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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Depends what you class as a transitional champion. Daniel Bryan was champion for about 5 months after he cashed in, I think.


Perhaps transitional wasn't the best word to use. Miz and Bryan are perfect examples of what I wasn't suggesting. What I was trying to say was more along the lines of a lot of the cash-ins have led to the previous champion winning it back fairly quickly.


Cena > Edge Cash-In> Cena - In under a month.


Cena > RVD Cash-In > Edge > Cena - Within 3 months.


Jeff Hardy > CM Punk Cash-In > Jeff Hardy > CM Punk - Within 2 months.


CM Punk > Alberto Del Rio Cash-In > John Cena > Alberto Del Rio > CM Punk - Within 3 months.


Alberto Del Rio > Ziggler Cash-In > Alberto Del Rio - Within 2 months, although the injury to Ziggler possibly cut short the title reign.


You could include the Orton example too I guess: Cena > Bryan > Orton Cash-In > Bryan > Abeyance > Orton - Within 3 months.


Obviously the cash-ins need to lead to feuds but quite often the championship ends up becoming a hot potato. I'd like for them to have a MITB holder cash-in at Wrestlemania and hold onto the title, by hook or by crook to the following Wrestlemania. Doesn't matter who it is, but I think MITB needs a little more prestige added to it.


They go on about it being an accomplishment that makes a career, but Swagger, RVD, Kane, Ziggler & Sandow are all pretty much in the same place they are now, as they were when they won their respective briefcases. There needs to be a little less emphasis on it being the fast track to the championship.

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Doesn't really change the fact that in those 6 examples I've used, the person who cashed in their MITB has lost the championship in their first defence (with the exception of Hardy/Punk) and it leads into the hot potato scenario which, again with the exception of Hardy/Punk, leads to the championship ending up right back around the waist of the person who originally was cashed-in on.


Basically, I need to reword my post to say "MITB creates the hot potato scenario, and it sucks, why can't the cash-in lead to an unstoppable champion for a change?"

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It didn't lead to an unstoppable champion. After the cash-in, he lost it in his first defence. Then the title got vacated.


I'll spell it out in a more simple way. The cash-in title win should be the long regin. Instead, we have multiple scenarios (in which you're only calling me out on one) where the belt gets passed around several times before they either never get it back or they end up with 3 title regins lasting 2 months combined.


Orton's 6 month reign didn't come from MITB. It came from defeating Bryan in Hell in a Cell for the vacant championship.

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Hey, it's Smackdown! And after a really frustrating Raw, too!

Show starts with Edge & Christian coming out ot the ring. Michael Cole explains that they're suing the Authority, probably for THREATENING TO KILL Edge. Edge apologised to the fans because he felt responsible for the Authority being back. Quite right, you should have just let them MURDER you.

J&J Security came to the ring and read a statement from the Authority claiming they had nothing to do with what Rollins and Big Show did on Raw, and therefore are not party to ATTEMPTED MURDER. They also said that Noble and Mercury would observe what Edge & Christian did tonight.

Edge tried to book J&J Security against Ryback, but changed it to Ryback versus Show. Wouldn't The Ascension versus J&J Security have been a great idea? I digress. Christian booked Roman Reigns versus Rusev, so fuck future money-making programmes, yeah? Noble warned them this was going on their permanent files. Mercury added, "permanently". Edge said he didn't work there anymore, so he didn't care.

Hey, it's Bray Wyatt! And he's fighting Erick Rowan because THESE PEOPLE THINK YOU ARE BENEATH CONTEMPT. Bray tried to talk Rowan down but they did a bit of a match because Rowan hates him for some reason. Bullies, probably. Rowan was on top when Wyatt finally got in his head and hit the Sister Anigail for the win. He then did a talky to Dean Ambrose about their Ambulance Match on Raw next week. This whole segment felt odd.

Backstage, Edge & Christian did some comedy with J&J Security. Well, they tried.

Six-man tag time next, with the Dust Brothers and Adam Rose versus The Usos and... I thought it would be That Fucking Bunny but it was R-Truth instead. MISJUDGED JOKE REDACTED.

This was your basic Usos versus Dust Brothers match with a bit of Rose and Truth thrown in. They didn't make Rose look like a geek, so that's a new thing. Jey Uso got the win on Rose with a splash and after the match some Rosebuds ran in and got beat up. Truth danced while the Usos wore some Rosebud hats like trophies. Lemons.

So, yeah, it's Ryback and Big Show and it's one of those matches where the temptation of the Diggan button is never far away from being sated. They made a story of Ryback's bad leg - you know, the bad leg that he told everyone about on Monday but has never been an issue until now. Is that character development?

Anyway, this sucked. Finish came when Ryback was about to hit the clothesline and the Russian flag dropped and Rusev came out to the top of the ramp. Ryback, the big idiot, stepped out onto the apron to jibber jabber at Rusev and Show punched him in the mouth for the countout win.

After the match Rusev came down and tried to put Ryback in the Accolade put Ryback WOULD NOT HAVE IT and clotheslines Rusev out of the ring, thus ensuring that only Big Show - in 2015! - kept any heat from this. Bad.

Backstage, Edge hilariously tricked Jamie Noble into using the women's restroom. LOLZ.

Hey, it's Cesaro and Tyson Kidd! They're back as a team! Yay! They're fighting everyone's favourite Puerto Rican Spaniards Los Matadores!

Nice spot early on when one of the scrubs tried a tope suicida and Cesaro KILLED him with an uppercut on the outside. Later, Cesaro did the giant swing on the other scrub and Kidd dropkicked him in the HEAD. The finish was Cesaro herking one of the scrubs onto his shoulders and Kidd flipped over for a neckbreaker. I liked this.

After the match, Tyson celebrated with Cesaro and ignored his wife. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: DON'T LET 'EM BOOK YOUR MARRIAGE, KID!

After the commercial, Curtis Axel is in the ring. He's fighting Dean Ambrose, who is all kinds of angry. The match never began because Ambrose attacked Axel and BEAT HIM UP. No wonder Axel wants to go to NXT. There's no bullying at NXT, they're really nice people.

Dean then got on the mic and talked at Bray Wyatt, hyping their Ambulance match. You and I, it seems, will not be allowed to not care. Decent stuff.

They ran another Ascension promo and then The Ascension had a match against AREA JOBBERS! They were not named but they were Rhett Titus and Lance Anoa'i, Samu's baby boy! The Ascension won and looked better in this than they did on Monday but still.

Backstage, Edge & Christian were in their "office" when J&J Security came in and said they had to prepare it for the Authority. This involved replacing some posters on easels. Edge & Christian then defaced the posters, hilariously.

Hey, it's the main event! It's Roman Reigns versus Rusev, and it's non-title because making it a title match would telegraph the finish!

Ehhh, it was okay. It had no rhythm, which I've noticed is a mark of Reigns's matches. Also, this guy who is not cheered by the crowd on the live Raw is massively cheered by the crowd on the pre-taped Smackdown. Weird, that.

They did some stuff and Big Show came out and the inevitable DQ followed. Show tried to chokeslam Reigns through the announcers' table but Reigns fought it off and threw Show over the table and tipped it on top of him and that's your show.

This was Not A Good Show, which is a change-up from recent Smackdowns. None of the singles matches had finishes - one didn't even have a start - and nothing that happened here will have any repercussions down the line. Ah, well, Raw soon and the Authority are back. Yay?

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