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Pick Your Power Game Thread

Mike Castle

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And he was doing the same in the last game too, and he was town then.

Was he? I don't remember - probably because I was scum so I didn't need to pay attention to that sort of thing. Or was it after I was lynched?


Anway - what's your opinion on Nexus? I think he's been exeptionally opportunistic with his posts - cockiness aside, what do you think?


His low post count makes it hard to get a read on him at this point. Not liking YET ANOTHER VANILLA CLAIM with no pressure however.

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I'm not slagging anyone off? Not intentionally anyway.




SMS, saying "I have some interesting results" but not revealing them is incredibly anti town play. It's got you lynched before. Why not stop being cryptic for once?

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I see Ron's point, but it hinges on something.


What did SMS gain if scum by outing himself AND Snake when Snake was already under heavy suspicion already last phase?


The only other way this works is if the Scum have the Jailkeeper,Roleblocker and Weak Doc roles, tried to kill Snake on night 1, and knew that there was no way he could have been protected. In which case SMS could lie about being a rolecop, but it is a dangerous game in case another player further down the list counter-claimed.

Well, I definitely think he's telling the truth about being a rolecop - if he's scum (and I'm becoming more concerned about it - ironic because I neighboured him last night convinced he was 100% town) could it not have worked like this:


* SMS is convinced Snake will be lynched. He knows he's not scum, and he also knows he's bulletproof, either through investigating or scum targetting (meaning he'd have confirmed the roles of 3 players by now)


* He decides to stick up for Snake to make him look like town, and roleclaims at the same time to explain why he's defending Snake ("I've got a feeling" seems a bit odd to me) and also to make it less likely for the wagon to switch to him.


* Snake dies, I make a second terrible neighbouring choice, and SMS investigates Bristep and in his excitement at finding the role the scum really want to find he trys to hint to his partners.

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And he was doing the same in the last game too, and he was town then.

Was he? I don't remember - probably because I was scum so I didn't need to pay attention to that sort of thing. Or was it after I was lynched?


Anway - what's your opinion on Nexus? I think he's been exeptionally opportunistic with his posts - cockiness aside, what do you think?


His low post count makes it hard to get a read on him at this point. Not liking YET ANOTHER VANILLA CLAIM with no pressure however.

If you look at the posts he's made they come across as very opportunistic to me - and now he's being talked about he's here posting away. That looks pretty suspect to me personally. But again, Lion did over the past two phases. Any time I present a case on anyone from now on I think I'll have my Lion and Family Guy cases/obsessions thrown back at me :( *sigh*


And bloody hell, I'm even throwing it back at myself.


Anyway - Nexus - I'm not complaining that you're active now, but why WERE you active only late on yesterday? Why are you posting as frequently now than you were in the previous days?

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Because one of the games I was in on another site (not MS) has ended, and a lot of the stress of the last week or so has calmed down.


I do, as surprising as it sounds, have a life outside of the UKFF.

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I have a feeling that one of the Vanilla claims so far has been a lie or is a goon, meaning someone out of Tom, Nexus, Brownie/TDK and ChrisB. Not that I'm discounting there being more than 1, but 1 definitely is I think.

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Because one of the games I was in on another site (not MS) has ended, and a lot of the stress of the last week or so has calmed down.


I do, as surprising as it sounds, have a life outside of the UKFF.

I'm not suggesting you don't, but it's WHEN you've turned up - crucial moments. And you've been on the forum and NOT posted in this thread during your visit - any reason for that?

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I have a feeling that one of the Vanilla claims so far has been a lie or is a goon, meaning someone out of Tom, Nexus, Brownie/TDK and ChrisB. Not that I'm discounting there being more than 1, but 1 definitely is I think.

Have all these people claimed what they originally went for?


If I remember rightly, Chris B claimed neighbourzier - which is true.


Tom claimed bomb.


Nexus...what did you go for?


