Paid Members Big Benny HG Posted August 7, 2013 Paid Members Posted August 7, 2013 Well, welcome to the third and final round in determining the Ninth Annual UKFF UK50.  So far, UKFFers have nominated wrestlers they felt deserved a place somewhere in this year's UK50 during Stage One. Next, in Stage Two you decided who from a list of equally-nominated wrestlers should take the final remaining spots.  All of this means we have now confirmed all 50 of the wrestlers who will make up this year's rankings. They are (alphabetical order; 2012 ranking in brackets):  April Davids (NL)  BT Gunn (37)  Bubblegum (16)  CJ Banks (22)  Cyanide (43)  Damon Leigh (NL)  Danny Hope (NL)  Darrell Allen (NL)  Dave Mastiff (10)  Dave Rayne (23)  Dean Allmark (29)  Eddie Dennis (NL)  El Ligero (1)  Grado (NL)  Jack Gallagher (6)  Jack Jester (47)  Jim Hunter (45)  Joe Coffey (NL)  Joey Hayes (15)  Johnny Moss (25)  Kay Lee Ray (NL)  Kris Travis (4)  Lee Hunter (44)  Liam Thomson (39)  Lionheart (11)  Mad Mad Manson (8)  Mark Andrews (26)  Mark Coffey (NL)  Mark Haskins (12)  Martin Kirby (7)  Marty Scurll (14)  Mikey Whiplash (13)  MK McKinnan (20)  Nathan Cruz (18)  Nikki Storm (NL)  Noam Dar (2)  Pete Dunne (40)  Rampage Brown (27)  Red Lightning (28)  Robbie X (38)  Rockstar Spud (5)  Sam Bailey (35)  Sha Samuels (NL)  Stixx (9)  T-Bone (46)  Wild Boar (33)  Will Ospreay (NL)  Wolfgang (31)  Zack Gibson (30)  Zack Sabre Jr (3)   So, we have our 50 wrestlers confirmed, the only thing left to do now is to start ranking them in order. How do we do that?  ***********************************************************  Stage Three - The Rankings  Stages One and Two were about nominating any 15 people who you felt deserved a place somewhere in the UKFF UK50. In Stage Three, however, I need to know who from the list of 50 you believe to be the out-and-out best. I need your own personal actual Top 15.  1) As with Stage One, send a PM to myself on the UKFF. E-mails/Facebook messages/etc will not be accepted. This is to prove that you are a UKFF member. This is a UKFF project, after all. Feel free to share your nominations in this thread if you so desire, for the purposes of generating discussion/debate, but I will only count lists that I receive in my PM Inbox.  2) Again, as with Stage One, your PM should contain a list of up to 15 wrestlers. The difference this time, however, is that your list must be ranked in order from 1 to 15 (1 being the best) on who you believe to be the best, based on the criteria we have been using throughout:  Upon what criteria are the rankings based? All the way through the process, nominations and votes should be made based on British wrestlers' in-ring performances you have seen on shows that took place between 1 July 2012 and 30 June 2013. The key points around which the rankings, nominations and votes are based include: - whose in-ring performances are the most gripping, convincing and enthralling? - who is consistently involved in great matches? - who is able to tell the best "story" through their performance? - whose performance is able to capture the crowd's interest and make them emotionally invested in the match? - who actually makes pro wrestling enjoyable to watch with their performances?  3) Obviously, you can only vote for wrestlers included in the list of 50 shown above.  4) You can vote for less than 15 if you like, but definitely no more. If possible, please also include your reasons for giving these wrestlers the ranking you have. This could be just a sentence to justify their selection or point out particular matches, promotions or shows upon which you have based your decision. As with previous years, I'll be using some of these comments in the eventual write-ups.  5) Make sure you get your PM in to me by 23:59 on Friday 23 August 2013. Votes received after this deadline will not be counted.  Anyone suspected of using dual accounts or other unfair methods to weight the list or make mockery of the spirit of the project may be excluded at my discretion.  *****************************************************************************  As always, please feel absolutely free to debate, justify, reason and explain your choices in this thread. Perhaps links to matches you've seen these guys excel in? Also, let's hear you predictions as to who you think is going to have a good showing this year, who will drop down the rankings, who will be the surprise packages, and so on.  Finally, in something a bit new that I haven't tried before, it would actually also be interesting to hear from anyone who believes there are people in the 50 who don't deserve to be there. Not that it will count towards the actual voting or ranking or anything, but feel free to add such comments to your PM with your actual votes - again, I will use some of the comments I receive in the eventual write-ups. Might be good to see a more 'balanced' representation of opinions on the 50 than we usually get.  And with that, it's over to you.  GO!!
cleslie92 Posted August 7, 2013 Posted August 7, 2013 Just to start the controversy, I don't think Dave Rayne should be in there. I've hated his character and ring work every time I've seen him, and he always seems to get mic time at certain promotions while others never do. Put RJ Singh in instead - one of the best talkers around and a solid worker.
