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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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Guest questy

this is my ultimate question and if someone answers it i will love them forever,there was a guy that did a a few run ins round aabout 91 92 i think and he did one in a royal rumble about the same time he had a mask on and a top with beads on it i think but then he disapeard shortly after the rumble and there was no metion of him or why he did some run ins,its always something i wanted to know it will complete me!

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this is my ultimate question and if someone answers it i will love them forever,there was a guy that did a a few run ins round aabout 91 92 i think and he did one in a royal rumble about the same time he had a mask on and a top with beads on it i think but then he disapeard shortly after the rumble and there was no metion of him or why he did some run ins,its always something i wanted to know it will complete me!

Brutus Beefacke did some shots under a mask on Superstars in that era. He laid out Earthquake and Slaughter to name 2. Could it be him?
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Are there any wrestlers left in WWE who call a match in the ring, as a recent magazine article I read claims that almost all WWE matches are choreographed move-for-move nowadays? Any specifics would be appreciated. Thanks.

That's probably true for TV matches, as things are so heavily scripted and have to be very precisely timed. On the road, guys are being encouraged to call matches on the fly more and more as it teaches them how to adapt, how to listen to the crowd, and how to cope with the unexpected. I remember Randy Orton and someone (Shelton Benjamin?) getting high praise for a completely unscripted match a while back which, for two guys with very little experience, is pretty awesome.
Funnily enough, I'm 90% certain it was Randy Orton and Maven that did the unscripted match. They let Maven go soon after :/
I thought they just though of it themselves backstage, rather than have a road agent tell them. or maybe i read the report wron,g or maybe I'm thinking of the wrong match
From what Ive heard, the road agents put the match together alongside the wrestlers involved (Im guessing the more experience they have, the more they're allowed to suggest & plan themselves), but things often go wrong in the ring. An important spot can mess up, and the wrestlers will have to improvise something new on the fly (or some make the misake of going back to the botched spot), or certain things might get forgotten about in the heat of the match (I honestly dont think I could plan & remember what would basicaly be a tight 15 minutes spot). That said, Im guessing some section of the match are just generaly planned, like say 3-4 minutes of matwork (although I have heard of people who plan down to the wristlocks and hammerlock reversals) and the more experienced wrestlers probably just have the rough structure & story of the match planned, and the rest just comes naturaly.
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Guest questy

Brutus Beefacke did some shots under a mask on Superstars in that era. He laid out Earthquake and Slaughter to name 2. Could it be him?

it could of been,did they mention that? did he continue doing it or was it jus a random thing he jus dissapeard.
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Guest Ray Vonne

How much longer are Takeshi Morhishima & Mohammed Yone over here for?

Edited by Ray Vonne
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Guest Ray Vonne

I suspect all that extra flesh which people may call fat is infact pure muscle in a less toned form.

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How do Sumo wrestlers try to maintain their health at such large size? I realize that my question isn't related to professional wrestling, but Sumo is a form of wrestling nonetheless...

They don't really...Sumo wrestlers are renowned for having early deaths.
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Brutus Beefacke did some shots under a mask on Superstars in that era. He laid out Earthquake and Slaughter to name 2. Could it be him?

it could of been,did they mention that? did he continue doing it or was it jus a random thing he jus dissapeard.
It was Beefcake. I don't think they ever named him, but the character has gone on to be referred to as Furface. I think they realised that Beefcake hadn't healed well enough from his facial injury, and dropped it...

How much longer are Takeshi Morhishima & Mohammed Yone over here for?

I do believe tonight's IPW-UK show was their last shot. SUWA and Ricky Marvin are rumoured to be the next two coming over, with former GHC Jnr Heavyweight tag champions to follow later this year...

Some guy did have a heart attack after either Big Daddy or Giant Haystacks splashed him.

Mal "King Kong" Kirk. Do a google search or go over to 1Stopwrestling for more...
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Hello everyone. I never saw any WCW (not even any clips) and was wondering if anyone could tell me what there best period was and where to buy tapes of the era?

Edited by Josh D
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Once they got over their copying the WWF era and before the Hogan era started, which was about 1992-1994, WCW was great. I've got Spring Stampede 1994 (unfortunately with German commentary) and that's one of the best ppv's I've ever seen. Then there was the prime of the NWO era which was also very good, they had good storylines and big names in the top matches, which weren't usually any good but still, they were big matches, and they had lots of good wrestlers underneath too. 1996 to 1998 when it all started to fall apart are what you're looking for.Alas it's pretty hard to find WCW tapes, all the traders don't seem to do them anymore, I got loads from a guy cleaning out his house off ebay.Also, Starrcade 1995. Top notch show. I got it on a double tape with halloween havoc 1995, which was also good.

Edited by Larryboy
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