And did TDK said what he went for? If not, would brownie be told as a replacement player?

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I have a feeling that one of the Vanilla claims so far has been a lie or is a goon, meaning someone out of Tom, Nexus, Brownie/TDK and ChrisB. Not that I'm discounting there being more than 1, but 1 definitely is I think.

Have all these people claimed what they originally went for?


If I remember rightly, Chris B claimed neighbourzier - which is true.


Tom claimed bomb.


Nexus...what did you go for?


And did TDK said what he went for? If not, would brownie be told as a replacement player?

TDK claimed he went for odd night vig.

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A mass role-claim may not be the worst idea right now. It may not be the best either, but here's the problem. The scum have massively more information than town. We've got the four vanilla players, plus (and, potentially, including) the four scum players. That's up to eight out of eleven roles, not including other roles that have roleclaimed. There's not a bad chance right now that scum have a pretty strong idea who's who, and are trying to work out the last in order to work out who to avoid trying to kill off.


Scum have all the information we have right now AND more. That's a bad situation at this point in the game, especially when we've so many claimed vanillas.



Not comfortable at all with the Ron/Nexus/Tom dynamic over the last few pages. Tom and Ron REALLY jumped on Nexus, and Nexus is acting scummy. To me, it strikes me as either Ron/Tom ganging up on Nexus, or as the three of them working together, sacrificing Nexus for the good of the team. I'm still suspicious of Swiftstrike for all the reasons I've said.


Can whoever Ron neighbourised last night please say so. Ron, right now, don't say a word.

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I am glad someone can understand why I feel the mass roleclaim is important.


In reply to your message Chris B, Ron should have met up with our dead bulletproof friend last night, as well as having decided to meet up with me tonight as he has already claimed and I can confirm I received that message with my result from last night.


With Ron being paranoid about Snake, now implying he is not sure if he trusts me either, he has to go down as being the worst possible player for having that role possible.


I think I have proved enough that I am town, as how close at the end was I in trying to switch the lynch to Lion, so if people don't believe me then lynch me and you are looking at a scum whitewash.


I have no idea why Ron wants to discuss things with me, as I have nothing else I can discuss with him, as I have revealed most of my info already and am not revealing the other info I have as look at what good that did Snake.


I didn't like Nexus' play yesterday that is why I kind of hinted that I had investigated him.


I didn't want to imply that for too long otherwise people might start to use that as evidence to try and make me look scum.


I can now investigate Nexus if I wish and have something to work with on him.

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The discussion during this game has been slow, getting us nowhere, allowing the scum to do as they like.


This game discussion needs moving on quickly, so the only way I feel we can do that is to role reveal, revealing what results you have as well.


If anyone has a better idea, reveal it now, or there is no doubt in my mind that you are trying to stall the play and cost town anothers day play.


Reveal your role, why you chose it, what if any results your role uncovered, as well as what role you went for if you claimed Vanilla.


We can at least discuss the information revealed then, but it would reveal the info to the scum, but they would still have to try and work out who to night kill without being detected or uncovered by our night roles.


They won't know what our night roles would be doing so they would have to guess and chance eliminating one of our roles.


I really do feel it is in our best interests to reveal now, especially as if we don't hit scum today, I believe it is as good as game over.

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With Ron being paranoid about Snake, now implying he is not sure if he trusts me either, he has to go down as being the worst possible player for having that role possible.


I think I have proved enough that I am town, as how close at the end was I in trying to switch the lynch to Lion, so if people don't believe me then lynch me and you are looking at a scum whitewash.


I have no idea why Ron wants to discuss things with me, as I have nothing else I can discuss with him, as I have revealed most of my info already and am not revealing the other info I have as look at what good that did Snake.

