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Who is you're favourite fat guy?

DJ Kris

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Not saying he's my all time fave fat wrestler, but he deserves a mention in this thread. In the ring Henry never was and was never going to be the worker that Vader or Bigelow were, but he's not done bad for himself with a 15 year WWE career and deserves credit for continuing to improve his game over that time. Right now, he's better than he's ever been and looks a legit threat- for my money he's the best heel in WWE at the moment (alright, maybe except for Punk).


It would have been easy for Mark to stop caring years ago, but he still works hard. I know that it is easy to criticise the pace at which he has improved and that even after 15 years some people will still not care for his ring work, but I'm glad that WWE stuck with him and kept him around this long.


I hope his current push is going to continue for a little while. It probably won't, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

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Disgusted at the lack of love for this savage. I love Vader, I love Bam Bam, i love Yoko, but The Samoan Bulldozer is quite possibly my favourite of all. Genuinely would look forward to and eagerly anticipate his parts of a show/matches and that's a real rarity with much of the talent of the past decade. Loved the squashes, loved the beatdowns, loved his signature spots, loved his big PPV matches, some of my favourite matches of the past decade, loved the relationship with Armando. Loved him throwing Jeff Hardy and Kendrick about. Many guys I was desperate to see him work with and massive untapped potential in developing and evolving his character to an audience ready and willing to accept him and cheer him. A great talent.

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Disgusted at the lack of love for this savage. I love Vader, I love Bam Bam, i love Yoko, but The Samoan Bulldozer is quite possibly my favourite of all. Genuinely would look forward to and eagerly anticipate his parts of a show/matches and that's a real rarity with much of the talent of the past decade. Loved the squashes, loved the beatdowns, loved his signature spots, loved his big PPV matches, some of my favourite matches of the past decade, loved the relationship with Armando. Loved him throwing Jeff Hardy and Kendrick about. Many guys I was desperate to see him work with and massive untapped potential in developing and evolving his character to an audience ready and willing to accept him and cheer him. A great talent.

Yeah, he is sorely missed. His character was pretty old school and made him stand out from everyone else on the roster. He really had a tremendous look.


His Last Man Standing match with Cena at the 2007 Royal Rumble is easily one of my favourite matches from the past 5 years, probably my favourite Cena match ever.


So sad that he was dead within 6 months of his WWE release.

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My fav big guy heel was Earthquake and big guy face was early 90's Boss Man.


Just because he's not named yet: the mad man from the Sudan, Abdullah the Butcher.


Hated every match I saw of his since circa 1992 but he still scared me shitless as a kid.

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if only because I thought his 2 WWF characters were cool, and I liked the height he got on his splash.


And for turning on Hulk Hogan.


And the 'heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' noise he made as Tugboat.

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I think for us it's got to be:




Kevin Steen


His teaming alongside and then feud with El Generico was one for the ages, perhaps permanently altering people's expectations of what a big man can do.


Having been one of the most hated lads in wrestling, he now has fans chomping at the bit to let him back into ROH - and the heat should be amazing when Cornette finally relinquishes... should put their new Sinclair TV show on the map right from the off!

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For me, it's all about Vader. That youtube video someone posted earlier is awesome, and really shows why he was such an exciting wrestler - everything he did looked hard as fuck. Guys throw clotheslines all the time, but Vader's looked like it would kill you. His irritated beatdowns in the corner with the forearms looked tougher than any modern wrestler's punches. His suplexes went up up up and then boom!


Sadly, like Scotty Steiner he's one of those wrestlers who, because their career spanned so many organisations, will never get a proper retrospective DVD. The J&M DVD that's knocking around on PWTorrents is pretty fantastic though, with some great matches of his from Japan where he just murders some of those guys.

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No love for big Rikishi? He was always pretty solid in the ring. His work with the Headshrinkers was awesome. Plus he was one of the most over guys on the roster in 2000 alongside Too Cool.


Plus how many guys his size can say they dived from the top of a cage?


He's not my fave, but deserves a mention.


Yoko will always be the best Big guy as far as i'm concerned.

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I think for us it's got to be:




Kevin Steen


His teaming alongside and then feud with El Generico was one for the ages, perhaps permanently altering people's expectations of what a big man can do.


Having been one of the most hated lads in wrestling, he now has fans chomping at the bit to let him back into ROH - and the heat should be amazing when Cornette finally relinquishes... should put their new Sinclair TV show on the map right from the off!


Does Steen count? If so, he's way ahead as my favourite big guy... but I don't think he's proper fat enough?


I remember when the ROH fans would slag him off as not being good enough. Then he starts to work for ROH. :)

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