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You're both probably aware of this, but just to make sure:


Alternative episodes of Dragon Gate Infinity are condensed re-airings of PPVs from about four months previously. There's only one of the two monthly Infinity TV shows is made up of new material.


I think there's still a 'B' show, but I forget what it's called, and that really is impossible to get hold of - even for Jae, apparently.

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Right, so I'm up in the small hours doing pointless things again. Following the labelling or at least identifying of every one of my obscene number of unlabelled tapes over the past week and a bit, I have now finished cataloguing my DragonGate collection and have identified what needs to be done in order to catch up.What needs to be done in order to get to where I want to be (March 06) is an order made up of 15 shows. :cry: But I will do it. I'll need some kind of multibuy or discount offer, but this will get done. The PuroDVD "Buy 6 get 5 free" offer might work for me, but if anyone else has any suggestions I'm all ears. Or eyes in this case.For prospective shillers, the shows I be needing are as follows:Infinity 25 (9th August 05) Infinity 27September PPV (7/9/05)Infinity 28October PPV (5/10/05)Infinity 30November PPV (2/11/05)Infinity 33DragonGate LIVE on Gaora TV (25/12/05)December king of gate finals PPV (27/12/05)Infinity 35 - 26/1/06Infinity 37 - 23/2/06February PPV - 24/2/06Infinity 39 - 16/3/06March PPV - 17/3/06I actually have the August PPV but as I'm so far behind anyway I want to watch in order and thus need Infinity #25 to fill in the gap. I know that PuroDVD.com has all of those shows but I get the impression from posts on RIM that Niall has vanished. So, anyone else want to hook me up at low low prices?With that out of the way, I still have a couple of things I can watch now, starting with the June Battle Junction PPV, Susumu/TAKA, the CIMA/MA-G-MA confrontation, Shingo vs Naoki...a tasty line up indeed. Review to follow. DG~! Being even further behind than ever````

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Well, I'm further behind than you... >thumbs nose<


Apart from a couple of FloBros matches, I haven't seen anything from 2005 yet. :( I feel a sneaky "don't-tell-the-missus" bulk order coming on...

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Infinity 35 - 26/1/06Infinity 37 - 23/2/06February PPV - 24/2/06Infinity 39 - 16/3/06March PPV - 17/3/06

I need this lot plus the January PPV myself... Morty, you up to speed following your move yet?

With that out of the way, I still have a couple of things I can watch now, starting with the June Battle Junction PPV, Susumu/TAKA, the CIMA/MA-G-MA confrontation, Shingo vs Naoki...a tasty line up indeed. Review to follow.

The main event 'stuff' of that show is awesome, and Shingo vs Naoki is hella good, too. Your reviews rock - please catch up soon.
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For prospective shillers, the shows I be needing are as follows:Infinity 25 (9th August 05) Infinity 27September PPV (7/9/05)Infinity 28October PPV (5/10/05)Infinity 30November PPV (2/11/05)Infinity 33DragonGate LIVE on Gaora TV (25/12/05)December king of gate finals PPV (27/12/05)Infinity 35 - 26/1/06Infinity 37 - 23/2/06February PPV - 24/2/06Infinity 39 - 16/3/06March PPV - 17/3/06

I have everything up to the February PPV, and as soon as I re-establish contact with my Japanese friend (moved house, which is the uber-pain) I'll be getting the new ones too. I'll do you a nice cheap deal for the lot of them- I'll have to check which ones are double DVDs but it looks like 22 discs, which I can do you for
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June 2005 Battle Junction PPV


Masaaki Mochizuki, K-ness, Kenichiro Arai vs. Don Fujii, Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino


A somewhat standard six man affair, though given the events later in the show I can see why they didn't want to go too nuts from the start. Nothing much to say, you've seen many of these on the TV episodes and on lower card PPV matches: good, watchable, forgettable. Oh, for some reason the main thing I noted was that Yoshino is really good at convincing near falls when he's the one in the winning position. Random observation I know.


