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[Nominations] Biggest Anti-Climax of 2010


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Pretty much anything Nexus was involved with (including Summerslam, Cena being not-fired, the bigger picture, etc.)

Punk's feud with Rey (after weeks of Rey beating him, Rey just...beats him...AGAIN!)

NXT season 2.

Miz attempting to cash in only to be foiled by R-fucking-Truth.

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Edge. Edge's comeback, mostly. But most of his year was a serious of false dawns and anti-climaxes.


Not winning the title at 'Mania and having a disappointing match with Jericho, the face turn not really taking, the heel turn being negated in its effet by him havingg to play face in matches against Nexus, his being turned face again without explanation, his war on "stupidity" being followed by a nonsensical benny hill style feud with Kane... never has a man I love to watch perform so much had such a humdrum year.


WWE's handling of "Cena in Nexus," especially closing the book on it after 6 weeks.


Bret Hart wrestling again. Although... I'm not sure I expected anything more.

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Everything John Cena has done in the last six months basically.


The Nexus! Wow! They showed up on Raw during a main event, beat down the company's biggest star and destroyed the set. Nexus then became a minor irritation for Cena for a couple of weeks. Clearly, noone was going to watch Cena's movies if he was doing all this selling and getting beat down by only 6 guys so this had to be stopped.


I can't put into words how gutless it was of WWE to build that stipulation with no intention of honouring it even a little bit. All the hype videos about him making the choice and how life-changing it was for him... and then he blandly does the right thing (safe bet). He then delivers a miraculously good promo about going home and getting choked up and even getting his haters to banter with him on his 'final' night.


Noone expected it to be anything more than temporary. I even sat there and thought about how exciting it would be when he did return... and then before the end of the same fucking show he returned... and continued to return, infuriatingly wearing the same clothes every week - his wrestling attire (complete with kneepads - because you never know) like some sort of giant cartoon child that had crashed his skateboard into the merch stand and taking every bit of heat his wrong-doers may have gotten during his absense and killing any anticipation of his return by beating the fuck out of them repeatedly until he got "re-hired"... and then beating the fuck out of them some more!


He also seems to be indestructable these days. Remember how quickly he got up when Barrett drilled his head into exposed concrete? Anyone else notice how quickly he recovered from CM Punk's chair attacks? Punk was barely up the ramp before he was on his feet. This injury is the best thing that could have happened for him. At least now his rival can build a shred of credibility before he getting squashed.


I get that he's probably a really nice bloke. I get that he's a dedicated company man. I get that he shifts a fuckload of t-shirts. I get that he is a perfect posterboy for the company and it's direction. I still can't help but find the whole angle to have been another massive let down due to the company policy of playing it safe at all times.


Also shit was TNA throwing all of it's eggs in one basket by making every heel that was over a part of the same faction in the space of 24 hours.

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