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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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I'm really in a tricky spot now, my main suspicions are still on SMS and Nexus for reasons i've already stated earlier but Dan why did you have to go and throw a spanner in the works like that.

If you really are town and you get yourself lynched through acting massively scummy then that's very bad play.

That being said i really don't think you'd be stupid enough to deliberatly try and get yourself lynched just to prove we were wrong so i can't help but think you're doing this because you're scum and you're trying to distract us from reaching a decision on SMS or Nexus(who are still in my top suspects) resulting in a no-lynch.


I'm still gonna hold of on voting yet because i'm now going to have to go back through and read over everything and see who i think has the weakest case.

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Hi, sorry, I haven't been able to post more. It's been due to a mixture of reasons. I'm coming to Britain for Christmas, so I'm working every day to pay for this, so I've been busy. There's been a lot of activity here and I haven't had the time I'd like to go though the game and make a really informed decision. I plan on attempting that today. I will definitely at least place a vote with reasons before days end tomorrow. At the moment I suspect Nexus the most. For now;



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I find Dan voting for himself as quite odd play. Generally only 2 sorts of people vote for themselves, sulkers and scum. I didn't have Dan pegged as the first so that only leaves the second group. Also most sulkers then don't continue to argue once they have voted for themselves so this again makes Dan look scummy.

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No it proves I was trying to get us away from a no lynch situation brought up by you and attempted to start a lynch we all agreed on so not to have wasted a day, as soon as I did this you decided you didn't want to vote for nexus you wanted to vote for me, which is slightly suspicious. You seem really keen to go to no lynch even though a lynch would be best for the town. Like I say if 10 of us can agree on 1 player then I'm happy to go with that lynch rather than continue to push my own agenda to the end and put us in a bad position.

Your own agenda? :/


I'm worried Dan's a jester, or simply town throwing a strop. He was a little erratic in Snake's last game, but not to this extent. I'm not sure where I stand when it comes to lynching him.

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No it proves I was trying to get us away from a no lynch situation brought up by you and attempted to start a lynch we all agreed on so not to have wasted a day, as soon as I did this you decided you didn't want to vote for nexus you wanted to vote for me, which is slightly suspicious. You seem really keen to go to no lynch even though a lynch would be best for the town. Like I say if 10 of us can agree on 1 player then I'm happy to go with that lynch rather than continue to push my own agenda to the end and put us in a bad position.

Your own agenda? :/


I'm worried Dan's a jester, or simply town throwing a strop. He was a little erratic in Snake's last game, but not to this extent. I'm not sure where I stand when it comes to lynching him.


From the mafia wiki - http://wiki.flyingcowofdoom.com/mafiaWiki/Jester


"Jester is a rare role, and should be used with caution. If a Jester win is exclusive, it is generally accepted that the mod should warn the players that the role exists in the game. The role itself is opposed philosophically by many, because it effectively punishes the rest of the players for good play."


Snake hasn't warned us so hopefully there aren't any. You have me a bit worried now though lol.

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It's his pathetic tunnel vision. He did it with Ron, and now he's doing it with me. I wouldn't mind if it was for legit reasons, but it's for made up bullshit that he's just creating as he goes along. I didn't understand why Ron was getting so defensive before, but after having Dan dribble his rubbish arguments all over me going in circles for the last 4 or 5 pages I fully understand why Ron got so wound up.


Now i'm actually going to defend Ron. The main reason (as i've pointed out numerous times, and you can quote me on that) I found Ron scummy was because of his temper and high defensiveness. After seeing the frustration arguing with Brick Wall Williams causes, I now am fully convinced Ron is probably town.


I'm not tunelling you though like I was with Ron I have not once mentioned lynching you where as i was flat out pushing a lynch on Ron. Also Ron it was in my role PM in the cowboy game that said all I had to do was cause a bit of chaos and not to take it so seriously. so 36 hours to go who are we going to eliminate.

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I'm gonna find it hard to access the internet before lynch time (though will try) so I'm gonna place my vote now.


I don't feel comfortable lynching SMS just yet, he's made badly worded statements before and turned out not to be scum. I'm not comfortable with the funeral mentions, but I'll leave him be for now.


Dan Williams has been erratic, but he was in Snake's last game too. I think that if he was scum there would have been a stage during his meltdown they would have tried to reign him in. Plus I worry he might be a jester, or simply a town member throwing a strop. I'll leave him alone for now.


Nexus has said a few suspect things, and though I could kind of justify lynching him, it was ultimately a toss-up between him and who I have voted for.


I'm voting for Family Guy PMSL. He's made a few statements that have come across as scummy to me, and really pushed for my lynch at times, though he's reigned back. He's usually less tunnel focussed and more objective in games, and that strikes me as an odd way for him to play. The other players have a history of acting as they have in other games without being scum, and I don't know enough about Nexus as a player to lynch him just yet. I just think Family Guy has played a different game than usual, at times in a scummy way.


