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RIP Gran Naniwa


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Real shame. He was a funny character from the early days of Michinoku Pro and that crab walk of his will always remembered fondly. He's barely been active in recent years only showing up for some light-hearted comedy matches here and there including the failed WrestleLand project of New Japan, but he was a true original back in the day. RIP.




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Much like Seasider, I also got to meet Gran Naniwa (along with tiger Mask IV) at the L!ve TV tapings years back. Nice guy, very friendly and was happy to sign an autograph for me and my mate.


34 is a very young age to be checking out. Such a shame.


RIP, Crab-man.

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RIP Naniwa


Had no idea he was still that young.


To be honest I found his crab gimmick a bit odd the first time I saw it but after watching him a second and third time I realised he was actually a really good worker as well.


Even though my favourites from MPW were Dick Togo and Sho Funaki, Naniwa definitely deserves a mention as one of the people most associated with the glory days of the promotion. The two matches he had in UWA were fun and there was something really cool about the guy (or anyone who could get a sideways walking gimmick over the way he did) especially since I'd imagine a lot of the audience had never seen him before.

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