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I really, really want to get Alone in the Dark but I fear it'll add Ninja Gaiden 2 to my enormous pile of games-in-waiting if I do. Survival Horror games always get shunted to the top of the pile because I love them so much, but I'm enjoying Ninja Gaiden and don't want to abandon it. will do my best to avoid the temptation.That said, Smash Brothers on Friday~! About time too. :angry:

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I really, really want to get Alone in the Dark but I fear it'll add Ninja Gaiden 2 to my enormous pile of games-in-waiting if I do. Survival Horror games always get shunted to the top of the pile because I love them so much, but I'm enjoying Ninja Gaiden and don't want to abandon it. will do my best to avoid the temptation.

I downloaded the demo of NG2 to give it a go - The original Xbox game is one of my favourite games of all time and killing that final boss was a sextastic moment. I must say I can't get along with it at all. Two things bother me - 1) The camera, it a fucking nightmare and it's far worse than the original, how are you finding it in the full proper version? 2) This isn't really a deal breaker but the difference in graphical quality between the characters and the backgrounds is most distracting.
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Right, the Wii thread's off the front 8 pages and the search function's dead so:Just been to ASDA and picked up Smash Brothers Brawl and Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. First time I've ever grabbed TWO games on their launch and I've no idea why - I have a ton of shit to finish what with GTA IV, a load of PSN stuff I grabbed and I've still not finished Lost Winds off WiiWare :/If anyone picked up either of them, post your Friend Codes here and I'll reply with mine. Stupid friend codes :angry:

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Playing Medal of Honour Heroes 2. I've almost completed every mission on campaign (switched off console instead of going back to menu and so lost checkpoint) except Base, but I'm not going through that fucking minefield again.Loving online tohugh, even though I'm shit and morons use bazookas, just play Village over and over.

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Just picked up Smash Brothers. Its my first Smash Bros game and I must admit I don't quite 'get it' yet but for Nostalgia purposes it's rocking my world. Being battered by the Dr Wright from SNES Sim City Asist Trophy was just awesome. Give me a shout if you want to swap friend codes (and inevitably batter me)