Florida Brothers vs Stalker Ishikawa


Heh, they wrestle each other for a bit as stalker desperately tries to get involved. :)

The FloBro thing works better when at least someone on the opposing team is usually a more straight laced character, but the point of this one was to introduce Jackson Florida. I much preferred the idea of them calling him Sign Guy Florida and think they should have stuck with that name, but whaddya gonna do? The baguette of doom sees some action, always good to see. I know its months away on my viewing schedule but seeing this old trademark weapon busted out makes me hope that there was some BLUE BOX~! action at that M2K reunion show in March.


Naoki Tanisaki vs Shingo Takagi


Wow, didn't see the ending coming at all. Shingo is all kinds of dominant and uber-impressive here as he takes on the underdog who likes to think he's a big dog, but he ultimately succumbs to the biting dog. Woof.


Yeah, good match with a genuinely gobsmacking upset victory with the MMA-esque finish of "holy crap just like that he's in a choke and its over!" I really do like the intense rivalry between these two and I think these tasters are just what's needed to keep it interesting. Great win for Naoki too.



Tozawa vs Katsuhiko Nakajima


Taking on a babyfaced teenager and still being the rookie outsider, this was the life of Tozawa. Good solid little match with Nakajima again impressing as he leads the still pretty green Tozawa through an enjoyable contest. Tozawa is getting the hang of this spirited fiery thing , Nakajima still specialises in kicking people and hitting his beautiful German suplex whislt remaining endearingly humble. Oh, and that roundhouse kick to Tozawa as he's perched on the top rope is bloody brilliant and received a couple of rewinds.


Magnum TOKYO, Anthony W. Mori, BxB Hulk vs. Ryo Saito, Dragon Kid, Genki Horiguchi


Nooooo.. Pos.HEarts dance time.:(


Hulk does backflips and generally loves the whole thing, Magnum makes the display marginally cooler and there's no Super Shisa gaying it up. So not as bad as the regular dance, but Antony still looks like a total eejit.


This match is very good by the way. Starting to forget that Hulk is still so inexperienced as he continues to grow in confidence. You can see that he's learning to use his flippiness to better effect now as part of comebacks or adrenaline rushes of offence rather than just trying to fit in all his pretty moves. They are awfully pretty mind, that dropkick backflip is lovely. You know what else is lovely? Ryo and Genki's silky smooth double team routines. They're rivalling K-nessuka and YASSHI/Kondo for tag team fluidity and coordination these days.


There's a great mini-plot here with the DF members wanting a piece of Magu and absolutely kicking the snot out of him when they get the chance, but the best bit of the match is provided by.. well.. it's an "I'm Genki Horiguchi, bitch" moment. :D


Hulk is all "RAAAR, slap slap slap slap slap slap slap". Genki is all, "slap slap slap slap slap". Hulk is all "RAAAAAARRRRRRGHRAAARRGH slap slap slap slap slap slap. Then Genki is all




I'm Genki Horiguchi, bitch.


Seriously, make that t shirt and I will buy one for every day of the week. I laughed so loud when he dropped Hulk with the big slap, best moment of the show, Genki is better than all of us.


Interval: TAKA Michinoku vs Hi69


This is like watching a classic movie on a 6 inch black and white TV with ropey sound. The epic action is there, the drama is there, the passion is there, the setting and medium most certainly are not. These two murder each other, they fight to two double knock out decisions and the crowd just politely applauds every now and then. Put this in front of a hot crowd in a bigger arena and I'm certain it would be something great. That said, it is joined in progress and I wholeheartedly retract my statement if they'd already been going at it for 20 minutes and had burned out the crowd or bored them into a stupor.


Open the Dream Gate #1 Contender Match: TAKA Michinoku vs. Susumu Yokosuka


Damn I wish I didn't know the result of this. Everyone wants Susumu to win, I want Susumu to win even though I know he doesn't, he's just that good.


