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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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Hmmmmm. As things stand, I'm still most likely going to vote for SMS over anyone else or a No Lynch, but I'm prepared to give him one more day before I do so. If he's got answers, I really want to hear them - if he's a role-blocker, we simply cannot afford to lose him.


I appear to have read this differently from others - I read this as being 'I'm most likely to vote for SMS over...a No Lynch' rather than 'I'm most likely to vote for SMS or a No Lynch over anyone else'.


Just because it seemed to be where the whole 'no lynch' movement kicked off, and it may not have been.

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Carbomb I have already tried that and got accused of being scum so there no real point, i actively hope scum win as the town in this one are already playing an atrocious game eliminating one of the most active and scum hunting players who was actually trying to stimulate discussion. Nothing I say has been taken seriously as apparently I'm only mad at those that are voting for me for that reason and not that I legitimately believe them to be scum.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ar you guys insane? Are you so certain of Dan's guilt above that of SMS, Nexus and maybe Ron that you feel it's worth taking us into a Night Phase so soon, especially when we've heard so little from one of the prime suspects?

I'm a bit bemused that my name keeps coming up here, I don't really think I merit mentioning as one of the top three suspects to be quite honest.


But anyway, my worry is that we're focussing on three or four people, so it's pretty likely there are a few people slipping through the net here. That's not to say that SMS, Nexus and Dan aren't scum, just that if they're not and so much time is being focussed on them it's making it easy for the scum to do whatever they want.

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Mike, please - that's not helping. And if I'm honest, it's a suspicious move at best.


SANITY, people. We've got a whole day before it becomes absolutely necessary to lynch - let's not rush the first day.

He has 4 votes on him, considering it takes 11 to lynch, he needs another 7 total, and that's not counting if he unvotes himself.


Why are you so desperate to hold back his wagon?


See, the way I look at it, if I think someone is scum, I'm going to keep pushing them until they make a mistake. Putting someone on the spot can be a pretty good tactic, and it looked like that one was kicking off rather than going round in circles.

I didn't feel it was going to kick off... however considering how things are going now, you may well have been right considering it's kicked off now, just a day later than it could have. So I'll concede to that point.

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Carbomb I have already tried that and got accused of being scum so there no real point, i actively hope scum win as the town in this one are already playing an atrocious game eliminating one of the most active and scum hunting players who was actually trying to stimulate discussion. Nothing I say has been taken seriously as apparently I'm only mad at those that are voting for me for that reason and not that I legitimately believe them to be scum.

Dan, if you ARE town it's comments like this that aren't helping you. You're starting to create a movement around yourself right now and you're provoking it further and further.

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Carbomb I have already tried that and got accused of being scum so there no real point, i actively hope scum win as the town in this one are already playing an atrocious game eliminating one of the most active and scum hunting players who was actually trying to stimulate discussion. Nothing I say has been taken seriously as apparently I'm only mad at those that are voting for me for that reason and not that I legitimately believe them to be scum.


Everyone is open to being accused of being scum, we are supposed to be scum hunting so don't take it so personally when someone suspects you. Nothing you are saying is being taken seriously because your coming out with outlandish statements and saying "I hope scum win" just because your being suspected is really childish play. I'm not prepared to vote for you yet because I feel your actively trying to get yourself lynched here for some reason and the best course of action to people who are behaving childishly is to not give into them.


If you are truely town and don't want to be suspected then don't play, ask Snake to find a replacement for your spot (if he's willing to do this) getting yourself lynched to spite the rest of us is really a horrible move to make and if you want to continue with your attitude your giving others no choice in the matter other then to remove you via lynch.

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No you see its the opposite of that I really do want to play and was actually quite getting into this yet I seem to be one of the few scum hunting and am now being accused of being scum because of this. Its just annoying me partly because there are so many people who have signed up but decided they don't want to help out with the scum hunting and partly because I am active my name is out there more frequently to be shot down, as has happened to other players in previous games. And because of this so far the scum deserve to win as the town arent really trying you included really lawz as your imput is fairly low and of no real consequence.

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Hmmmmm. As things stand, I'm still most likely going to vote for SMS over anyone else or a No Lynch, but I'm prepared to give him one more day before I do so. If he's got answers, I really want to hear them - if he's a role-blocker, we simply cannot afford to lose him.


