a failed experiment. So far it's playable and looks like a good timesink.Also thought I'd try out Warhammer: age of reckoning.No idea if it's going to be any good apart from it being fairly well recieved :D

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QUick note, there "may" be Mahunt 2 spoilers in here, but it's only the first area, and really isn't enough to harm even the most hardcore gamer's playthrough of the game.I "was" playing Manhunt 2... until it glitched badly for the second time running.Normally I don't mind a glitch in a game, the occasional one doesn't really matter, even if it's annoying (like randomly falling through the floor on Sonic Adventure), I can cope with that.However my first glitch came when I reached a bunch of doors I had to open to proceed (to deactivate an alarm in another door), I could get into two of the three rooms, the third was impossible, despite everywhere stating to just "press the button", okay, perhaps it was a one off, (and I was only giving it a quick viewing as I hadn't space on my memory card to save).Here's were a much more interesting glitch occurs, I delete a few saves in my memory card and we go again, I get outside of the initial hospital and have to kill these two guys and dump their bodies in the shadows to proceed, I kill the first one by creeping up behind him and using a piece of glass to cut the crap out of him. Only his body stays standing, not moving anywhere, but standing dead still. So I go to the other guy and kill him with the other shard of glass and dump him in the shadows and aim for the dump truck to get out of there only to be told to place both bodies in the shadow. So I try on the first guy (who's still pretending to be a statue it appears). I can't lift him, as there's no actual "dead" body to lift.So I sod off and find a plastic bag, which I wrap round his head and suffocate him, thus "killing" him a second time, however he's now paused in a kneeling position with the bag still wrapped round his face, and still no body that I can lift. I then find a syringe and "kill" him a third time with that (and as it uses the image of the character, I think I also become the first guy in the game's history to stab someone with a syringe while they're wearing a plastic bag as a clever mask), this time he "almost" makes it to the ground as he finishes in a half falling position. Unfortunately, no more weapons. :(So I punch the guy a few times, which puts him back into standing position but no closer to moving into the shadow as he just staggers in place.In conclusion, Manhunt 2 is too fucking bugged to be worth playing if it glitches that badly two times out of two.If I can get my phone working with my PC, I'll see if I can upload the images I took of the guy just standing dead still while wearing the bag. Wish I'd thought to take a video of the kneeling or half falling position before lamping him one.

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You've just reminded me of my old copy of The Getaway which contained a bug that made it impossible to complete the first mission.I only paid three quid for it, so it went in the bin rather than inflict the same disc on another poor unsuspecting gamer.

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The Knightmare game had a bug where you couldn't get out of the first room. You can try and try and try to give the bread to the old man, but he'll never take it. Every single Spectrum copy had that, too. Evidently playtesting didn't exist in the eighties.

That game and that one screen made me so sad :(
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QUick note, there "may" be Mahunt 2 spoilers in here, but it's only the first area, and really isn't enough to harm even the most hardcore gamer's playthrough of the game.I "was" playing Manhunt 2... until it glitched badly for the second time running.Normally I don't mind a glitch in a game, the occasional one doesn't really matter, even if it's annoying (like randomly falling through the floor on Sonic Adventure), I can cope with that.However my first glitch came when I reached a bunch of doors I had to open to proceed (to deactivate an alarm in another door), I could get into two of the three rooms, the third was impossible, despite everywhere stating to just "press the button", okay, perhaps it was a one off, (and I was only giving it a quick viewing as I hadn't space on my memory card to save).Here's were a much more interesting glitch occurs, I delete a few saves in my memory card and we go again, I get outside of the initial hospital and have to kill these two guys and dump their bodies in the shadows to proceed, I kill the first one by creeping up behind him and using a piece of glass to cut the crap out of him. Only his body stays standing, not moving anywhere, but standing dead still. So I go to the other guy and kill him with the other shard of glass and dump him in the shadows and aim for the dump truck to get out of there only to be told to place both bodies in the shadow. So I try on the first guy (who's still pretending to be a statue it appears). I can't lift him, as there's no actual "dead" body to lift.So I sod off and find a plastic bag, which I wrap round his head and suffocate him, thus "killing" him a second time, however he's now paused in a kneeling position with the bag still wrapped round his face, and still no body that I can lift. I then find a syringe and "kill" him a third time with that (and as it uses the image of the character, I think I also become the first guy in the game's history to stab someone with a syringe while they're wearing a plastic bag as a clever mask), this time he "almost" makes it to the ground as he finishes in a half falling position. Unfortunately, no more weapons. :(So I punch the guy a few times, which puts him back into standing position but no closer to moving into the shadow as he just staggers in place.In conclusion, Manhunt 2 is too fucking bugged to be worth playing if it glitches that badly two times out of two.If I can get my phone working with my PC, I'll see if I can upload the images I took of the guy just standing dead still while wearing the bag. Wish I'd thought to take a video of the kneeling or half falling position before lamping him one.

Assuming you've got a legit copy, I'd suggest getting the patch.if not, search for a crack with the highest version number, and download that patch instead.
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Legit copy or not, I'm playing on the PS2, there's no patch that will solve that one.

Ah, you sure it's not that Beta version doing the rounds?
Entirely possible if there is one (All I know is it said uncut... so I figured I'd give it a whirl, lol). I did try giving it another shot (after finding out my first "glitch" was just me not noticing a fake wall I had to use), and got a fair distance, but it's just frozen on a cut scene. I think I am banned from planning Manhunt 2 by some higher power, lol.
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The Knightmare game had a bug where you couldn't get out of the first room. You can try and try and try to give the bread to the old man, but he'll never take it. Every single Spectrum copy had that, too. Evidently playtesting didn't exist in the eighties.

That really pissed me off. Luckily I think the mags printed a poke the next month to patch through it, but it was a whopper of a bug.Similarly there was a game I bought called Extreme sort of a Cybernoid clone, that had wicked graphics and music, but you couldn't get out of the first level. Edited by Loki
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Legit copy or not, I'm playing on the PS2, there's no patch that will solve that one.

Some companies put hooks in their games which make the games unplayable or act strange if you have an illegal copy.maybe it's something like that.Very much doubt something that bad would make it through Sony's testing labs. Edited by DJ Stevie C
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