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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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I'm sorry, but that's a bullshit point. I wasn't trying to make a case against him I was pointing out the many mentions of Mike and Triple A by Dan Williams to show WHY I might suspect him!


If I was trying to frame someone why the fuck would I do it to Dan Williams and not join either the Nexus or SMS bandwagon? And if I were scum why hasn't anyone joined me in suspecting Dan?


But then, several people are pushing on me. Bandwagon, anyone? That some scum members might have joined.


Aow is that more suspicious than what Nexus has done? Or what SMS said? Heck, or even Dan's behaviour. How can you call me "scummy" with a straight face partly for this, partly for defending myself is perplexing.


And over the past few games I've generally been right with who I've suspected. Right down to the last game, even though no one listened to me. And based on the fact I find this a little odd I suspect you, Family Guy. I think you're normally more rational a player than the way you're behaving.

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I would also be comfortable with a Nexus lynch, or to and extent even an SMS lynch. My vote is only in on Ron at the time being because that's the direction the focus of the game has headed in, it may change come tomorrow, but as it stands I'll be voting Ron.

Erm... what? You're admitting outright that you are voting Ron purely because "other people are doing it", which is akin to "I'm just following the tide and trying to slide by without being noticed".


Come up with your own cases, don't just jump on whatever the "popular" case is at the time.


Incidentally, you've just shot up to top 3 likely scum alongside Nexus and Dan.


That's a misinterpretation, it has nothing to do with how other people are voting, it's how my 3 suspects are playing. I listed my 3 top suspects as SMS, Ron and Nexus and that I was unsure where my voted was going, after reading over a few of his posts I voted for SMS, then he replied to my suspicion with something that I saw as a fair and reasonable counter argument, so withdrew my vote. I then questioned Ron, who's replies to my suspicions and those of others hadn't covered himself in glory, pushing him up to my top suspect.


However, we're not playing a game of 'Find the One scum player', we're playing a game of 'Find a selection of scum players'. If you said 'pick 3 people to lynch' I'd say SMS, Ron and Nexus, however I only have one vote, and the game as a whole since I originally decided who I was suspicious of has organically moved the spotlight to Ron in my eyes.


It has nothing to do with how anyone else is voting, it's to do with how those 3 players have played since I spotted them as potential candidates.

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I'm sorry, but that's a bullshit point. I wasn't trying to make a case against him I was pointing out the many mentions of Mike and Triple A by Dan Williams to show WHY I might suspect him!


If I was trying to frame someone why the fuck would I do it to Dan Williams and not join either the Nexus or SMS bandwagon? And if I were scum why hasn't anyone joined me in suspecting Dan?


But then, several people are pushing on me. Bandwagon, anyone? That some scum members might have joined.


Aow is that more suspicious than what Nexus has done? Or what SMS said? Heck, or even Dan's behaviour. How can you call me "scummy" with a straight face partly for this, partly for defending myself is perplexing.


And over the past few games I've generally been right with who I've suspected. Right down to the last game, even though no one listened to me. And based on the fact I find this a little odd I suspect you, Family Guy. I think you're normally more rational a player than the way you're behaving.


Well that's not true. In my game you shot a Doctor and hounded a Town Vig, I really wouldn't try to claim scum-hunting credentials from how you played my game, because there's a fair few people in here who'll call you on that.

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Ron, I think you need to cool your jets before you talk yourself into a lynch.


You're playing a super-defensive game, which comes across as having something to hide or protect. I appreciate you want to defend every bun thrown, but I think you need to start picking your battles. Just accept with you an Dan it's over. He's going to vote for you, he thinks your scum, and that's that.

In fairness, people are labelled scummy when they don't respond to points against them. It's a little harsh to then say responding is scummy.


Right now, Nexus still makes me feel uneasy as I don't see what he thought he'd achieve with his posts earlier but i'm more concerned about SMS. I don't believe his roleclaim and i'm not overly impressed with his defence tactics (they have no place on this forum or in this game). I think we still have some more to learn this day phase so i'll hold off voting until Friday.

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Well that's not true. In my game you shot a Doctor and hounded a Town Vig, I really wouldn't try to claim scum-hunting credentials from how you played my game, because there's a fair few people in here who'll call you on that.

GENERALLY been right. I'm not asking for people to agree or disagree here, but if you look back at my opinions in Snake's last game and in your game I've hit more often than I've missed.


Aside from that I feel unjustly tunnelled here. I'm being focussed on heavily simply because I'm here, and other people are getting a bit of a free ride. I also suspect at least one of the people pushing for my lynch is scum. I have a funny feeling it's you, FG based on the fact you don't normally play in a way that's using pretty weak evidence. Other than Dan Williams nobody has really made anything of that post, and there's a reason for that.

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I would also be comfortable with a Nexus lynch, or to and extent even an SMS lynch. My vote is only in on Ron at the time being because that's the direction the focus of the game has headed in, it may change come tomorrow, but as it stands I'll be voting Ron.

