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Edge V Bret

Mr Lawrence

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Bret for me, hands down.


I think Edge is being pushed a bit much for what he did achieve, and was never above a top mid-card guy for me. But i'm also an old-school guy, so Edge never had a chance in my book anyway.

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Bret by a million miles. All day every day. WAy better than Edge, across the board, in each and every way... and I think Edge would accept that too.


Yeah, I include promos too. Serious Bret was proper money.

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Bret by a zillion miles. Edge was one of the few wrestlers who always bored me to death with both his in-ring work and promos. Granted his stint as tag team champion with Christian was entertaining, but in general everything about him sapped the energy out of me. The spear looked totally unconvincing and didn't seem to give much impact.


Bret is one of the all-time greats and was one of the main reasons why I was a mark back in the day. Bret made me suspend my disbelief with the product and always gave me the impression the contests were real which is a strength very few people have.

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Bret for me too.


I grew up watching the Hitman, not knowing anything about workrate or storytelling but even as a marky child I could always massively appreciate what Bret did and how he did it. To me he's was always a larger than life character and I had no problem believing him as a top of the card guy and being the world heavyweight champ. Bret just had it, he didn't need to act like a headliner, he just was.


I never got the same feeling with Edge. I loved him in the midcard and his tagging with Christian, but when he got his big push I couldnt get behind it as I never really saw him as a top guy, and couldn't take him seriously in that role. His psycho roles even more so, like he was trying too hard. Yes he had charisma but I never thought it was the kind that a WWF champion had, more of the plucky mid card variety.


The person who described his spear as 'a running cuddle' is bang on too. I could never believe a guy who I always considered to be thin and gangly looking would use it. Looks horrible.

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Tough for me to be honest, I was a kid who grew up with Bret Hart and saw Edge throughout my teens onwards and thoroughly enjoyed both.


I have to give Edge his props but Bret was a guy who made wrestling believeable and I can't remember any of his matches that I didn't appreciate and enjoy.

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I think it must be down to when i started watching wrestling but im going to have to pick Edge. I've just never really been interested in Bret, whereas to me, Edge had everything. Might not be as good in the ring but backed it up with his personality and charisma.

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I'm confused how Edge is more entertaining though... because Bret had great match after great match which were all thoroughly entertaining.... and Edge was boring as fuck. So I don't get all these votes for Edge really.


Edge is going to make my "Flair list" (overrated wrestler wins a lot of titles therefore becoming an all-time great despite their shiteness)


You must all be under the age of 25 or something, right? You all surely aint in my age group, right??


But, yeah, Bret's exciting because he always had the best matches. Every night.... why's Edge exciting for Edgeheads? Is it a case of long blonde hair and goofey acting with some stupid promos thrown in? Is it the awesomeness of the spear? Is it the trenchcoat?


Or perhaps it's down to moves (QED) or not looking too much like a wrestler? Or is it because more of the career was propped up by the main-event guys like Cena?


BTW, E&C are one of my favourite ever tag teams because I loved the bumps and the silliness. I'd never book them to beat the Hart Foundation though.

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I'm confused how Edge is more entertaining though... because Bret had great match after great match which were all thoroughly entertaining... and Edge was boring as fuck. So I don't get all these votes for Edge really.

Where you're getting confused is thinking that your opinion is fact and that everyone who disagrees has missed something. That's not the case. Bret Hart's matches definitely weren't entertaining to everyone, nor was Edge boring to everyone. Some people prefer a bland fella who did the boring technical workrate stuff and had the charisma of a footballer, which made him seem more like a real sportsman. Some people prefer a goofy skinny lad who didn't do as much of the technical workrate stuff but could talk properly and fell off ladders through tables.


You must all be under the age of 25 or something, right? You all surely aint in my age group, right??

Probably. Everyone who's choosing Edge is just doing so out of childhood nostalgia, the same way you're doing with Bret.


But, yeah, Bret's exciting because he always had the best matches. Every night....

By what criteria?


why's Edge exciting for Edgeheads? Is it a case of long blonde hair and goofey acting with some stupid promos thrown in?

Anyone can use that sort of reductive nonsense. What is it about Bret Hart? Is it a case of long greasy dark hair and wooden acting with the personality of a brick thrown in? Is it the awesomeness of the pink sunglasses? Is it the shoulderpads?

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I'm confused how Edge is more entertaining though... because Bret had great match after great match which were all thoroughly entertaining... and Edge was boring as fuck. So I don't get all these votes for Edge really.

Where you're getting confused is thinking that your opinion is fact and that everyone who disagrees has missed something. That's not the case. Bret Hart's matches definitely weren't entertaining to everyone, nor was Edge boring to everyone. Some people prefer a bland fella who did the boring technical workrate stuff and had the charisma of a footballer, which made him seem more like a real sportsman. Some people prefer a goofy skinny lad who didn't do as much of the technical workrate stuff but could talk properly and fell off ladders through tables.


Thing is, Bret had charisma, is nothing like a footballer, could talk and was a tremendous 'actor' since there's barely a single other person who ever made things seem as realistic within wrestling. He also went through tables. Your doing the same thing of telling everybody your opinions are fact. Bret was certainly far from bland and his 'boring technical workrate stuff' was perfect pro-wrestling and storytelling, I've no idea what you must have been watching. His enormous body of work contains some of the most gripping, dramatic and exciting matches in history, in every kind of match there was.

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