I appear to have read this differently from others - I read this as being 'I'm most likely to vote for SMS over...a No Lynch' rather than 'I'm most likely to vote for SMS or a No Lynch over anyone else'.


Just because it seemed to be where the whole 'no lynch' movement kicked off, and it may not have been.


To my detriment, you read it correctly. If we do end the Day Phase, I'd rather it be because we lynched somebody for being suspected scum, rather than No Lynching somebody because we didn't have cast-iron, absolute proof, which you're never going to get in this game. That's not to say I WANT to lynch SMS, but he's provided me with sufficient doubt that I think it's more worth a punt lynching him than handing the Scum the Night Phase with a whimper.


Carbomb I have already tried that and got accused of being scum so there no real point, i actively hope scum win as the town in this one are already playing an atrocious game eliminating one of the most active and scum hunting players who was actually trying to stimulate discussion. Nothing I say has been taken seriously as apparently I'm only mad at those that are voting for me for that reason and not that I legitimately believe them to be scum.


Walk us through it, man, walk us through it.


What are your most major points concerning scum-hunting, in the most concise terms? I have to admit that, amongst all the verbiage on this thread, it's difficult to take the distilled menaings from all posts, especially with all the mudslinging about.


Let's put it this way:


Why do you suspect Ron? What are your pros and cons on him?


Why do you suspect Nexus? Pros and cons?


Why are you convinced Mike and TripleA are WWE?


Where do you feel the scumhunting has been de-railed? What should we do to remedy this situation?


What plan would you suggest?



Try, where possible, to put them is shortly as possible - this way, there's little chance of ambiguity or misunderstanding.

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Stop talking in riddles and explain yourself. As we still cannot decide who to lynch and even though the consensus between most us would be Nexus as the common denominator you voted against me to further split the vote spectrum which will edge us towards the no lynch you apparently are't pushing, surely you can see how dodgy this makes you look. I would be willing to drop the issue with Ron for now to pursue the Nexus lynch if thats what the majority agree on.


I was under the impression SMS was the common denominator, as at last vote count, he had the most votes on him, didn't he? Nexus is appearing on a lot of people's suspicions lists (including mine), but I think it's odd to be in a situation where you're not on the lynch that the most people are on, and complaining that people are splitting the vote further by not voting for who you think we should lynch.


It's coming across like you're getting incredibly frustrated, but why? You pushed yourself as a suspect out of nowhere. You self-voted at a time when you didn't have that many votes on you. It's vaguely suicidal, and doesn't seem to be for any real point. Really, if there are more votes on another suspect, why grandstand and vote yourself? I know I self-voted in the last game, but at least I had a good reason for it. Other than that, self-voting is rarely a town move.

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Also I feel I have tried to take charge of the situation and make sure a days play is not wasted with a no lynch and had it completely thrown back in my face, I was even willing to change my vote which I felt strongly about to make sure we could agree on a decision. When i did this Triple A who had announced his suspicion previously towards nexus suddenly accused me of being scum AFTER I suggested voting for nexus and then voted for me, surely you can see why I found this as suspicious also despite what he says he has kind of supported Rons POV despite rons scummy play style.

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See, the way I look at it, if I think someone is scum, I'm going to keep pushing them until they make a mistake. Putting someone on the spot can be a pretty good tactic, and it looked like that one was kicking off rather than going round in circles.

I didn't feel it was going to kick off... however considering how things are going now, you may well have been right considering it's kicked off now, just a day later than it could have. So I'll concede to that point.


Conceding a point?


Who are you and what have you done with Mike Castle?

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Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ar you guys insane? Are you so certain of Dan's guilt above that of SMS, Nexus and maybe Ron that you feel it's worth taking us into a Night Phase so soon, especially when we've heard so little from one of the prime suspects?

I'm a bit bemused that my name keeps coming up here, I don't really think I merit mentioning as one of the top three suspects to be quite honest.


But anyway, my worry is that we're focussing on three or four people, so it's pretty likely there are a few people slipping through the net here. That's not to say that SMS, Nexus and Dan aren't scum, just that if they're not and so much time is being focussed on them it's making it easy for the scum to do whatever they want.