Erm... what? You're admitting outright that you are voting Ron purely because "other people are doing it", which is akin to "I'm just following the tide and trying to slide by without being noticed".


Come up with your own cases, don't just jump on whatever the "popular" case is at the time.


Incidentally, you've just shot up to top 3 likely scum alongside Nexus and Dan.


That's a misinterpretation, it has nothing to do with how other people are voting, it's how my 3 suspects are playing. I listed my 3 top suspects as SMS, Ron and Nexus and that I was unsure where my voted was going, after reading over a few of his posts I voted for SMS, then he replied to my suspicion with something that I saw as a fair and reasonable counter argument, so withdrew my vote. I then questioned Ron, who's replies to my suspicions and those of others hadn't covered himself in glory, pushing him up to my top suspect.


However, we're not playing a game of 'Find the One scum player', we're playing a game of 'Find a selection of scum players'. If you said 'pick 3 people to lynch' I'd say SMS, Ron and Nexus, however I only have one vote, and the game as a whole since I originally decided who I was suspicious of has organically moved the spotlight to Ron in my eyes.


It has nothing to do with how anyone else is voting, it's to do with how those 3 players have played since I spotted them as potential candidates.


How is it a misinterpretation? If you'd said 'it's how my game is going', that'd be one thing, but it wasn't. You said it's 'how the game is going'.


I know Ron has a tendency to get into a lot of arguments, but I do feel he's being pushed here more than he's warranted. I'm not convinced he's town, but I think he's acting more town than either Family Guy or Dan over the last few pages.


I also think we need to make a decision on the SMS thing. He's not really going to be around to defend himself, and we're coming to the last few days of game play. We're probably not going to get any more information from him, so if anyone's going to join in the lynch, it would be worth knowing - because otherwise, we may end up with a no-lynch that could be avoided either by lynching SMS or by agreeing that SMS isn't going to be lynched today.


For me, if SMS is a roleblocker that would obviously be a useful role to have around. However, the more I tend towards thinking Ron is town, the more concerned I get by the statement earlier, as it was a very strong reaction to have. I'm also aware that there's been a tendency to believe claims in games, and that concerns me as well.

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Chris, I think looking at the difference between saying the game and my game is a tad pedantic, but I see your point.


Ron, you can't accuse me of tunnelling when I've clearly stated my reasons for voting, telling you I have nothing to add and advising my vote isn't moving unless I see something scimitar from Nexus or SMS. Right now I think all 3 are scum and if I could lynch all 3 this round I would. Right now I'll see how things develop, which is what I was trying to earlier, it's just that based on what i've seen tonight, the button is on Ron.


I hope this clears up my previous statement, and I'll have nothing further to add until tomorrow.

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The thing with a roleblocker claim is it's hard to prove, even more so if we direct it as a town because we can't be sure where it's being directed.


Plus, we risk hitting a town power role with it and thus preventing them from acting. (Okay, we risk that anyway, but sometimes less so).


My suggestion would be thus:


Leave SMS alive for now. If he's town, scum will take him out for us, or leave him alive for WIFOM purposes. If he's scum, he'll stay alive and we can consider him later anyway.


Unless he does something scummy to make us lynch him, we can force him to claim later on. (The day before LyLo ideally). In said claim we get the information as to who he's blocked, and on what night (or we make him claim each day who he blocked the night before). What this means is if he lies, we'll have caught him out (Unless it turns out he's only blocked Vanilla's).


As an example (and I don't know if any of the following have roles):


Tonight he blocks, for instance, Ron. Ron has no action to submit so no idea if it's true or not.


Night 2 he blocks, say, Chris, Chris does have an action, and it works. SMS says he blocked Chris the next day. Chris stays quiet at this point (Unless his role isn't hugely useful, in which case, claim away to nail one scum).


This goes on until we near LyLo, (or one of those he claimed to block either feels they should claim it's a lie, or one of those is about to be lynched and can call him on it). At which point those who know he was lying can call him on it, and we lynch him.


Of course, in all honesty, he could still be a scum roleblocker, but I'd rather lynch him for either being caught in a lie, or because he acted scummy, than because of something which he cannot argue against properly at this stage.

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I think that despite my earlier concerns about him Ron could well be town.

Right now i'm still suspicious of Nexus and SMS but i'm leaning more towards SMS now. In Particular SMS claiming he's a role-blocker seems like a stupid thing to do because if he's telling the truth, we believe him and spare him the lynch it just makes him more likely to get NK'd early on thereby wasting his role and making us more vunerable.

Oh and Family Guy PMSL, that remark you made about voting for Ron because "that's the direction the focus of the game has headed in" is definitely a little suspicious and has definitely made me more wary of you.

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If I was trying to frame someone why the fuck would I do it to Dan Williams and not join either the Nexus or SMS bandwagon? And if I were scum why hasn't anyone joined me in suspecting Dan?


The first question you ask isn't a refutation. If you were Scum, you'd frame Dan and not join the Nexus or SMS wagons because they're scum too, requiring you (and potentially others) to distract people's focus from them.


