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FWA Sign TV Deal with TWC


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How in the hell has this killed british wrestling? Surely a boost would be for all feds to be on tv, and it has to start with ONE!!!Other networks will see how popular FWA on TWC is becoming and may think about snapping up another fed. Perhaps the Hammerlock tv deal could finally go through because of this. There really is no pleasing any of you dickheads, is there? I boost for wrestling has to start somewhere, and this is it.Best british wrestling news in years :D

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Guest Dave Pick

How in the hell has this killed british wrestling? Surely a boost would be for all feds to be on tv, and it has to start with ONE!!!Other networks will see how popular FWA on TWC is becoming and may think about snapping up another fed. Perhaps the Hammerlock tv deal could finally go through because of this. There really is no pleasing any of you dickheads, is there? I boost for wrestling has to start somewhere, and this is it.Best british wrestling news in years :D

Other stations don't care about wrestling. The only ones who consider it are Bravo - and after Revival they just seemed to stop caring. Believe me, a TV channel which runs next to "The Golf Channel" is not gonna make people want to show more British wrestling on their TV stations. The channel will be pretty much dedicated to the hardcore fans. Hell, since The Racing Channel has gotten a little bigger, I've noticed less racing on Channel 4 and such. And you don't exactly see sports channels jumping over themselves to get more golf on their TV screeens because The Golf Channel had a tournament on which was pro shot with four cameras and commentary, do you?It'll be five years until another fed gets on TV. And there's a difference between starting with one which was all well and good - congratulations to FWA for being the only promotion in the country to get a TV deal, and going five years with one.
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A positive thing coming out of this for a British wrestling fan is that, more promotions will put on a much more effort into upgrading there shows, production wise and everything else that the FWA has that can get them on TV (eg, Screens, Ramps and all the rest of that shite). More promotions will probably go out there every week/month whatever it is to put on the best show they can put on, so they can at least have a a chance.More competition = more entertaining shows.

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Just got in from work. Have got up to date and read the thread, but I can't be arsed going back 6 pages and replying to all the different posts that I disagree with, so all I will say is this.


I stand by everything I have said last night. Some agreed with me (including a rival promoter, Gary, of WZW) and some disagreed with me.


The only thing I question is the length of the exclusivity deal (5 years) and whether that is wise for both parties.


And one more thing - how about some blame for THE WRESTLING CHANNEL too?

People are complaining about the big bad old FWA screwing British wrestling - what about the actual channel that agreed to the deal? Why aren't people complaining about their decision to agree to a five year deal?


I'd be interested in reading the answers to the following key questions from TWC:


1) Were you in negotiations with any other British promotions?

2) If not, why not? Was it your decision, or weren't you approached by anyone?

3) Is the decision to grant British wrestling exclusivity to FWA something that you pushed for, or something FWA pushed for?


NB: Remember, The Wrestling Channel is being set up by Irish people, and being run from Ireland. This may go some way to explaining why the channel's buyers doesn't share the same urgent regard for the well being "for the future of BRITISH wrestling" that some people on this board do. Maybe they don''t agree that they have some kind of 'moral obligation' to try to raise British wrestling from the ashes.

Edited by ClassicsGuy
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How in the hell has this killed british wrestling? Surely a boost would be for all feds to be on tv, and it has to start with ONE!!!Other networks will see how popular FWA on TWC is becoming and may think about snapping up another fed. Perhaps the Hammerlock tv deal could finally go through because of this. There really is no pleasing any of you dickheads, is there? I boost for wrestling has to start somewhere, and this is it.Best british wrestling news in years :D


A positive thing coming out of this for a British wrestling fan is that, more promotions will put on a much more effort into upgrading there shows, production wise and everything else that the FWA has that can get them on TV (eg, Screens, Ramps and all the rest of that shite).

Shite being the operative word. ;)

More competition = more entertaining shows.

Yes. Crushing the competition with anti-competitive business tactics = Turd shows.
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I'm sure this will all be irrelevent when TWC ceases to transmit after 6 months when the harsh realisation that 99.67% of UK wrestling fans still prefer to just watch WWE hits home.

The Golf Channel, showing black and white Ladies golf from 1968 most days, has been on the air for six months now. No sign of it disappearing.What about Extreme Sports Channel? That's been on the air for years.Sorry, but if bungee jumpers and skateboarders can get on tv and last for years, I think a channel featuring professional wrestling (which has been around for centuries) will last, don't you? ;) Edited by ClassicsGuy
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"(eg, Screens, Ramps and all the rest of that shite)"If you weren't trying to make a decent point, you'd have been right in calling it all shite. In Noah and AJPW the wrestlers often come out of a side door. In American Indies it's a wee black curtain. Why the hell should UK promotions shell out for a ramp and stupid 10 foot high letters either side of the stage? As for screens...why? You don't get a screen at WWE shows in Glasgow...you don't even get a ramp and raised stage. The other problem is pyro, no doubt we're all supposed to have that now aswell. A lot of Scottish venues won't allow you to have fire or pyro, or they charge around

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Where can I buy tapes of all these great non-FWA British promotions' shows, and are they of good enough quality to be aired on national broadcast tv?Actually, I'm still waiting to find out the names of all these great British promotions that people seem desperate to have aired on TWC.Any help would be appreciated. ;)

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What about Extreme Sports Channel? That's been on the air for years.

