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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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The Last Count Before Christmas Votecount


3. (Kane) Swiftstrike (L-7) Wolfvinson

4. (Dolph Ziggler) Brownie (L-7) Dan Williams

5. (Randy Orton) Family Guy PMSL (L-5) Ron Simmons, Mike Castle, Chris B

6. (CM Punk) Dan Williams

7. (Cody Rhodes) Ron Simmons (L-6) Lawz, Burchills Buddy

9. (HHH) Chris Stone

11. (Santino Mariella) bristep123

13. (Kofi Kingston) Carbomb

14. (Sheamus) Mike Castle (L-6) Corey Vandal, Family Guy PMSL

16. (Edge) Burchill's Buddy

17. (Rey Mysterio) Wolfvinson

18. (MVP) Lawz

19. (Jack Swagger) Chris B (L-7) Swiftstrike

20. (Christian) CoreyVandal (LYNCHED) MOD PROD PENALTY, Bristep123


Not Voting - Brownie, Carbomb, Chris Stone,



Well, ladies and gentlemen lets get back to the action... There's been plenty going on and several people have tried to throw others out of the ring but they've always crept back in. Christian however has rolled out of the ring and is just standing around watching the action. However Referee Mike Chioda berates him and points for him to get back in the ring or face rejection from the Rumble. Justin King points for HHH to get back in as well.


Just as Christian gets back in Sheamus starts shouting at him calling him Nexus, some of the others are standing around not knowing what to do when *WHAM!* out of nowhere Santino hits Christian with a clothesline that sends him over the top and to the floor!





Christian - WWE Superstar



AD BREAK starts now, please get all night actions in. Due to Christmas we will resume on Tuesday 28th December 10am. Enjoy your Christmases.

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Well WWE Universe, we are back after a extended Ad Break and we need to get straight back to the action and upon looking around the ring we can see that SANTINO HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!



Santino Marella - WWE Superstar


3. (Kane) Swiftstrike

4. (Dolph Ziggler) Brownie

5. (Randy Orton) Family Guy PMSL

6. (CM Punk) Dan Williams

7. (Cody Rhodes) Ron Simmons

9. (HHH) Chris Stone

13. (Kofi Kingston) Carbomb

14. (Sheamus) Mike Castle

16. (Edge) Burchill's Buddy

17. (Rey Mysterio) Wolfvinson

18. (MVP) Lawz

19. (Jack Swagger) Chris B


10. (Vicky Guerrero) TheRandySavage

8. (Big Show) Nexus

2. (The Miz) Top Man Shopper

12. (R-Truth) insert_name_here

15. (Bryan Danielson) TripleA

20. (Christian) CoreyVandal

11. (Santino Mariella) bristep123


Phase 4 Starts now. Ad Break will occur on Wednesday 5th January 2011 (Due to the New Years Festivities day phase has been extended by 2 days or unless someone is thrown over the top rope sooner). With 12 in the ring it takes 7 to throw someone over the top rope.

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I'm up very early, as I have a flight shortly, so this won't be a long post.


The argument that I've been cagey about my suspicions and constantly encouraging others to post theirs is a lousy one. I've been pretty open about my suspicions since the start of the game. I've just been trying not to close myself off to other people's arguments, as that cost town dearly in the last game. I got very hung up on the version of events that I thought was happening (especially with regards to Ron), that it allowed scum to be manipulative. I've been saying for a while that my main two suspects are Mike (who I made a strong case on) and Ron (primarily on the basis that he appears to believe that Mike is lying, but doesn't believe he's scum).

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I think it's fairly obvious whose scum at this stage, but there's so many of them now they're going to swing this game whichever way they want. In the hope common sense prevails and people finally see what I've bern screaming for a long time now is right:

VOTE Family Guy PMSL

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And incidentally, one death last night surely debunks that ridiculous 'Ron is a serial killer' theory that's been pushed. Chris, why does the fact I think Mike isn't scum (but don't necessarily buy his claim) make you think I might be scum? Do you think that town members don't tell self-saving lies?

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And incidentally, one death last night surely debunks that ridiculous 'Ron is a serial killer' theory that's been pushed. Chris, why does the fact I think Mike isn't scum (but don't necessarily buy his claim) make you think I might be scum? Do you think that town members don't tell self-saving lies?


How does it 'debunk the theory'? You could have quite easily chosen not to kill to try and debunk the theory yourself.