Paid Members Lion_of_the_Midlands Posted August 7, 2013 Paid Members Posted August 7, 2013 Just to start the controversy, I don't think Dave Rayne should be in there. I've hated his character and ring work every time I've seen him, and he always seems to get mic time at certain promotions while others never do. Put RJ Singh in instead - one of the best talkers around and a solid worker. Â If only there had been some sort of voting process to get down to this list of 50 ehh? Â There is always one.
cobystag Posted August 7, 2013 Posted August 7, 2013 Just to start the controversy, I don't think Dave Rayne should be in there. I've hated his character and ring work every time I've seen him, and he always seems to get mic time at certain promotions while others never do. Put RJ Singh in instead - one of the best talkers around and a solid worker. Â If only there had been some sort of voting process to get down to this list of 50 ehh? Â There is always one. Â Finally, in something a bit new that I haven't tried before, it would actually also be interesting to hear from anyone who believes there are people in the 50 who don't deserve to be there. Not that it will count towards the actual voting or ranking or anything, but feel free to add such comments to your PM with your actual votes - again, I will use some of the comments I receive in the eventual write-ups. Might be good to see a more 'balanced' representation of opinions on the 50 than we usually get. Â Â Â I'm still trying to put my 15 into order as it's proving difficult.
Paid Members Lion_of_the_Midlands Posted August 7, 2013 Paid Members Posted August 7, 2013 Turns out it's me.
robbo9292 Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 1: El Ligero 2: Rockstar Spud 3: Mark Haskins 4: Mad Mad Manson 5: Dave Mastiff 6: Nathan Cruz 7: Bubblegum 8: T-Bone 9: Lee Hunter 10: Jim Hunter 11: Noam Dar 12: Kris Travis 13: Nikki Storm 14: Kay Lee Ray 15: Stixx  here are my 15
Paid Members Up Chuck Posted August 10, 2013 Paid Members Posted August 10, 2013 Awesome. Now PM them to Ben with reasons, like he said.
robbo9292 Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 Well i have and then posted them here to see if anyone was going to debate my placings
Paid Members Up Chuck Posted August 10, 2013 Paid Members Posted August 10, 2013 Fair enough. We get a few nimrods every year who don't read the rules, just making sure.
robbo9292 Posted August 10, 2013 Posted August 10, 2013 I've done this for a few years now and always stick to the rules (but then saying that i believe i only put reasons for the top 5)
Sexy Dad Posted August 14, 2013 Posted August 14, 2013 List sent. Fairly happy with my list, my top eight or so was all really close and with quite a diverse bunch of guys around at the moment it was hard to rank them really. Admittedly, I only have only been to shows from three promotions during the time so it may be a lean a little towards the talent that compete a lot in the North west but I suppose other areas will be represented too.
Paid Members Big Benny HG Posted August 18, 2013 Author Paid Members Posted August 18, 2013 Thanks to all who've voted so far. Â If you haven't, then this is a polite reminder that you have until THIS FRIDAY NIGHT to get your individual top 15 in to me. Â As it stands at the moment, everything is still up for grabs. Â Cheers!
cleslie92 Posted August 18, 2013 Posted August 18, 2013 Just sent in my votes, was very hard to pick! 1 Noam Dar 2 El Ligero 3 Zack Sabre Jr 4 Rampage Brown 5 Kris Travis 6 Nathan Cruz 7 Mikey Whiplash 8 Mark Andrews 9 Mark Haskins 10 Dave Mastiff 11 Marty Scurll 12 April Davids 13 Joey Hayes 14 Stixx 15 Nikki Storm
Paid Members Big Benny HG Posted August 22, 2013 Author Paid Members Posted August 22, 2013 LESS THAN TWO DAYS LEFT... VOTING WILL END TOMORROW NIGHT!
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