SMS, it's not about gaining info - any info you have that's useful to the town should be shared within the thread anyway - it's about having a network of people you trust and think are town to have night dialogue with. I think being able to bounce ideas and theories with eachother post-lynch is potentially invaluable. I neighboured you because I was pretty much 100% that you're town. I'm not completely sure now given the way you implied Bristep's role. I don't see how that benefits anyone.


So why did you?


Not comfortable at all with the Ron/Nexus/Tom dynamic over the last few pages. Tom and Ron REALLY jumped on Nexus, and Nexus is acting scummy. To me, it strikes me as either Ron/Tom ganging up on Nexus, or as the three of them working together, sacrificing Nexus for the good of the team. I'm still suspicious of Swiftstrike for all the reasons I've said.


Can whoever Ron neighbourised last night please say so. Ron, right now, don't say a word.

I already had which worries me - if you're going to accuse me of something at least read my posts first. With the greatest respect, if we're not paying full attention to what other people say at this stage, we'll lose. If you look back on yesterday I ALREADY accused Nexus of being scum, and explained why. So it's not just a case of me suddenly doing it.


I also "REALLY" jumped on Lion beforehand and was wrong - I've pointed that out. So if you think I'm focussing too hard on just the one person, just say I guess. I've done it before with Family Guy a few games back, and I did it with Lion. I don't want to end up doing it a third time, because I'm probably allowing the scum to sit back and let me do all the work when I do that.


And another point, on what you say about Nexus being "sacrificed for the good of the team"...do you really think the scum NEED to do that at this stage? A kill tonight, and if there's an odd night vigilante, a miss-kill from him (or, even worse, if the SCUM have to vig) will probably win the game for them with all members intact. :/

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SMS' play right now is starting to look a bit suspect. I believe he's a rolecop, but I'm not 100% convinced he's Town - outing Snake, then outing bristep just doesn't strike me as particularly pro-Town behaviour. He's making it easier for Scum to focus their kills.


Nexus' slip was also very scummy indeed. It may be that he legitimately forgot SMS is a rolecop and not cop, but I really don't think that's the case - there's something not quite "solid" about that response.


Put it this way: if SMS HAD been a cop, what would you have done with the result, Nexus? Surely alignment's something that should really only be revealed if a Town player is in danger of being lynched, and not three hours into the Day Phase?

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SMS' play right now is starting to look a bit suspect. I believe he's a rolecop, but I'm not 100% convinced he's Town - outing Snake, then outing bristep just doesn't strike me as particularly pro-Town behaviour. He's making it easier for Scum to focus their kills.


It's worth pointing out that he hasn't actually outed Bristep but, yeah, Reading back through the thread, this post caught my attention as well:


I have a couple of things I would like to discuss.


First of all, I am getting confused by the cases for peoples votes at this stage already, so can people please briefly sum up there case on their suspect and can the suspect briefly reply with their defence.


Secondly, we might have a bomb, so if we suspect two people should we get the other suspect to put in the final vote but allow time for someone else to do it at the last minute if they don't.


Even though the odds aren't high, scum won't want to risk taking the chance, unless they have the bomb on their side or have worked out who it is via their role e.g rolecop, neighborizer etc.


Is it also worth us trying to direct the odd night vigilante towards another suspect?


There is a possibility scum could have the watcher or trackers role to discover who the vig is, but if we aim at someone we suspect, is it worth the risk?


Thirdly, two players having the same numbers would mean that they slip down the draft list, so scum won't have two people pick the same, so if any of them are scum it will be just one but we have no proof of whether that could be true yet.


These are just my random thoughts, so I am interested in peoples opinions, as well as hearing other people thought as well.


If I don't appear to be posting as much as other games, don't judge that as scummy, just me distancing myself from the game a bit after things that have happened in previous games.


If you have other reasons to believe I am scum, then vote away, but it will be a wasted vote.


As I am still unsure about what the hell is going on here I am going to unvote.


Unvote: Swiftstrike


SMS - What made you give neighbouriser and, in particular, rolecop as examples of roles that scum might have?

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