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The Terrible, Interminably Boring Mafia Game


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Well let's loose the game now, with your vote and the the 2 scums vote it'll add up to 4 with a simple:


vote TMS


Hammer it scum, we've lost it anway

That essentially confirms your scum for me. You've one vote resting on you and you go and try something stupid like that.

Oh, and also - you had a vote on me because you said you thought I was scum. And now in this post you say with "my vote and the two scum" suggesting you know I'm NOT scum. Oops.

If you're not scum the 2 scum that are will be along shortly to finish me, that is what I implied as well you know! Unless you can't getthe numbers to do that! Which would infer you are in fact scum

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OK, explained a little better.


If Ron IS Town then as soon as Scum now that I have two votes, they shall be along and get me lynched.


If however a lynch does not occur, there are two options


1. I am scum and I can't get the numbers to force a lynch (Ron + Me + Scum Buddy)


2. Ron is scum and He can't get the numbers to force a lynch (Me + Ron + Scum)


This what it now boils down to, we either loose pretty sharpish, or one of us is 100% Town and the other is 100% Mafia.


It is then up to Town to get the right man should I still be alive.


I ask you all to bear in mind what I have posted to Ron throughout this day phase, those replies are sincere and I have answered every piece of Ron's attack on me, however he has quite frankly chosen to brush every retort off. He has not mentioned (when asked to this point) why he chose to ignore certain points I have brought up and sought expansion on, he has just steamrolled through, seen an easy option for a lynch and run with it.


He has been lucky with the Three members of Town (going at each other), in fact they have been lucky all game to that extent, I ask you to go back and look at how he remained mostly quiet throughout, posting fairly 'nothing' posts to keep in earshot, but no real scum hunting, no real posts of structure or worth. My play has been apparently the worst bit of play ever, and I will fully admit, it has been a tad shit, but why is Ron doing exactly what I did? If he can see my play was bad, if he can see it was a Town scrap in process like I should've done, and why he has lambasted me in quite a few posts now, if it's obvious to him there, why isn't it obvious to him now? Because he's forcing the lynch.


See also how he has rubbished a cop roleclaiming and giving evidence, as soon as it is mentioned, he's putting up blocks so I can not move from my position.


Now I know my tactics and gameplay have been down right desperate this day phase, hell my head is spinning from it, because I am town, and I am 100% desperate to try and convince you all that I am. I know it's WIFOM, but everything I say or do will be at this juncture. Please, look at Ron here, the lynch is being forced for a third and final time onto a Town.


I will be back online at 1630ish, where I believe this game will most likely be over and done with, and once more (Yes Ron I know what you're going to say) I can only apologise for Day 1 & 2.

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And that's a lynch.


Top Man Shopper, deciding you're all idiots, puts his head in a noose. Swiftstrike, Ron Simmons and Bristep are more than happy to oblige by stringing him up. As his neck breaks, Ron, Carbomb and Family Guy check his pockets, and find out that he was


TMS-Vanilla Townie.


As the three of them look at one another in disbelief, Swiftstrike and Bristep pull out their guns, and shoot all of them at point blank range.


Ron Simmons-Vanilla Townie

Family Guy-Vanilla Townie

Carbomb-Vanilla Townie


Congratulations to the winners, Swiftstrike (Goon) and Bristep (Roleblocker).



Scum win!!!!!!!!!





Right. TMS, self voting was idiotic, and you screwed up the town's chances.


I was impressed by just how much the town managed to screw one another over. So, the Scum MVP goes to town, and the town MVP goes to me. :D


Any questions?


Set up was as follows:


Goon and Roleblocker

Weak Doctor (investigative role if used correctly, since if he doesn't die when he protects someone, they're confirmed town)

One Shot Vig

6 Vanilla Townies



Night actions were as follows:


Night 1:

TripleA protected himself.

Chris B attempted to shoot TripleA, failing because a) he died, and b) TripleA self protected.

Bristep roleblocks TMS.

Swiftstrike successfully murders Chris B.