However, the second question you ask does point out why it's unlikely that the above is the case, because, as you say, no-one else has narrowed in on Dan YET. In itself, it's not an exoneration (you could easily be playing a subtle game to get things rolling slowly), but I'd say it's a decent enough indicator in your favour for Town - but that does NOT rule you out as far as I'm concerned.


Yes, FG's posting has been a little bit tunnel-visioned, but I agree with his point that the post you made picking apart Dan Williams' post does look very much like trying to create something out of nothing and thus looks a bit scummy.




At the moment, however, Ron does not concern me. Who concern me are SMS and Nexus, and quite frankly, SMS is an inch away from talking himself into a noose in my view. To echo the sentiments expressed, I hope this difficult time goes smoothly for him, and I hope he and his family rcover from the loss sooner rather than later, but in terms fo the game, his defensiveness looks very bad and does not provide me with the explanation I wanted from him to stay my hand. Additionally, his claim of "roleblocker" has made me incredibly suspicious. It's certainly a useful power which we cannot afford to lose, but as someone else has said, he could be either lying to prevent a lynch or even a Nexus roleblocker.


As a result, he's by far and away at the top of my list for a lynch vote. I'm still not going to place that vote yet, because there is still plenty of time before the Ad Break, he may yet get back to us with a plausible explanation, I'm not prepared to risk losing a useful power on a rush vote (although I do think a role-claim this early in the ame is fucking stupid, because it means now we have to waste our Doctor's action [assuming we have one] protecting him), and I don't want us going into a Night Phase when we're clearly unprepared to deal with it - we simply don't have enough to go on to formulate any kind of strategy right now.


That said, as SMS is currently unavailable, that takes me to my number two suspect: Nexus.


Nexus - your explanation for your tactics on here COULD be plausible, but I'm still not convinced; there's something fishy about how you've worded your posts which I just can't put my finger on yet, so I'm going to be examining any posts you make from now in the most minute detail. You're either Nexus, or playing badly.

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And if I were scum why hasn't anyone joined me in suspecting Dan?

The 2 most successful scum teams so far (Chris Stone, Lion and Dan Williams in Nexus' game and Swifts band of brothers from the Cleudo game) largely operated independant of each other in the game threads. I think now we're all a little more experienced, we realise scum probably won't buddy up in the game with each other.

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The 2 most successful scum teams so far (Chris Stone, Lion and Dan Williams in Nexus' game and Swifts band of brothers from the Cleudo game) largely operated independant of each other in the game threads. I think now we're all a little more experienced, we realise scum probably won't buddy up in the game with each other.

Fair enough - this is only my third game though, remember. And the second was Swiftstrike's "over in a day" game. So I've only really seen two scum teams operate, and the cult I was part of in Snake's last game.

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brownie, in all fairness, neither game required them to truly buddy up with each other. the cluedo one even more so, they just let swift take the mantle of town director, and let town shoot each other. We never really got to see what they would have done had town truly scum hunted in that game as nobody really did.


I can't remember the Nexus game too much beyond day 1, likely because I was in a coffin on day 2, but I'd be surprised if there wasn't legitimate scum tells that could be seen in that game if I looked hard enough. But you've got no chance of me reading all that.

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I'll grant you that about the Cludeo game - the scum didn't have to try hard. However, I was astonished that Stone, Lion and Williams were working together - never saw it coming. Then again, I didn't think Swift was the poisoner in the cowboy game, so it could well be that i'm just crap.


I can understand the logic of your plan re: SMS, but there are a couple of things that concern me:

-if SMS is telling the truth, isn't it fair to say that the Nexus will have a roleblocker? What's to stop them cancelling SMS out?

-for us to verify SMS claim, won't someone else have to roleclaim? We could be revealing our strengths and inviting the Nexus to take our power roles out.

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I can understand the logic of your plan re: SMS, but there are a couple of things that concern me:

-if SMS is telling the truth, isn't it fair to say that the Nexus will have a roleblocker? What's to stop them cancelling SMS out?

-for us to verify SMS claim, won't someone else have to roleclaim? We could be revealing our strengths and inviting the Nexus to take our power roles out.

If they cancel SMS out... well in all honesty, if scum wish to waste their roleblocker blocking another roleblocker each night, that's more than fine by me. i'd rather we had two roleblockers essentially cancelling each other out, than lose the power of a cop or doc. If SMS is town, clever scum would take him out anyway because he might hit one of their guys later in the game and prevent a kill, or important action for them. So lynching him now is not important to that end.


As far as verifying it goes, we would need someone to roleclaim, which is why I said only do so when it would benefit the town most.


For instance, if he claims to roleblock someone, and they're the cop, they don't need to claim that they are to lynch him right away, I'd instead suggest holding off a day or two to be safe. Scum wont know if SMS was telling the truth or not either (nor will they be sure what the player's role was if he's a scum roleblocker), so there's no real danger of taking him out.


Of course, if their role is relatively weak, or one shot, and it was used. Then by all means claim and have a ball as we string up scum.

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