TAKA's entrance is pretty kewl.


The match is good but not as good as it could be. Even though it would undoubtedly be much better to watch without knowing the result it doesn't reach the heights of the greatest big DG singles matches and that's a bit of a shame. Still, it has Susumu destroying someone's leg (which never gets old), Susumu is given some decent near falls and it has a decent and fairly dramatic submission finish (Dick Killer~).


My main gripe is that I think TAKA could have made more of an effort if I'm honest. He doesn't seem all that interested even when he's supposedly in danger of losing and it kind of kills the tension a bit. I know he's cocky and arrogant but he needed to show a little vulnerability here, and unfortunately the only time he really changes expression is at the end as he tries to put Susumu away. He had to look strong going into his match with Mochi but, y'know, he's a fairly big name, he holds and has held many a title, he beat Susumu and Susumu is perfectly capable of making someone look fantastic even if the match seems fairly close. These could just be the ramblings of a biased Susumu fan though.


7. CIMA vs. "Big Boss" MA-G-MA




8. CIMA, Don Fuji, Masato Yoshino, Magnitude Kishiwada, Naruki Doi, Shingo Takagi vs. Ryo Saito, Dragon Kid, Genki Horiguchi, Anthony W. Mori, BxB Hulk, Naoki Tanisaki


Oh this swerve was done in some style. The crowd is enraged, outstanding stuff. I like that referee violence still has a good impact in DG because they use it so sparingly. So Magnitute Kishiwada is born, BloodGen look absolutely invincible and your main event is cancelled. But wait, here come the babyface squad with a big truckload of FIRE!


Yes yes, chaotic angry brawling all over the arena and a red hot crowd, reminiscent of the Aagan days. There's not much of a match to speak of and the crowd rarely respond to what's actually going on in the ring when random wrestlers happen to end up there. This is all about the furious rage and is a cracking way to end the show and kickstart a new all out DG war.


One of my favourite things about this is that Dragon Kid gets pissed off. I fucking love it when he gets wound up, he's amazingly good at it but it happens so rarely that it still provides some shock value when he thesz presses Doi and punches the hell out of him. It take four members of BloodGen to tear him off. Tremendous. For all the criticism of Kid for his often formulaic multiman antics, you give him a reason to be angry and he can be magic, witness the Darkness Dragon feud for proof.


Yoshino really is an absolute prick by this point, kudos to him for shedding the clean cut persona so quickly and so completely. Magnitude doesn't give anyone anything, which is fair enough as this is his big day and all. They use Hulk as the perfect fodder for him and the big man polishes him off with ease.


Post match there are heated discussions, matches are made and fighting sporadically breaks out. The whole situation constantly looks set to erupt and I'm pretty much sold on this BloodGen vs Pos.-Fixer thing. Angry heated faction warfare is what it's all about, and this is how you go about creating it.




A good show. The first two matches are watchable but missable, Naoki/Shingo is a great little match, Tozawa/Nakajima is short and sweet, the DF/PH six man is very good, with Hulk really coming into his own.


Susumu/TAKA. I guess I need to clarify a position on this. It's a good match, but my sentiments of disappointment stem from the fact that Susumu in big singles matches is better than good and this could have been something special.


The madness that follows is frantic, exciting and well worth your time. Magnitute Kishiwada arrives, the real Blood Generation reveals itself and everyone else lets them know how they feel abut it with explosive results.

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You're both probably aware of this, but just to make sure:Alternative episodes of Dragon Gate Infinity are condensed re-airings of PPVs from about four months previously. There's only one of the two monthly Infinity TV shows is made up of new material.I think there's still a 'B' show, but I forget what it's called, and that really is impossible to get hold of - even for Jae, apparently.

