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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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I think not, although I can see why you're saying that. I'd taken that as being flavour text with regards to Triple A being put on L-1 by the mod. Wade Barrett is the mod, and Daniel Bryan mouthed off to him. I think it's just flavour text. If Snake was clearing someone via flavour text, he deserves the forum post equivalent of a slap.

Snake has Lawler as his avatar though, which means he's less likely to be Wade, and more likely to be Lawler surely? But you're right in that if he has essentially cleared TripleA (and I think he has) he does need a slap for it.


This is why I think it is just flavour text. Wade Barrett running in is, I think, the equivalent of a bolt of lightening.

My only issue is that Wade is the leader of Nexus. So why would he be beating down someone who is on his side? Ergo, TripleA cannot be scum based on that.


(Psst, Mike... STOP CLEARING TRIPLE A ALL THE TIME. Just a thought...)

Role reversal... previously it was me telling you off for calling people town :p.

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Added into the fact that in the flavour text for the elimination, I eliminate the Undertaker with an elbow or something. I wasn't the hammer so surely Family Guy (he was the hammer, right?) should be the one to do it.


Why wasn't Family guy the one who threw The Undertaker out?

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While he does a group have crowded round one of the favorites for the rumble The Undertaker. It's taken a fair few of them to get him over by the ropes. But look out the Viper has tripped over Bryan as he's rolling back into the ring and caught the Undertaker with a back elbow which sends him over the top and to the floor!!


5. (Randy Orton) Family Guy PMSL

According to that, Orton tripped over you TripleA, and elbowed 'Taker over the top rope. (I noted that FG was Orton too from the same post just to show as much).

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Just to clear things up I am Jerry Lawler. At worst I'm Vinnie Mac. Wade Barrett is a character as part of the flavour. No-one in the game represents him.

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Chris, much as I'd like Snake to answer that, he can't without creating mod WIFOM (If he says no, which he will, it just means we then aren't sure what he's getting at).


But I would strongly suggest that Snake refrains from having Wade (or any Nexus member) attacking anyone in the flavour text. In fact, flavour text should not include hints and information unless you are deliberately trying to bastard mod a game.

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Maybe it doesn't though. Since it's a "Royal Rumble" theme technically every man is for himself. You could say that (in flavour terms) the match would carry on after the Nexus was "eliminated" anyway. I think it's just throwaway myself. Maybe I'm wrong though, I dunno.

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Chris, much as I'd like Snake to answer that, he can't without creating mod WIFOM (If he says no, which he will, it just means we then aren't sure what he's getting at).


But I would strongly suggest that Snake refrains from having Wade (or any Nexus member) attacking anyone in the flavour text. In fact, flavour text should not include hints and information unless you are deliberately trying to bastard mod a game.


He's already created a huge mod WIFOM by acknowledging it, and specifically saying that Wade isn't representing the mod. It really does seem to back up the idea that he's been cleared by the mod, and that's irritating as hell.

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Agreed... however I brought it up to essentially direct people attacking (or FoS'ing) TripleA to hopefully direct their thoughts elsewhere. But trying to work out what the mod meant by it wont get us anywhere. I just hope Snake (and future mods) take note and don't botch like that again.


Anyway... bristep, Corey and Dan (yes, I still am happy with a Dan lynch) are my main suspects, Mesacret is no longer suspect at the moment, though whoever is replacing him 1) Needs to be announced (seriously Snake, you're replacing him, tell us who it is that's replacing the slot), and 2) Needs to give us a thorough read of what they feel about the game at this point, and then get involved fully.

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Interesting point in the game this.


I fully understand that the reasoning behind wanting to lynch the lower posting players, but surely they can be replaced? We're here to hunt scum and if we lynch a lower posting player and they're a doctor or similar we're fucked.


Let's replace the lower posters so they can benefit us. Let's lynch the scum.

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brownie, where are you getting "lynch the lower posters" from? The only one that currently requires replacing has been replaced. The only other player who may wind up replaced is bristep, and he's mid-range on the postings.


My main suspects are Dan (one of the main posters), bristep (mid-range as stated) and Corey (posting barely enough to keep active and has said nothing).


We also can't just say "right, replace X" it doesn't work that way, they're only replaced if they stop posting entirely, or they themselves request it. So just not targetting them does us no good.


So... brownie, questions:


Why should we let Corey continue to post nothing each time?


Why are you saying we're trying to lynch the lower posters when only one of the main suspects of myself and Chris (the two recent people stating who we suspect) are low posters?

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Sorry everyone - I've tried not to coast, but it's been difficult the past few days to get in anything more than one or two posts a day. However, I'm determined to try and rectify this situation.


I have to agree with brownie on the last point - I think it's not only a waste of a lynch to get rid of the low posters, it's also potentially damaging for WWE, because we could easily lose a power role for no better reason than someone just wasn't posting, which is never a good reason to lynch someone in itself, especially when, from a strategy perspective, it's a problem easily remedied via replacement. Besides, we've already got plenty of people who've given us more than enough to be dealing with at the moment - Dan, Nexus, Ron, Mike, Chris B, Triple A, brownie, Lawz, FGPMSL and myself. Despite our attempts to address every point that bears discussion, we haven't been able to cover it all, I think, largely because of the heated discussion from the last few pages.


I'll try and iterate, in concise points, why people COULD be Nexus, in my opinion (just bear in mind that this basically a summary of potential Scum tells, rather than a statement of belief that said individual is Scum or a Threat):


Ron - unusually aggressive/defensive play, seemed to be the only one sure enough of the existence of a Serial Killer to raise and push the point.


Chris B - difficult to tell, but in a couple of his posts he's been very deft at slicing individual statements and positions, and rearranging them to suit arguments he makes - even if it seems a stretch.


Nexus - potentially Scummy very early on in the game with some rather heavy rolefishing, and despite being quiet hasn't quite got the stink off himself yet. But there have been no further statements to suggest he's Nexus.


TripleA - reckless play early on.


brownie - fiendishly difficult to spot anything at the moment. Like Chris B or JLM, is very capable of completely disguising Scummy behaviour, which isn't a Scum tell in itself, but does put me on heightened alert.


Mike - aside from the usual objections to his manner, attitude and tone, it's mainly that his "Scum-dar" seems disproportionate despite apparently not having any more access to information than any of us. Case in point: even before TripleA's Vanilla Play, still dismissed both him and Ron out of hand as potential Nexus, with no particular evidence either way, and seemingly largely ignored SMS' gaff (which was Scummy play, to be fair, even if he did flip WWE). An extension of this is that he seemed to be rather intent on directing scumhunting away from certain guys, which didn't help. The sudden decision to raise certain players as potentially posting fluff, claiming he needed to read more (despite having made quite a few assertions on the game already) struck me as odd.


Dan - hideously erratic play. Whilst I understand his frustrations, he hasn't exactly helped his cause with his wild statements and actions. When asked questions by myself, answers were largely satisfactory, but undermined by a couple of controversial answers he seemed unable to back up in light of further pressure.


Lawz - his explanation of "quality over quantity" makes sense in the face of his seeming "coasting", but he may be posting just a little too infrequently for that explanation to suffice at the moment.


FGPMSL - seems to be a little tunnelled on TripleA, and came across as almost completely implacable in this regard, pushing the point.


Carbomb - is total skill, and is far too sexy for his shirt.



At the moment, my top two suspects are Nexus and Dan Williams - Dan's currently top of the list, as Nexus' play has been otherwise calm and relatively measured, and Dan's has still been a bit erratic. I know I've written a lot about Mike, but in terms of sheer verbiage and posts, he has posted the most.

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