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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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Has Al Snow trained any wrestlers who have gone on to become well-known?I know of the Blue Meanie but wondered if there have been any others.

I know he trained UFC Champion and NWA Champ Dan Severn.
Intercontinental Champion Johnny Nitro, plus any of the Tough Enough kids.
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Is the NWA the oldest wrestling alliance in the world? I ask this because I'm sure there is another one that is slightly older, I just can't remember what.

I think NWA officially started in 1948. CMLL in Mexico goes back to the early 1930s.That reminds me - how do CMLL place the importance of the longer-running NWA belts and their own CMLL belts in their federation? Edited by shinyahashimoto
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Last night I watched the Manchurian Candidate (Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep) on Sky and there was a scene in Times Square NYC where they enter the campain headquarters which is located directly opposite ESPN Sports Zone. If my memory serves me well isn't that the sight of WWE New York. Can anyone confirm for me that it was the old WWE new York building that was used in this scene. Not sure why I need to know but it would be nice if anyone knows if they have seen the film.Also what is this building used for know ? Last time I was in New York (for WM 20) the building was closed down but the billboards were still being used for WWE advertising.

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Last night, I caught a bit of a NOAH match on The Wrestling Channel at about 5 AM. The two competitors were exchanging a series of chops for a number of minutes and the crowd was going absolutely wild for it. One of the wrestlers wore black trunks and the other was in blue and white. Can anyone provide more details on the match and who they are?

Edited by Van_Dammer
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