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big mickey

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I can only hope that you're not as stupid as you're making out. As Magnum pointed out in the post you've been too scared to respond to, you're the one who has confused (or tried to twist) what people meant by "scum" to try and fit your agenda. Burchill's Buddy has it summed up here:


See what I mean, why are you accusing me of being scared? He said people were confused by my point, so I've just left it that that! I don't know why you are trying to goad me by suggesting I'm scared etc, it's not the first time you've done it in this thread either.

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Mr Cameron, speaking after a meeting of the government's Cobra emergency committee said police had the legal backing to use any tactics necessary to bring the situation under control, including using baton rounds.


He said: "This continued violence is simply not acceptable, and it will be stopped. We will not put up with this in our country. We will not allow a culture of fear to exist on our streets.



"We have seen the worst of Britain, but I also believe we have seen some of the best of Britain - the million people who have signed up on Facebook to support the police, coming together in the clean-up operations."


The PM said more arrests would take place as police worked through CCTV evidence. "Picture by picture, the criminals are being identified and arrested," he said.


Mr Cameron, who has previously referred to "broken Britain", said: "There are pockets of our society that are not just broken, but are frankly sick.


"It is a complete lack of responsibility in parts of our society, people allowed to feel the world owes them something, that their rights outweigh their responsibilities and their actions do not have consequences. Well, they do have consequences."


Really strong stuff from Cameron. Amazing how it seems Boris, Clegg and May are taking the flack for this too. He is saying all the right things though whilst the rest are bumbling.

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Fair enough - I won't continue to confuse you all. I just think it's a shame when we have had decent discussion here but people like King Pitcos insist on accusing me of being scared to answer points, when sometimes there's not a point to answer or I haven't even read it yet. It was also the same when I disagreed with the final sentence of someones post the other day and edited my post when I had read it properly - I was accused of backtracking etc. I think by the fact a lot of you seem sick of reading my posts shows that I have been pretty active in this thread and I'm sure that if you have read my posts you will see I have been pretty consistent as to what direction I'm coming from - whether you agree with me or not.

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These looters are scum they aren't just attacking big businesses which is bad enough but little shops where the owner will be making just enough to get by.


They are attacking private homes with women children and OAP's in them this morning on TV there was this 7 year old girl talking about how she really thought they were going to kill her they burned down a house with a 70+ year old woman in it who had lived there most of her life luckily they got her out but everything she owned is gone.


It's nothing to do with people on benefits as said some of them are in jobs and getting paid more than most of us hell i'm on benefits myself (careers allowance as I take care of 3 disabled family members) I don't care what their excuse is either when you terrorize innocent people especially children and OAP's your scum and nothing more in fact I would say you even give the word scum a bad name.

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He said people were confused by my point,

No he didn't. He said you were confused:


There's only you that is confusing the use of the word, as far as I can see. This idea that people are going to start looking at unemployed middle-aged men in the job centre as scum in the wake of this is mental.


You say you don't like the use of the word at all - what should we call the feral thugs rampaging through the city centres, then? I'm sorry, but this is too emotive an issue for a lot of people who've seen their communities destroyed to maintain detached liberal objectivity when talking about these vermin. I've called them scum, chavs, shit and just plain cunts over the past few days. As far as I'm concerned all of those descriptions fit them perfectly, and I don't think there's anyone else who'd imagine I was talking about some poor bloke who's been been made redundant when I'm using them.


A couple of other people have said they've been confused by your point, largely because your point now seems predicated on having completely misunderstood what everyone was talking about for the last 130 pages. You're just arguing semantics about the word "scum" at this stage, but there's no anti-poor agenda in this thread (and a lot of us inevitably come from fairly deprived backgrounds) so why bother? Nobody was using "scum" in this thread talking about the rioters but secretly sniggering to themselves because they really meant everyone who's unemployed.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Really strong stuff from Cameron. Amazing how it seems Boris, Clegg and May are taking the flack for this too. He is saying all the right things though whilst the rest are bumbling.


I like Cameron, he does come across as having a pair of bollocks. Its going to be a huge task for him though to get on top of all this, as I can't see any quick fix.

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I like Cameron, he does come across as having a pair of bollocks. Its going to be a huge task for him though to get on top of all this, as I can't see any quick fix.


Hes practically walking round with a baseball bat right now smashing away any potential criticism. He's doing and saying exactly what people wanted to happen and with more news constantly coming out about arrests and more police power its looking good for him. Whilst all the other politicians have looked shell shocked hes actually come across as someone that shouldn't be crosses, not because he'll beat the shit out of you but because he'll let someone else beat the shit out of you.

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No he didn't. He said you were confused:




A couple of other people have said they've been confused by your point, largely because your point now seems predicated on having completely misunderstood what everyone was talking about for the last 130 pages. You're just arguing semantics about the word "scum" at this stage, but there's no anti-poor agenda in this thread (and a lot of us inevitably come from fairly deprived backgrounds) so why bother? Nobody was using "scum" in this thread talking about the rioters but secretly sniggering to themselves because they really meant everyone who's unemployed.


And I said I wouldn't continue to confuse anyone, so I'll leave that point alone. What is your problem?

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Cameron has hidden behind his podium while the rest of his cronies were thrown to the Wolves and Cameron deciding to get tough and green light water cannons now is a fucking joke.


Too little too late Dave.


Not really, as ive said earlier in this thread the violence and trouble has been very sparse, deploying things like Water Cannons would have taken hours by which time they would have moved on, its not like deploying them to a march or protest where its a large crowd and quite static, this was very small groups just moving quickly. Cannons wouldnt have done anything.

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So after this all dies down, will Cameron still go ahead with the police cuts? Also, I saw Ken Livingstone on sky news talking about how if this incident isn't offically classed as a riot, then it's down to the shop owners to pay for the damage and clean up. Which means those business' in Totenham and the like are fucked.

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Which, to an extent at least, blows the whole 'unemployed, benefit scrounging' line out of the water.

Not really. Obviously there's people of different backgrounds involved. I just don't like to see the unemployed/people on benefits to be vilified as they usually are in certain circles.

Fair enough but I'm sure you'll recognise that this is being closely associated with unemployed people on benefits, fuelling more prejudice against that group in general, regardless of whether they're involved or not.

Now I've slept since yesterday, but I'm pretty sure it was you who kept making the connection between the unemployed you are unable to get jobs because there aren't any, etc, whilst myself practically everyone else kept pointing out to you that this has nothing to do with unemployment or being poor or any of the other reasons that YOU were giving for it. It's pure mindless violence and greed.


What you were doing was taking people's comments out of context. We're in a thread about a riots, as such and comments are directed at the rioters and not Armchair Willy patiently waiting to collect his benefits. Likewise if there's a thread talking about lazy scrounging tossers who sit on their arse collecting benefits all while having a house and better shit than those of us who go out and work for our money, it's those people we are referring to, not the unemployed who are actively trying to get a job or are unable to work for one reason or another.


I may get some flak for this but I can't help but feel that parts of England were left more vunerable so Cameron and The Met could have a massive show of force in London.

This is exactly what I was thinking, but not only did they take Police from other parts of the country, but it was all over the news as to where they'd taken them from! Hi, I'm going out tonight, the door will be unlocked and the alarm not set.

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There has to be some kind of political/police casualty of all of this, surely? From the side of the politicians especially it's been handled atrociously, nobody has really come out of it well.


Looks like it's all dying down in any case, I've switched from all day Sky News to watching the test match.

Edited by RIP Diva Sunny
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