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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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Big masked guy. Should have mentioned that. Looked pretty generic as I recall just tights and plain black mask.

Is this the guy?2000015t001.jpgHe was billed as The Machine. It was probably Emory Hale under the mask.He fought DDP on the Feb 2nd 2000 edition of Thunder, but according to the reports, he lost via Diamond Cutter in 3:59 and was never heard of again.
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Big masked guy. Should have mentioned that. Looked pretty generic as I recall just tights and plain black mask.

I remember exactly who you're talking about. A quick check reveals they called him The Machine.I don't remember seeing any promos or hype videos for him whatsoever, so when he turned up on Thunder and the announcers made a pretty big deal about him I was slightly taken back. Then 5 minutes later he jobbed cleanly to DDP was never even heard from again. :duh:
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On the surfboard issue - number one, intention is not necessary for a pinfall. In amateur wrestling the WHOLE point of the game is to stay off your back. In Lancashire style, as soon as either man goes to his back, the get stood up. A wrestler should NEVER allow his back to be to the mat. Secondly, if intention is going to be an issue for you, do German suplex double pins bother you?

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In Lancashire style, as soon as either man goes to his back, the get stood up.

Unless they're in a hold.

if intention is going to be an issue for you, do German suplex double pins bother you?

Somewhat, yeah - though they don't particuarly irritate me.The thing with the Romero special is that it's a hella cool move that's being ruined because referees have started to count down shoulders all of a sudden, thereby forcing the person applying the move to have to break the hold or risk being pinned.With this apparent shift in refereeing, what's the point of even using the move any more? For two seconds of pain? Heck, Tajiri can hold the Tarantula for a count of four before DQ and it's an entirely illegal hold.
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Which WWE show did the "two" chants for near falls start at? I recall it being in Canada, but I can't remember where/when.

I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean fans at the front shouting "two!"/jumping up with 2 fingers like the ref does when he counts to two? If so, I've seen this on Nitro before from '98.
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It really took in Canada though at a WWE PPV some time. It was 2003 cos they were doing it during the Hunter/Steiner match loads. In fact they were doing it all night there :D Was great.

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