Night 2:

Bristep roleblocks TMS.

Swiftstrike successfully murders SMS.









Obviously the game is now over. We can play another game immediately, which would mean skipping Mike and having FGPMSL run his, or we can have a break until Mike's suspension is up. Which is a week or two. I would vote the latter, since everyone seems to have had a grump on all game.


Upto you guys.

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Hmmm, worryingly insync there. I'm guessing that's our scum. Oh well.

I ask you all to bear in mind what I have posted to Ron throughout this day phase, those replies are sincere and I have answered every piece of Ron's attack on me, however he has quite frankly chosen to brush every retort off. He has not mentioned (when asked to this point) why he chose to ignore certain points I have brought up and sought expansion on, he has just steamrolled through, seen an easy option for a lynch and run with it.


He has been lucky with the Three members of Town (going at each other), in fact they have been lucky all game to that extent, I ask you to go back and look at how he remained mostly quiet throughout, posting fairly 'nothing' posts to keep in earshot, but no real scum hunting, no real posts of structure or worth. My play has been apparently the worst bit of play ever, and I will fully admit, it has been a tad shit, but why is Ron doing exactly what I did? If he can see my play was bad, if he can see it was a Town scrap in process like I should've done, and why he has lambasted me in quite a few posts now, if it's obvious to him there, why isn't it obvious to him now? Because he's forcing the lynch.


See also how he has rubbished a cop roleclaiming and giving evidence, as soon as it is mentioned, he's putting up blocks so I can not move from my position.

I wasn't repeating what you were doing, I just wasn't satisified for your replies. Self voting is stupid, and is something only scum or jesters should do. If you're not the scum you're completely responsible for your own lynch in my view.

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I've got a training course in a fortnight, for a fortnight so either way I might sit the next one out.


scum thread - http://www.quicktopic.com/45/H/gjmaUvTxVLE


good game guys, we thought day three would be tricky but Ron came charging in and TMS gave up.

Going into the day I thought the scum was Carbomb and swiftstrike, though Carbomb transformed into TMS as things progressed. I wasn't completely sure about him, and that's why I suggested ways he could make himself seem less like scum. I was worried it was just bad play, which in the end it was.


As for Snake, yeah - let's wait for Mike.

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Well played by scum, and lousily played by town.


Triple A - generally, I'd say it was bad play to self-protect, but that was a good move, considering I tried to shoot you. It wasn't anything personal - nexus PM'd me about my role action, and I took it that the only reason to do that with someone with a one-shot ability was that they were getting got overnight. At that point, you and TMS were my top suspects, so if I was being deaded, I thought it would be best to go for one of my top suspects, and - if unsuccessful -at least it would draw a line under the Snake fiasco and allow town to move on.


Snake, that really was a pretty lousy play. The rest of the game involved people being lynched as a result of your play, as it made people look scummy. On top of that, you ignored the fact that there are reasons for town to rolefish. You don't want to lynch your doctor, your cop, and you definitely don't want to lynch a bomb. That made looking for rolefishers (and tends to make looking for rolefishers, to me) a bad play to push to that degree.


With regards to the next game, I was under the impression that first time mods would get priority over repeat mods. I note, for example, that Carbomb said months ago that he wanted to mod one, and it now looks like he's going to have to wait for another couple of games.

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Bloody hell - we were always going to be up against it, really. swiftstrike's one of the best players on the board, and bristep's quickly established himself as another. I didn't have a single read on either of you two. Maybe I just wasn't reading enough, but neither of you played particularly scummily from what I could see.


Yeah, I'd like to mod one, and with Mike gone for the mean-time, I'd like to suggest that we reach a general consensus in place of his making a formal decision.

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The only people you have to blame are yourselves not me. You lynched me because you thought I was talking crap, then spent the rest of the game following up on what I said? I had no way of knowing who was in the scum team, I suggested that you followed up on what I said not lynch on that basis.


As I said in the dead thread, I tried a new idea which failed, it's worth trying than not trying at all surely?

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