Vote Ron Simmons

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I don't think it generally works like that. So you think I'm a serial killer? And also, what happened to you 'knowing' I was town? Your words, not mine. As I quoted previously, you said 'i know you're town, I know I'm town' and Corey Vandal's death frankly gave you a very fortunate out in terms of having to explain that.

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Family Guy, if Ron's the SK he will have to kill again at some point to have a hope in hell of winning (or he runs the risk of it coming down to 4 people, 3 of which are nigh on comfirmed town, and him, if he's the SK, and the choice of who to kill being an obvious one).


So to that end... we need to concentrate on the scums. I'm a bit miffed that Corey flipped town (and more miffed that bristep was the one to hammer, when I'd already made it clear that I was willing to do it when we were due to hit deadline to allow more discussion... I'd have felt it scummy had he not flipped town overnight).


Anyway, to that end, I'm not convinced by the case on Chris B, I've been wary of him all game, but despite a little back and forth between us that riled me a bit, I've never felt anything he's done has been an attempt to screw the town over in any way.


I'm also wondering whether Bristep's death was an attempt to frame swift, which makes me doubt my previous issues with that slot.


I'm still very, very convinced brownie is scum, but I'd be lying if I was now second guessing my reads thanks to Corey's flip as well.


I'd still be happy with a brownie lynch, and would be more than happy with a Family Guy lynch too. I'm also going to buy Ron's claim at this stage after the last night (one death as opposed to three, meaning there's no real show as to why the three died unless at least one targetted Ron and he's the PGO as claimed).


On thinking, I'd also be happy with a swift lynch, but less happy than I would be with the above two.


Also, if (and I stress if, because as I said before, with both me and Ron alive, scum cannot win without killing off every other town member first) I wind up being the lynch at any point in the game, I really really want the next most suspicious person (NOT Ron) to be the hammer, purely because it gets rid of another suspicious person as well, and gains much needed information from their flip too.

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Hate to be flaky like this, but I'm going to be out most of the day. But I'd just like to post this thought:


I don't think Ron is an SK, but the argument that there hasn't been another death isn't really all that strong - we had a rolecop, and it turned out Nexus had a rolecop too. Logic would suggest that, as we've lost a roleblocker, they may have one too, and he may have blocked any SKs the Nexus suspected.


At the moment, I'm in a bit of a quandary as to whom I think is Scum right now. Nobody really jumps out of the screen at me, but I've got plenty of "feelings", as it were. I'm not 100% convinced Mike is a Bomb - his behaviour would suggest that he's most likely not Nexus, but it doesn't completely rule out the possibility that he might be third party, if there is one.


FGPMSL has been a bit suspicious in that he has posted quite a few one-line assertions with only the odd other post to back them up. Not out-and-out incriminating in itself, but it's not particularly innocent-looking behaviour. Ron's point about the "I know you're Town, I'm Town" line is certainly solid - it strikes me as mollifying and a little ingratiating in the face of how tunnel-visioned FG seemed previously, as if he thought he could get a wagon rolling on Ron and backed down when he realised he couldn't. Again, not a conclusive sign, but it's making me suspicious over others.


swiftstrike's posting in this game has been very erratic, and whilst he's been very active in his research, his arguments seem very flimsy, and he's been jumping from one to the other quite a bit. His being wrong about bristep doesn't help either.


Either way, I'm pretty annoyed we've lost such a good player, especially given our current state. We need to start upping our games, people.

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I worry about swiftstrike in that he's been unusually erratic, and Lion Of The Midlands made a few suspect remarks beforehand. I wonder if he's an ordinary Joe scum trying to draw attention away from one with a useful/important role to them, or simply a scum member trying to use his 'fresh pair of eyes' to make others seem guilty. Alternatively I guess he might just be a new player (in regards to this game) struggling to get up to speed with things. I think he should be a heavy focus of any investigation today though.


Obviously everyone should be looked at this late in the game, but I think swiftstrike's play sticks out like a sore thumb when you consider his normal playstyle. Doesn't mean he's guilty, but it certainly doesn't help his case either.

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Just a quick post to show I'm still here.


I've had bronchitis for a month & the last lot of anti-biotics have had nasty side-effects. I've just taken the last one, so hopefully I'll get some level of concentration back within the next 24 hours. Hopefully that explains my silly post regarding BristepRIP.


FOS still pointing at Swiftstrike

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