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Possible Wrestlemania 28 Locations?

Shovanist Pig

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So where's it going to be? Surely it's going back to the North after being in the South for the past 4 events?


I've heard rumblings of the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis and the Rogers Centre in Toronto, Canada (10 years since WM 18). I've also heard it could remain in the south at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans (certainly a interesting place to visit).


I'm looking to attend next year so I'm heavily interested in where it's going to end up.

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They should have it in the UK just so I can go, hell have any PPV in the UK again.


For some reason a friend of mine that used to watch wrestling, recently thought WM was going to happen here which I LOL'ed at, think he got the WM Tour thing mixed up, but then I wondered how well would a WM do here, or is just a silly idea to do the biggest one of them all in the UK, they did do Summer Slam after all, then again that was years ago, meh considering they dont do even little PPV's over here anymore, doubtful, but I bet it would cause a massive fuss over here still.


As to answer your question aint got a clue where it will be, just save up a shitload of money, you got over a year, so you can go where ever it ends up.

I wondered how well would a WM do here, or is just a silly idea to do the biggest one of them all in the UK, they did do Summer Slam after all, then again that was years ago, meh considering they dont do even little PPV's over here anymore, doubtful, but I bet it would cause a massive fuss over here still.


I agree with your point. If I remember rightly there was a huge 'backlash' after Summerslam '92 in the States because the fans felt somewhat cheated that one of the biggest events of the year was not 'Theirs'. In terms of money and prestige the event didn't hurt WWE short-term.


A quick analysis of the buyrate shows a 1.5 as opposed to SS '91's 2.7, again, this didn't hurt the Company much because of the state of WCW.


I think now we're firmly in the 21st Century there is a possibility of it coming to London. I would say WM29 at the earliest, but realistically I would say 31/2 could be our best chance yet.

I wondered how well would a WM do here, or is just a silly idea to do the biggest one of them all in the UK, they did do Summer Slam after all, then again that was years ago, meh considering they dont do even little PPV's over here anymore, doubtful, but I bet it would cause a massive fuss over here still.


I agree with your point. If I remember rightly there was a huge 'backlash' after Summerslam '92 in the States because the fans felt somewhat cheated that one of the biggest events of the year was not 'Theirs'. In terms of money and prestige the event didn't hurt WWE short-term.


A quick analysis of the buyrate shows a 1.5 as opposed to SS '91's 2.7, again, this didn't hurt the Company much because of the state of WCW.


I think now we're firmly in the 21st Century there is a possibility of it coming to London. I would say WM29 at the earliest, but realistically I would say 31/2 could be our best chance yet.

dont see a wrestlemani, but would a smaller ppv in a stadium in UK make up difference in buy rates?


Only reason Summerslam was in London in 1992 was because Wrestling was MASSIVE back then. With Sky TV showing this new craze, and UK lapping it up it was the smart decision for the WWF. It wouldn't sell out half of Wembley Stadium now. I agree they could have a PPV in a smaller venue over here though, but I think the WWE would see it as a pointless hassle when they can just as easily attract the same numbers in America.


Indianapolis is hosting the Super Bowl in 2012, so I wonder if that will have any bearing on it? WM is only a month or two after, and they might not want to run another 'big event' there as it could get lost in the shuffle. And as much as mania brings people in from worldwide, I'd imagine a hefty majority of ticket sales come from the local area. These people will see tonnes of advertising and hype for the Super Bowl, while Mania could get forgotten about. It might make no difference to where the WWE choose, but it's a thought.


Isn't there usually an unofficial bidding process for WM, where interested cities declare their interest?


Looking a bit farther ahead, I presume WM XXX will be in New York, maybe they will want a bigger venue than MSG, in which case New Yankee Stadium could be a shout.

Looking a bit farther ahead, I presume WM XXX will be in New York, maybe they will want a bigger venue than MSG, in which case New Yankee Stadium could be a shout.