I'm afraid I'll need a bit more clarification, because I had initially stopped viewing at Infinity 11, and had to order 13 and 15 from SiMania. Between 13 and 15, there was the Brave Gate PPV, which I didn't get to see - I merely saw the run-up, and, on the next episode, the eventual champion. :( I'd really wanted to see the event itself.
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OK. They nearly always have two monthly Infinity TV shows. One is a recap of matches and angles from the current tour - this is the 'main' show, the one you probably want - and one is an edited re-airing of a four-month-old PPV.


They also run one new monthly PPV, which airs near-live and I think unedited. These are not called Infinity - usually it's Battle Junction. These you also want.


The 'B' TV show is or was called Door to Dragon. I'm not sure if it still exists and it was always impossible to get hold of anyway. But they apparently cover everything important on Infinity, so I suggest just forgetting about this show. I did.


Anyway. Infinities #11, #13 and #15 were first-run shows. You do not need #12 and #14. However, you did miss the Brave Gate PPV, so you still need to track that down. Now since that show was a while ago, you could choose to get whichever later Infinity re-aired it instead, but the only reason I can think of for a guy in the UK to do so is is to save a couple of quid - because the PPV reruns are edited to fit into the 2-hour Infinity TV slot, they fit on one DVD instead of two. Usually the editing is mainly the entrances and announcements and such - the matches themselves aren't clipped all that much - but the Brave Gate show had about ten matches on it, so I would expect a bit more clipping for that one.


Personally, I get the new TVs and the first-run PPVs because it keeps me vaguely up to date and it's a hell of a lot easier to work out what you're getting!


Beware - occasionally they do back-to-back TVs or back-to-back PPVs, and that throws the numbering out of whack (it used to be all the odd numbers that were the first-run shows, then it was all even, now I think it's odd again). It's always worth checking the dates of the matches on each show before ordering.

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Right, so I'm up in the small hours doing pointless things again. Following the labelling or at least identifying of every one of my obscene number of unlabelled tapes over the past week and a bit, I have now finished cataloguing my DragonGate collection and have identified what needs to be done in order to catch up.What needs to be done in order to get to where I want to be (March 06) is an order made up of 15 shows. :cry: But I will do it. I'll need some kind of multibuy or discount offer, but this will get done. The PuroDVD "Buy 6 get 5 free" offer might work for me, but if anyone else has any suggestions I'm all ears. Or eyes in this case.For prospective shillers, the shows I be needing are as follows:Infinity 25 (9th August 05) Infinity 27September PPV (7/9/05)Infinity 28October PPV (5/10/05)Infinity 30November PPV (2/11/05)Infinity 33DragonGate LIVE on Gaora TV (25/12/05)December king of gate finals PPV (27/12/05)Infinity 35 - 26/1/06Infinity 37 - 23/2/06February PPV - 24/2/06Infinity 39 - 16/3/06March PPV - 17/3/06I actually have the August PPV but as I'm so far behind anyway I want to watch in order and thus need Infinity #25 to fill in the gap. I know that PuroDVD.com has all of those shows but I get the impression from posts on RIM that Niall has vanished. So, anyone else want to hook me up at low low prices?With that out of the way, I still have a couple of things I can watch now, starting with the June Battle Junction PPV, Susumu/TAKA, the CIMA/MA-G-MA confrontation, Shingo vs Naoki...a tasty line up indeed. Review to follow. DG~! Being even further behind than ever````

I have this coming my way very soon DG #33DG #35DG #37DG #39DG 03/17/2006 PPVDG 1/27/2006 PPV DG 12/27/2005 PPV King of Gate Semi's and Finals!DG 2/24/2006 And all the others you need are here
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I've already agreed a deal for the big catch up order. I'll definitely keep that in mind for future updates though, I didn't actuallyknow about that site, did wonder why the simania.co.uk site was so out of date.


In other news, El Dorado (dragondoor take 2 essentially) had their debut today, much of the same talent as dragondoor as expected, Toryumon X graduates and T2P/DG outcasts. Also yet more new gimmicks and a formal Aagan reunion. :D


Aagan Iisou formally reunited after the main event. YASSHI and Owashi called the other 3 into the ring afterward the match. YASSHI said that they trained and studied in other groups, apart from each other for over a year now, and that they should unite again.


