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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Can I just ask why I ended up being the one that hammered SMS home?. The post said L-2 when I voted, (backed up by Family Guy trying to vote and Mike saying Family hammered it) only for a couple of minutes later the mod editing the post to say L-1 and ending up with me being the last vote?. I PM'd the mod and he didn't reply. I'd like to know why that happened. It was potentially game-changing.


Also, can someone with more experience than me explain how the hider died?. Was it a random night kill by them, or did they hide behind whoever they aimes for or something?

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Firstly I wanna apologise for missing the past few days. Damn snow meant i was stranded in my mothers house with no internet!


I think we were right to lynch SMS as his play during the game day was ridiculous. Unfortunately he was telling the truth regarding his role and now that TheRandySavage wa NK'ed we are down 2 town roles. Not a good first day for us. Having done a read through i think its obvious Dan Williams is the most likely scum at the mo. As Triple A i think it was said he is just throwing shit out there and seeing what sticks.

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Can I just ask why I ended up being the one that hammered SMS home?. The post said L-2 when I voted, (backed up by Family Guy trying to vote and Mike saying Family hammered it) only for a couple of minutes later the mod editing the post to say L-1 and ending up with me being the last vote?. I PM'd the mod and he didn't reply. I'd like to know why that happened. It was potentially game-changing.


You weren't the hammer Family Guy was as refected in the end of day count. I edited the former count because you voted as I posted the votecountand decided to edit it then.

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*bangs head on wall*


Randy, Randy, Randy... why did you not hint at who you were going to hide behind? That would have given us some sort of lead as to why you died (or was eliminated) overnight.


However, one piece of info we do have is (unless Randy was a tit and didn't hide at all) we know the kill was prevented. It can't have been from a roleblocker, meaning our doc did good. Also, DO NOT reveal yourself, nor who you protected, not until we're nearing the end of the game and it's useful to help confirm two people (hopefully) prior to LyLo.


As for this day phase... I'm going to resume where I left off.


vote: Dan Williams


Also, TripleA, regarding the hider, they can die in 3 ways:

1 - Fail to hide and be targetted

2 - Hide behind scum

3 - Hide behind someone who was killed by scum.


In this instance, the 3rd one obviously hasn't happened as only one person was eliminated (Randy), the first one could have happened, but would be very poor play, the second is most likely.


And thinking about it, it's also possible scum targetted Randy, but he also hid behind scum (leading to the lack of a normal night kill, so my earlier comment in this post about the doc could be pointless anyway).


(@Mod, just a suggestion, don't edit the votecount to include stuff that's happened after you posted it, it leads to more confusion that way)

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I think we should probably try and see if one of either Chris_B and bugsey really does have a double vote, or whether that's another one of Snake's vote-count inconsistencies, like not registering any of my votes until the last one.

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Also, TripleA, regarding the hider, they can die in 3 ways:

1 - Fail to hide and be targetted

2 - Hide behind scum

3 - Hide behind someone who was killed by scum.


In this instance, the 3rd one obviously hasn't happened as only one person was eliminated (Randy), the first one could have happened, but would be very poor play, the second is most likely.

Mike, in situation 3, if the person he hid behind was protected, would Randy still have been killed? The wiki is confusing me, so any explaination is welcome.

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I think we should probably try and see if one of either Chris_B and bugsey really does have a double vote, or whether that's another one of Snake's vote-count inconsistencies, like not registering any of my votes until the last one.


That's a good idea.


Vote: Chris B


Mod Request: Vote Count

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No brownie, only if the person he hid behind is killed (or scum) would he die. If he hid behind a protected player he's safe.


And Family Guy, we can do that... how's about they just vote each other? (Although remember if it's a scum ability they could try and frame one of those two). Nobody else votes either of them until at least after the vote count following it. At least it will give us something of an idea.

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Well this has certainly got interesting.


First of all i'm gutted that SMS was telling the truth especially as i'd voted for him as well and we've now lost two power roles including obviously TheRandySavage but it really seemed to me like like he was playing far to suspiciuosly to ignore and unless someone else had made a major slip-up withing the final hours before we went into the night phase i probably wouldn't have changed my vote.


Well i guess all we can do is move on and try and get back on track and i'll start with this question.


Has TheRandySavage been NK'd or was he eliminated because he hid behind scum? I know it sounds dumb but Snake hasn't said so i'm confused as to whether he was specifically targeted by the scum or if he simply hid behind the wrong person and got killed. I'm not sure on what the rules are or even if there are rules for how specific mods have to be when revealing info during the game so if someone can help me clear this up it'll help me out.

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No brownie, only if the person he hid behind is killed (or scum) would he die. If he hid behind a protected player he's safe.


And Family Guy, we can do that... how's about they just vote each other? (Although remember if it's a scum ability they could try and frame one of those two). Nobody else votes either of them until at least after the vote count following it. At least it will give us something of an idea.


Indeed, and also in case my vote only counts if it's the hammer:


Vote: Family Guy PSML


Mod: Request Vote Count

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Oh, for fuck's sake. TWO power roles?


Mike, quick question, because you've confused me: how as the kill prevented? Surely, if the Doctor was doing a good job, there'd have been no kill at all?

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Has TheRandySavage been NK'd or was he eliminated because he hid behind scum? I know it sounds dumb but Snake hasn't said so i'm confused as to whether he was specifically targeted by the scum or if he simply hid behind the wrong person and got killed. I'm not sure on what the rules are or even if there are rules for how specific mods have to be when revealing info during the game so if someone can help me clear this up it'll help me out.

You wont be told how a hider died, though if someone else dies at the same time as him, you can almost be sure he hid behind someone who was killed. (Another reason why it's a good idea for hiders to breadcrumb who they'll hide behind, if they die you can look over their posts to see who they breadcrumbed)


Mike, Explain your vote, it seems I'm one of the few who tried to save SMS and all of my suspected players appear in the vote list for SMS so a couple of them are almost guaranteed scum. I await your answer.

Erm... you mean my voting you at the end of the last day, and the belief you are scum don't count? Really? Just because you "tried to save SMS" doesn't mean you're not scum. In fact it's common that not all scum will be on a single wagon, and some will actively argue the lynch to try and appear pro-town afterwards.


Oh, for fuck's sake. TWO power roles?


Mike, quick question, because you've confused me: how as the kill prevented? Surely, if the Doctor was doing a good job, there'd have been no kill at all?

If Randy hid behind Player X, who was scum. He would die regardless of whether the doc targetted him (the doc wouldn't be able to find him unless he chose not to hide).


Thus, the doctor cannot protect a hider anyway. So, if Randy had hid behind someone, that person was scum, and the doc's protection succeeded because that was where the scum kill was directed.


If you understand me.


For those who don't (I'm shit at explaining), I'll try a quick thing here:


Hider hides behind Scum A

Scum A kills Townie A

Doc protects Townie A


The doctor's protection works, and that kill is prevented, but the hider hid behind scum and died.


I actually went through Randy's posts, to see if he said he trusted anyone as town, but it was quite the reverse, all the major players (me, Ron, TripleA) were all pulled up on various things. The absolute closest he came to saying he trusted anyone was saying he understood stuff I was saying. Which doesn't necessarily mean he trusted me in the first place.

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