Vote Family Guy PMSL

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28) There are NO Jesters, Cults or John (Or Juan) Cena's in this game. Also there will be no surprise additions late in game.

Dan isn't a jester lads.


What he is however, is a tricky player to call. I'd like to think he's being daft, rather than scummy, although I certainly understand why those that have voted for him did. I'm not going to vote for him as he's actually playing this game rather than coasting.


I'm going to vote for the person I think is most likely Nexus. My reasoning has already been covered and with the day coming to an end (i'm with no internet tomorrow) i'm going to place a vote.


Vote: SMS

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Ok, I've just re-read the first 15 pages of this thread. All my opinions here are based on those not what has come after, I'll read the next half later.


My first problem is that people seem to be accepting Triple A as town after a pretty dodgy roleclaim




I wasn't given a role name. Unless it's one of "WWE Superstar" or "determined and tenacious". I'm a Vanilla though as I have no abilities other than "throw over top rope (lynch).


So yeah, i'm Vanilla.


The lynch = over the top rope was mentioned in the opening flavour. Secondly 'determined and tenacious' is not in my PM i assume it's charcter flavor specific to Daniel Bryan so reveals no affiliation. Thirdly "WWE superstar" is hardly a revelation is it. I mean fuck me, what else is the town gonna be called. So I'm asking, what exactly has he revealed here?


Then Ron (and others) seem to think this is confirmation as town.

But I find this really suspicious;


I don't have a problem with Triple A's claim, I think he probably is town based on the details he's given. And to be honest I don't think there was a great deal of harm in claiming he's town either, the scum already know he's not with them, and although he gave away the win condition it's far from a game breaker. At the very least it's given us something from which to get the game moving - for better or for worse.




TripleA's wording is fairly accurate to the town text that I was sent also, so I would ask why Mike and Nexus are calling him out unless they hadn't seen that particular text?

That's probably why. He's given away the win condition, so that's one less thing we can call scum out on.


Where the fuck is there mention of a win condition? I don't understand how you've reached this conclusion.


Does anyone else agree that Triple A's roleclaim is vague to the point of meaninglessness? I am not asking people to roleclaim or quote their PM, just to question why he is confirmed town. I realised Sanke warned him/everyone but that doesn't substantiate his claim, merely that snake doesn't want PM quotes.


Also Ron what were you talking about when you said Triple A revealed the win condition? Am I to assume you don't know the town win condition?

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For some strange reason I am getting an error message when I try to add a reply to this topic on my computer so I am back on my phone.


I had no questions left for me overnight as I asked so I don't really know what else to say in my defence.


Depending on how quick people rush through a lynch, this might be my last post, so I need to use it wisely.


I don't understand how no one else apart from Dan 'I'm having a meltdown' Williams has not noticed how scummy Rons play is.


He uses the lack of discussion to start rolefishing, claiming it was a joke, then wants to know the flavour of my role pm, despite the rules saying only to mention your name and role if you wish to put in a claim, even though the mod has warned people earlier.


I am a roleblocker, which due to the mods post in a previous game looks dodgy, but I am town so won't lie to you folks.


Why has Ron made such a strong effort to fish out the only information we have to prove we are town but not been suspected or questioned about this?


Dan, what is with the self vote and the complete breakdown, as you are doing yourself and your suspicions no good at all.


I believe you could very well be town but you are acting very weird and I can see you being the one getting lynched today if you are not careful.


I think Nexus' post might have been a possible typing error but am not happy with his disappearance now others are being fingered as suspects instead of him.


I need to get my vote in, so due to his overly aggressive, even by his standards, gameplay and his constant fishing for town role info, Ron stands out by a million miles as the main suspect.


Vote: Ron Simmons


I am off to bed now as I have just got in and am working all day tomorrow, so whatever the decision, I wish town good luck!


If I am still alive in day 2, I will be back to being able to post at a more normal rate that you have seen in previous games and will be prepared to answer any questions.

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As Randy was posting as I was, I missed his post, but also feel there is something weird about the way Triple A jumped in and gave away that info and the fact he refuses to suspect Ron.


F.O.S: Triple A.


*Last Ride on Cody Rhodes followed by a chokeslam on Daniel Bryan*

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Im not having a meltdown Im frustrated as no one seems to understand the point im trying to get across, it is advantagous to the scum that there is a no lynch at the end of this phase. We have just had more votes without pushing a lynch on anyone and this will end up with us no lynching, Im also frustrated at the people who are coasting through the game why did they even sign up if they aren't going to play. So can we get a common agreement on 1 person to eliminate and vote for them instead of pursuing our own agendas, I have been willing to do this I'm sure some of you can too for the good of the town.

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SMS makes a resoundingly solid argumen there, and also puts forward for me the most compelling evidence for a scum lynch after rereading this thread. As I'm up t'north and out on the lash in L'Pool this weekend I may not be able to wIt for Ron's rebuttal, so for that reason I am doing this now:


vote: Ron Simmons


If I get to the net whilst up here with more than 20 mins to spare I may rescind the above, but for now it actually makes the most sense!

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