Kawabata has big plans this time around, his aim is for all the main participants to be exclusive and for El Dorado to be a full time promotion. He also formally cut ties with Ultimo Dragon and his influence, a la DragonGate.


All news and results from http://dragongate.puroresufan.com of course.


1. El Blazer{W}, Milanito Collection a.t. (9:56 Reverse Firebird Splash) Shu Sato, Kei Sato{L}

2. Mango Fukuda (4:31 Final Flash) King Pogota

3. Manjimaru (11:20 Manjiotoshi) Mototsugu Shimizu

4. Takuya Sugawara, Kagetora{W} (14:41 Ikkitousen) Touru Owashi, Shogo Jet Takagi{L}

5. Shuji Kondo{W}, brother YASSHI, Pineapple Hanai (27:06 King Kong Lariat) Taiji Ishimori, Kota Iibushi, JKO{L}


JKO = Jumping Kid Okimoto = Rasse = Small Dandy Fuji

El Blazer = Yoshitsune = Little Dragon = Takuya Sugi

Manjimaru = Maguro Ooma. His finisher is a Cross-Arm Michinoku Driver 2

King Pagota = Masa Takanashi of DDT fame


Yet another gimmick for Mini-CIMA/Little Dragon/Shanao/Yoshitsune.


Kagetora (SUWAcito, definitely one of the better X graduates imo)/Sugawara sounds like a fun team, though the Aagan reunion will probably make it a one off. Maguro Ooma/Manjimaru is Manabu Murakami, the thong wearing Toryumon X guy, don't know what he's wearing these days but I'm fairly sure I read that the thong was Ultimo's idea.


If Kawabata has his way, does that mean he wants to pull YASSHI and Kondo out of All Japan? I'm wondering if he has the pull to do that. If he does it'd be a shame to break up the Voodoo Murders even for an Aagan revival.


Anyway, the card doesn't look too special but I might pick it up anyway for the last two matches. As for El Dorado, I'll wait and see if it does better than dragondoor before I get behind it, but if the plans to make it full time and have exclusive roster members are successful then best of the luck to them.

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I'm fairly sure I read that the thong was Ultimo's idea.

Jesus, no wonder they've disowned him. 'You three can be gay popstars, you three can pretend to be cars, the rest of you can all be midgets, except for... hmm... YOU. YOU get to wear the THONG~!'

If Kawabata has his way, does that mean he wants to pull YASSHI and Kondo out of All Japan? I'm wondering if he has the pull to do that.

Oh good lord no he doesn't. Even if he did, Kondo's the junior champ and they're just about to run a junior tag league which will no doubt feature YASSHI and Kondo heavily. If he has any sense he'll try to get YASSHI and Kondo to twist someone's arm into letting him submit an El Dorado team for the league, but even that might be wishful thinking. (Sorry, scratch that, I've just read one of PUNQ's reviews that mentioned the league being announced, but forgot that the show aired three months ago! The league's over by now. Oh well. Nice idea anyway.)
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01 May 2006 Dragon Gate - Monthly PPVs' Over? - Comments - 5 Looks like the monthly PPV broadcasts are over for the time being. Both 5/10 Korakuen and 6/16 Korakuen are a part of the normal Infinity broadcasts. I would imagine World will be a PPV, but beyond that, it isn't clear.