Yeah, it has the Gravity Games coverage every year, covers a large audience market for alternative taste *damn big audience for "alternative sport" must note* And there isnt another show on a different channel that the world follows like with wrestling and the wwe.The FWA in my opinion isnt strong enough to hold british wrestling in the tv viewers interest on its own. In hindsight a smart move would be to offer all companies interested a 3-4 month trial period, see which companies draw ratings and which dont. And THEN sign up the ones that work. If FWA bomb now on tv then TWC are in shit for five years unless someone put a buy out clause in that contract.
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Where can I buy tapes of all these great non-FWA British promotions' shows, and are they of good enough quality to be aired on national broadcast tv?Actually, I'm still waiting to find out the names of all these great British promotions that people seem desperate to have aired on TWC.Any help would be appreciated. ;)

If you actually read the posts like you claim you do there are examples on nearly every page of companies that people held in opinion to be on the channel.Jus cos they didnt quote your questioning and give you a full list doesn't mean it hasn't been suggested.Now that someone has paid attention to your little request feel free to have a lil ego boost, get over yourself and maybe pay attention to people's opinions before spurting off again. :D Thank you for your co-operation.
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3) Is the decision to grant British wrestling exclusivity to FWA something that you pushed for, or something FWA pushed for?

Why on earth would TWC push for it? That's absolutely ridiculous.TWC are responsble for agreeing to FWA's demands, so obviously they're partly to blame for the situation.

NB: Remember, The Wrestling Channel is being set up by Irish people, and being run from Ireland. This may go some way to explaining why the channel's buyers doesn't share the same urgent regard for the well being "for the future of BRITISH wrestling" that some people on this board do. Maybe they don''t agree that they have some kind of 'moral obligation' to try to raise British wrestling from the ashes.

They don't have any moral obligation to raise British wrestling from the ashes, but is it too much to ask for them to not shovel more ashes on top? Edited by bobbins
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How in the hell has this killed british wrestling? Surely a boost would be for all feds to be on tv, and it has to start with ONE!!!Other networks will see how popular FWA on TWC is becoming and may think about snapping up another fed. Perhaps the Hammerlock tv deal could finally go through because of this. There really is no pleasing any of you dickheads, is there? I boost for wrestling has to start somewhere, and this is it.Best british wrestling news in years :D

Other stations don't care about wrestling. The only ones who consider it are Bravo - and after Revival they just seemed to stop caring. Believe me, a TV channel which runs next to "The Golf Channel" is not gonna make people want to show more British wrestling on their TV stations. The channel will be pretty much dedicated to the hardcore fans. Hell, since The Racing Channel has gotten a little bigger, I've noticed less racing on Channel 4 and such. And you don't exactly see sports channels jumping over themselves to get more golf on their TV screeens because The Golf Channel had a tournament on which was pro shot with four cameras and commentary, do you?It'll be five years until another fed gets on TV. And there's a difference between starting with one which was all well and good - congratulations to FWA for being the only promotion in the country to get a TV deal, and going five years with one.
I honestly dont see anything negative coming out of this. 5 years ago, no British wrestling was on TV. 2 years agp, FWA had a one-off show on Bravo. A year ago, there were Hammerlock talking about a tv deal- which came to nothing. To be honest, nothing has changed in the world of British Wrestling except ONE FED (which is one fed more than the last 10 years) has a tv deal. So how in the hell can this possibly be a bad thing for British wrestling? There are no mainstream british wrestling fans in the uk, as wrestling is not mainstream over here. Therefore, I fail to see how this would affect attendance at other feds shows. They all have their own audience. Sure, this will boost FWA's audiences, but I very much doubt that this will decrease other feds audiences. Also, other feds will look at FWA's product, and work hard in hope that they will acheive what they have. This will produce better shows for them. Wrestlers will work harder in order to get 'noticed' by FWA so they can wrestle on TV, everyones happy.Amen!
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If FWA bomb now on tv then TWC are in shit for five years

Get a grip. If FWA bombs, so what? By bombing, I presume you mean being the least watched show on the channel?Talk about being overly dramatic. :rolleyes: The channel also shows TNA, NOAH, NEW JAPAN, MLW, GAEA, ROH, CMLL, 3PW, CZW, as well as large variety of nostalgia shows and shoot interviews.Oh, and wrestling has a FAR LARGER AUDIENCE than 'extreme sports'. Edited by ClassicsGuy
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TWC are responsble for agreeing to FWA's demands, so obviously they're partly to blame for the situation.

By partly to blame, I hope you mean 50-50 to blame.

They don't have any moral obligation to raise British wrestling from the ashes, but is it to much to ask for them to not shovel more ashes on top?

So, we've gone from having NO British wrestling on tv for 16 years, to having ONE British promotion on tv, and this will sound the death knell for British wrestling? :rolleyes: Edited by ClassicsGuy
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