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big mickey

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There's clearly a feeling amongst the twat classes that it's game on.

The police have advertised that they'll have 16,000 coppers in the affected areas and that minor crimes will take a back seat so you could see a free for all elsewhere.

Edited by tiger_rick
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And these are exactly the kind of people that the police should be clamping down on. I doubt you'll get much argument from anyone about that.


Watch the riot footage, and tell me that this isn't the exact 'type of people' that are making up the bulk of the rioters. That video of the kid getting mugged - I may have gone to school, half a lifetime ago, with 50-100 kids just like that. Modern tech has made it easier for the wilfully disenfranchised to mobilise - I won't say some of these kids aren't fucked up, but plenty fuck themselves up.

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Just got this from the Telegraph.


14.26 Contrary to earlier reports we've now confirmed that the Islamic Bank of Britain was not damaged in the rioting. It appears that worshippers leaving the East London Mosque after prayers were able to successfully chase of rioters, protecting both the bank and the mosque.


EDL take note this is how you defend England.




14.41 Boris Johnson's first public appearance since the riots began has been a bit of a disaster. He's been heckled loudly in Clapham Junction, accused of racism and failing the community. Standing next to a stoney-faced Theresa May he was eventually forced to abandon his impromput press conference.


I would say poor Boris but he has been such a train wreck over the years it's hard to feel sorry for him.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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My friend has just been told to 'leg it home' from Nando's in Tooting by the staff who have closed the store because people are supposedly charging up there from Colliers Wood. The market has also been closed as well as the supermarket.


Tooting is full of knife wielding lunatics though who will almost inevitabley charge onto the street and try to confront them. If it's true, this one could be nasty.

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An interesting article;


Society is falling apart in London right now. Young people are running amok, stealing everything they can without giving a damn about getting arrested. What's a criminal record when you don't have a future anyway? The message is obvious: "Fu*k the authorities, what did they ever do for us?"


Could Britain's social elastic finally be snapping? After years of the rich using and abusing the working class for all it can get away with and more, the long awaited proletariat uprising may finally be here.


All this news of the economy 'dying' is rich man talk for "we're not making enough money from you anymore". Like water, none of our money has ever left the world and disappeared into thin air, when it's spent it goes somewhere. It lines the pockets of the likes of Nike, Burberry and Apple. Growing and growing, feeding into owners and shareholders.


People aren't paid on merit, for the contribution they put into the world. They're paid for how much money they have that they can make work for them.


The inevitable rich/poor gap that grows out of this is the cause of these riots. People have had enough. Last month Polly Toynbee said Britain's social elastic is nearly at snapping point. I agreed then and I most certainly agree now.


The only young people with a chance in this city now are those with money. The rest are is standing by watching cuts slash their opportunity for a university education.

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