It's not so much that I out-and-out suspect you of being Scum as that you've been the subject of much more discussion by more people in this game than Dan has. Frankly, I think it's made you a focus for interrogation, but I'd still rather focus on SMS and Nexus right now, simply because they've given us much more to go on.


Mike, please - that's not helping. And if I'm honest, it's a suspicious move at best.


SANITY, people. We've got a whole day before it becomes absolutely necessary to lynch - let's not rush the first day.

He has 4 votes on him, considering it takes 11 to lynch, he needs another 7 total, and that's not counting if he unvotes himself.


Why are you so desperate to hold back his wagon?


I'm desperate to hold ALL wagons, Mike, until the last possible moment. I've just been saying (and I'm pretty sure you've been pretty emphatic about this in the past) that it's fucking stupid cutting short the only time we have to have any proper impact on the game before handing it over to the Nexus. Aren't you always telling us we need to take full advantage of discussion time to investigate, question and scum-hunt? That's what I'm doing. I don't know if you noticed, but the Manor got absolutely RAPED in the last game, and I'm just not having that again.


So the question to you, Mike, is: why are you so quick to jump on the Dan Williams lynch bandwagon in contravention to everything you've espoused in previous games, and when there are at least TWO other players who have behaved more suspiciously, have warranted further investigation, and of whom one hasn't returned to address the accusations put to him? Why are you so certain of Dan's guilt to the point you'll chuck us into Night Phase when none of the more obvious options for lynch have been investigated yet?

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Hmmmmm. As things stand, I'm still most likely going to vote for SMS over anyone else or a No Lynch, but I'm prepared to give him one more day before I do so. If he's got answers, I really want to hear them - if he's a role-blocker, we simply cannot afford to lose him.


I appear to have read this differently from others - I read this as being 'I'm most likely to vote for SMS over...a No Lynch' rather than 'I'm most likely to vote for SMS or a No Lynch over anyone else'.


Just because it seemed to be where the whole 'no lynch' movement kicked off, and it may not have been.


To my detriment, you read it correctly. If we do end the Day Phase, I'd rather it be because we lynched somebody for being suspected scum, rather than No Lynching somebody because we didn't have cast-iron, absolute proof, which you're never going to get in this game. That's not to say I WANT to lynch SMS, but he's provided me with sufficient doubt that I think it's more worth a punt lynching him than handing the Scum the Night Phase with a whimper.


Carbomb I have already tried that and got accused of being scum so there no real point, i actively hope scum win as the town in this one are already playing an atrocious game eliminating one of the most active and scum hunting players who was actually trying to stimulate discussion. Nothing I say has been taken seriously as apparently I'm only mad at those that are voting for me for that reason and not that I legitimately believe them to be scum.


Walk us through it, man, walk us through it.


What are your most major points concerning scum-hunting, in the most concise terms? I have to admit that, amongst all the verbiage on this thread, it's difficult to take the distilled menaings from all posts, especially with all the mudslinging about.


Let's put it this way:


1) Why do you suspect Ron? What are your pros and cons on him?


2) Why do you suspect Nexus? Pros and cons?


3) Why are you convinced Mike and TripleA are WWE?


4) Where do you feel the scumhunting has been de-railed? What should we do to remedy this situation?


5) What plan would you suggest?



Try, where possible, to put them is shortly as possible - this way, there's little chance of ambiguity or misunderstanding.




1) I suspect ron because i feel he tried to start a lynch on me by misquoting what i said and taking the words out of context


2) Nexus i only have a mild suspicion on due to his early posts but i felt he was popping up in most people suspicion lists so felt if we were heading to a no lynch we could vote him instead as several people had said they suspected him


3) I simply felt at the begining that they were the most positiv pro town players in my mind


4) I feel scum hunting was de-railed by Rons attempts to discredit me and Triple a's about face when i tried to push a lynch on Nexus (who he had earlier stated he suspected)


5) The plan i would now go with is in the next 12 hours we all need to agree with who to vote for as time is running out.


Also I will not be on tomorrow at all and wont be back on, on saturday until tea time.

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