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I bin mosely playin' Smash Brothers. It's very, very good. This will contain SPOILERS if there's stuff you haven't unlocked and don't wish to know about.The sheer volume of content is what stands out the most, as well as the absolute truckload of nostalgic easter eggs for any fans of Nintendo and almost any fan of videogames from the past 20 years or so. Wario has 12 costumes, six of which are old school and one of which is made to look exactly like Mario's. One of Luigi's outfits has him dress as Waluigi. Little Mac from the original NES "Punchout!" is an assist trophy amongst numerous other legends. The collectible trophies and stickers are also an excellent touch and I'll be looking to get them all if possible. These, along with demos of Virtual console retro titles and a big list of the Nintendo back catalogue make it a dream package for fans.The soundtrack is amazing too, you'll either recognise the songs or get the ones you don't know stuck in your head immediately. Each stage has two or three songs assigned to it as well, with some of them set up to only play occasionally and catch you by surprise. For instance, the Pokemon stadium stage has the Pokemon theme but every so often it plays the Wild encounter battle music instead. I really need an MP3 of "Final Destination" in particular. Then you've got the stages, each one an amazing tribute to their source material and packed with incidental detail. The Wario Ware one that stops periodically and makes you play a WarioWare Microgame is absolutely ingenious. Liking the new characters so far. Olimar is brilliant. Loved Pikmin and somehow missed him when gawping at the previews, so his inclusion was an excellent surprise and the Pikmin have been very well-implemented. Also, the main theme song for his stage is beautiful. Sonic is superb, as is the adaptation of the Green Hill Zone, it's just a shame he's an absolute bastard to control at times. Oh, and the Pokemon Trainer is fantastic too, three characters in one and they're all complete enough to be separate characters. Pokemon fans will absolutely love this game by the way. Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard and Lucario are all playable and then there must be at least 20 you can get from the randomly appearing Pokeball item. As for Snake, well he's even better than he was in DreamMixTV World Fighters. Was initially disappointed at having to unlock Luigi as he's a big favourite of mine, but he's very easy to get and it didn't take long. He has plenty of nice comedic touches, like his taunts and his embarrassingly poor version of Mario's dragon-punch-esque move that has an uber-damaging surprise if you connect with it right. Speaking of Snake, the sub-space Emmissary story mode is totally insane. A good addition in terms of making the game a more complete package as it provides a fairly meaty adventure mode to offer an alternative to the brawling. It's frustrating at times because some of the enemies are cheap and some of the intricate jumping asks too much of the more limited characters, but it's still well worth a go and again is crammed with allusions to the various games that have provided their characters. The cut scene where Snake is formally introduced is absolutely classic. He's hiding in one of his signature cardboard boxes. Another character lifts it and you see him do a huge exaggerated twitch as an exclamation mark appears over his head and the classic "been spotted" noise from Metal Gear Solid sounds. I actually laughed out loud. Then the following scenes include truly surreal cross-over activity. Link bumps into Yoshi sleeping in the woods, Snake has an encounter with Princess Peach, Bowser invades King DeDeDe's castle. All of it mind-bending but brilliant if you're familiar with these characters. The main brawling is largely unchanged but is as solid and fun as ever. Some of the stages are a bit over the top and force you to fight the stage rather than each other, but aside from that it's the same multiplayer awesomeness you should be used to if you're a fan of the series. The Smash Balls are a fun addition but can sometimes unbalance the fight unfairly if they happen to appear right next to some lucky person. The Final Smash attacks are spectacular and at times hilarious. A great touch is the fact that you can specify exactly which items will and won't appear during your brawls, so if you do have an issue with the Smash balls or some of the other power weapons, you can tinker until you have it how you want it. Oh how Mario Kart needs this option for Spiny Blue Shells.Speaking of customisation, the number of options available is mind-boggling. You can change almost anything you'd care to about the game. Which music plays most often on each stage, what you want playing on the menus, which items will appear, time limits, damage settings, custom game types. Then of course there's a stage-building tool and the fact that you can snap screenshots for uploading and save replays of your matches. Certain chracters are still overpowered (Kirby remains an absolute killing machine and the fact that he's easily damaged doesn't quite outweigh that) and the game is rather unbalanced at times, but Smash brothers is about the only beatemup that can get away with that because of all the other factors that can decide a fight's outcome. If you're playing with friends and they exploit any cheapness you can just give them a slap anyway. I only find that sort of thing to be a problem if there are too many scumbags who exploit it, but since Smash bros' is such a social game you should be playing it with friends and put gentleman's agreements in place to counteract that. If you're into Smash Brothers then you're already getting this. If not, I'd still recommend it to all but those who hate the series or don't have regular oppurtunities to play it in multiplayer and show off all the stuff you've unlocked.

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The soundtrack is amazing too, you'll either recognise the songs or get the ones you don't know stuck in your head immediately. Each stage has two or three songs assigned to it as well, with some of them set up to only play occasionally and catch you by surprise. For instance, the Pokemon stadium stage has the Pokemon theme but every so often it plays the Wild encounter battle music instead. I really need an MP3 of "Final Destination" in particular. Then you've got the stages, each one an amazing tribute to their source material and packed with incidental detail. The Wario Ware one that stops periodically and makes you play a WarioWare Microgame is absolutely ingenious.

Yup the Wario Ware level is awesome. I don't like the bigger stages because it starts to get stretched when players get too far apart. Maybe I just need a bigger Tv.

The main brawling is largely unchanged but is as solid and fun as ever. Some of the stages are a bit over the top and force you to fight the stage rather than each other, but aside from that it's the same multiplayer awesomeness you should be used to if you're a fan of the series. The Smash Balls are a fun addition but can sometimes unbalance the fight unfairly if they happen to appear right next to some lucky person. The Final Smash attacks are spectacular and at times hilarious. A great touch is the fact that you can specify exactly which items will and won't appear during your brawls, so if you do have an issue with the Smash balls or some of the other power weapons, you can tinker until you have it how you want it. Oh how Mario Kart needs this option for Spiny Blue Shells.

God damn I hate those blue shells. It's not like they even help the person who fired them anyway.
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I can count on one hand the number of times a blue shell has helped me when I've fired it. And that's only on the small levels and the pack is quite close, you drop back slightly, fire the shell, and put the speed back on, everyone barrels right into it and you fly by to pick up the win. But even then you run the risk of misjudging it and someone passing by it, or even worse, it hitting them after they pass the finish line.

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They're like yellow fruit pastilles. A lot of people hate them, some people tolerate them, few would argue against their removal and even fewer claim to really enjoy them, and yet the makers persist with their inclusion. Citrusy analogies are the best kind in my view.

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I'm eating a green one... right... NOW! Yum.EDIT: the last one in the pack is a yellow! Son of a bitch.

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