I'll eat my own shit in a bun if WMXXX is not at MSG.

I agree with your point. If I remember rightly there was a huge 'backlash' after Summerslam '92 in the States because the fans felt somewhat cheated that one of the biggest events of the year was not 'Theirs'. In terms of money and prestige the event didn't hurt WWE short-term.


A quick analysis of the buyrate shows a 1.5 as opposed to SS '91's 2.7, again, this didn't hurt the Company much because of the state of WCW.


I think now we're firmly in the 21st Century there is a possibility of it coming to London. I would say WM29 at the earliest, but realistically I would say 31/2 could be our best chance yet.


Oh im certain if WM was held here people in the states would flip but as you say they quickly forget by the next couple PPV's that come around, not that its anything but a dream but yes if it were to happen it would have to be after WM 30.



dont see a wrestlemani, but would a smaller ppv in a stadium in UK make up difference in buy rates?


As The Miz went onto say, a smaller PPV wouldnt make much sense, which is why they probably stopped doing them in the first place, the whole point of WM is its name, you have people that want to go without even knowing the card, it could be HBK vs a Ladder and people would still turn up


Only reason Summerslam was in London in 1992 was because Wrestling was MASSIVE back then. With Sky TV showing this new craze, and UK lapping it up it was the smart decision for the WWF. It wouldn't sell out half of Wembley Stadium now. I agree they could have a PPV in a smaller venue over here though, but I think the WWE would see it as a pointless hassle when they can just as easily attract the same numbers in America.


Well you're right there, wrestling is no where near as hot as it was back then, but alot of fans dream is to goto a WM, mostly die hard fans are the only ones willing to spend the cash and go across the pond, as I said about my friend he aint watched wrestling in years, but the thought of WM in UK excited him, I'm not saying every old fan would feel this way, but it did make me wonder.


Looking a bit farther ahead, I presume WM XXX will be in New York, maybe they will want a bigger venue than MSG, in which case New Yankee Stadium could be a shout.


30 will mostly certainly be in New York, and yes I believe Cities do bid for having WM, I guess WWE must pick a bunch and then let them come up with the best offers, Im not totally sure how it works.


I think Toronto and maybe L.A. would be the favourites as its been a long time for both of them....although i'm biased, as if its Toronto i'll almost certainly go. As for XXX, it'll be the Garden.

Only reason Summerslam was in London in 1992 was because Wrestling was MASSIVE back then. With Sky TV showing this new craze, and UK lapping it up it was the smart decision for the WWF. It wouldn't sell out half of Wembley Stadium now. I agree they could have a PPV in a smaller venue over here though, but I think the WWE would see it as a pointless hassle when they can just as easily attract the same numbers in America.


One of the major reasons that Summerslam '92 was held in London was that in the months following Wrestlemania 8,the WWF was getting seriously bad press in the US following on from the sexual harrassment / steroid stories which had emerged and were seriously damaging their reputation. Advertisers were starting to look away from a product which up until that point was aimed at families but was now having some very adult issues which were being exposed on national TV. However here in Blighty (and Europe) the WWF's stock was rising rapidly (Germany was also considered for Summerslam).


The reason why Wrestlemania won't happen anywhere outside North America / Canada is simply the time difference. The WWE won't risk losing massice revenue in PPV by having to start the show at silly o'clock.

I think Toronto and maybe L.A. would be the favourites as its been a long time for both of them....although i'm biased, as if its Toronto i'll almost certainly go. As for XXX, it'll be the Garden.



Isn't L.A. is the permanent home of SummerSlam now? Can't see them having WM & SS in the same state.


I have a feeling Toronto will get it. Although would love to see WM in the Cowboys Stadium below




At least no one would complain of not seeing anything in the cheap seats.


Toronto has been rumoured the last couple of years so would be a good shout. Heard on Between the Ropes a while back that somewhere (can't remember exactly where) in Florida were thinking of bidding.


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