Quite a development. They'll certainly have more of a big event feel to them if there aren't twelve in a year, and I'm assuming they'll have an added number of new Infinity Episodes that aren't highlight shows to compensate. I generally thought they'd pulled off the monthly events pretty well though, most of the shows had at least a couple of good matches and most had a great stand out match too. Plus they made DG a lot more digestible for most people who don't bother getting every show that's released. Thoughts on this?Also, most of the July PPV! July PPV - DG first anniversaryWow, absolutely stacked card here, which probably explains the three discs. Kobe World Hall looks more impressive than usual, they made quite an effort with the set, lighting, smoke effects and entrance videos. BxB Hulk, Super Shisa, Antony W Mori vs K-Ness, Araken and Susumu YokosukaReally fun opener this, better than most six man opening efforts. The FM2K double and triple teams are excellent, Hulk takes a prolonged man sized kicking and everyone is generally on form. Shisa tends to excel when he can perform in short bursts like this and the fact that he wasn't on the last show at all makes his act seem a little fresher than usual. He's even improved his efforts in the Pos.Hearts dance and actually seems to know the routine now, even if he still can't actually dance. From the routine down to performance in matches though, it seems like BxB Hulk is the real leader of this unit. Even though he tends to take a lot of punishment in matches he always comes accross as their star with the named leader, Antony, seeming more like a bit part player. Susumu is involved in most of the best stuff that happens, including the frantic finishing sequence that sees Hulk kick out of a face destroying Jumbo No Kachi! only to fall to the Yokosuka cutter. Fine start to the show.El Hijo del Iwasa and Mishi Mascaras vs Johnson Florida and Jackson FloridaThe on the shoulders stuff, mask swapping and the CZW-esque highspot finish were all pretty funny. Who is under the mask of Jackson Florida? Am I missing something obvious here? Anyway, the usual FloBro fare with added lucha libre legend twists and a whole lot of bread. Fun. Yuji Hino and Super X vs Masato Yoshino and Shingo TakagiYuji Hino should not be asked to carry the offence again. Watching him deliver stomp after stomp when in control was not fun, though he did bust out some nice suplexes and slams later on. Super X had some impressive kicky stuff in his arsenal and they were both reasonably solid if far from spectacular. Is Super X Japanese? I may just have been thrown by the blond hair and TAKA-esque ultra pale skin but he looked like he could be a westerner. Oh, the chop exchanges were good. Shingo and Yoshino were infinitely more classy than their opponents, but then you'd expect that as Yoshino has a few years under his belt now and Shingo has looked like a natural since the first few months. I didn't think the K-Dojo guys were bad, but they were very average compared to most DG guys and to their own promotion's Asahi and Oishi. Still, a perfectly fine tag match with the K-Dojo guys at least bringing a bit of variety and freshness. Post-match the BloodGen cockiness leads to scuffles. Again, Yoshino is a prick. Naoki Tanisaki vs Magnitude KishiwadaFunky entrance from Naoki, who has the crowd 100% behind him in his quest to take down the big man. Pretty good match, not nearly as much of a squash as I expected despite Naoki's defeat seeming pretty inevitable. Kishiwada showed off much of his usual offence and surprising agility, generally looking impressive. A problem he has is that his physique looks much less impressive when his trousers fall down slightly and allow his gut to hang out. The problem isn't this in itself but the fact that he knows it and keeps pulling his pants up at all times, even when he's selling a big move and is supposed to be groggy. I hate it when masked wrestlers do it and this is just as bad. Seems like a minor thing to harp on about I'll admit, but when he's been flattened on the outside by a big dive from Naoki it really kills the effect to see him frantically adjusting his pants. Still, suitably impressive competitive debut for the 'Tude (trying it out, I thought "The Kish" might work too) and a spirited performance from Naoki, who surely won a good few extra fans with this effort. Magnum TOKYO and Genichiro Tenryu vs Kensuke Sasaki and Katsuhiko NakajimaSchpeshul tag match! A whole lot of fun to be had here, starting with Tenryu's priceless expression as he watches TOKYO's entrance dance. Nakajima takes it to Tenryu and they angrily throw chairs~! Tenryu and Sasaki pound the crap out of each other~! Tenryu encourages Magu to show some balls~! Kensuke climbs up to the top then painfully jumps onto his head~! Actually, scratch the last tilde. But yeah, a really entertaining spectacle, I liked it a lot. Just got the two big matches left to watch, looking forward to the six man tag lots.
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I would guess that the reduction in PPVs is connected to the return to larger arenas. If they can make more money from tours and don't need to bang out a PPV every month, then they can concentrate on building better angles for the PPVs they do run and hopefully draw a bigger live gate, too.Of course, this is all dependent on them actually booking solid angles. Not really their strong point lately. :/

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This thread has been dead for over a month, but now it lives again!


So, in June 2006, I finally finish watching the July 2005 show. :(




A big big order of funky brown coppery purple TUFF DISCS~! has arrived, and I am now DGed up to March of this year. Huzzah!


I need to get a fair amount watched by Friday methinks, as I plan to take in as much of the World cup as humanly possible, but other than that there's a lot of summer late night watching to be done.




July 2005 PPV (continued)


Open the triangle gate: CIMA/Don Fuji/Naruki Doi vs Ryo Saito/Dragon Kid/Genki Horiguchi


This is quite possibly the perfect 30 minute six man tag match. Even by DG's high standards, this is really something special. Haven't seen anything as good since ItaConne vs CMAX and Aagan vs Everyone, and I'm not even sure if any of those matches were significantly better than this.


Everything works in this match. There is drama and emotion, escalating tension as the crowd realises how much of a threat BG pose to M2K's reign, Genki taking a beating that rivals some of his best, some amazingly ambitious new spots busted out at a time when botching doesn't bear thinking about and a closing stretch to rival the very best in the promotion's history. The final, impromptu H-A-G-E chant as CIMA desperately tries to finish off Genki is as real as it gets.


Then you've got Ryo at the end, looking utterly devastated. Drained, broken, shocked, you feel so badly for him that when CIMA comes over to rub it in his face you want to see Ryo beat him severely, and you know you'll love it when he gets a chance to do so in future.


Awesome, just awesome.


Open the dream gate: Masaaki Mochizuki vs TAKA Michinoku


A complete change of pace from the previous match, which benefits it greatly. Quite a slow, methodical affair with TAKA destroying Mochi's leg and the two trading submission attempts for most of the match, broken up with some intermittent high points. I liked it. Not as exciting as the best ODG title matches, but a solid main event with a popular finish. I'm glad they didn't go for an overly explosive finisher-tastic match as it would have paled in comparison to the previous match no matter what they did. I have to say, TAKA didn't really look like winning it for most of the match, save for a prolonged application of the Dick Killer that had the crowd a little concerned, and generally Mochi looked comfortably like the stronger of the two. So it did its job in that respect as well.


It seemed that this match mainly served to tie up the TAKA loose ends and allow the promotion to focus more on Blood Generation, as highlighted by the fact that the six man seemed more like the main event than this. But still, a fine end to a very good pay per view.


The Magu/Tenryu tag match, the main event and Naoki vs MA-G-MA are worth a recommendation. The six man tag is absolutely essential.

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Morty is currently using brown Tuff Discs. I got DG from Morty last week. Morty told me he didn't have DG past February.hnnnnnNNNNNNNN :angry:So far I've watched the January TV, which wasn't good, and the first half of the January PPV, which was OK but very throwaway in terms of the matchmaking. The more lacklustre Korakuen PPVs like this I see, the more I think the move away from monthly PPVs will benefit them.World is looking pretty good so far:7/2/2006 Hyogo, Kobe World Hall-Open the Dream Gate: Susumu Yokosuka vs. Dragon Kid-CIMA vs. Magnitude Kishiwada-Akira Tozawa, Taku Iwasa vs. K-ness, Keni'chiro Arai-Revolution Special MatchMagnum TOKYO, Geni'chiro Tenryu vs. Masaaki Mochizuki, Minoru Suzuki- BxB Hulk vs 'Important Mexican X'I cannot WAIT to see Suzuki no-selling Magu's strikes and smirking back in his face. I love that man. :)

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