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Rather them live in their own little community, than have them move in next door!




Like the blacks, muslims and poles, right?


And the gays, dont forget the gays..


It's funny because you're a racist cunt.


It's funny cos I'm JOKING

Fucking hell, you people amaze me


And by "you people" I mean you people...

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Hey, mickeys a fascist cunt and I hope he dies slowly of cancer. I hope his mental issues get worse to the point he completely fails to function, I hope to christ he doesn't have children but if he does I hope they don't get to see puberty, to ensure his ignorance and basic lack of humanity dies with him.













(gods sake, I'm only joking! You people!)

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Rather them live in their own little community, than have them move in next door!




Like the blacks, muslims and poles, right?


And the gays, dont forget the gays..


It's funny because you're a racist cunt.

Whilst some people are simply just cunts...

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What I dont get with these travellers is that they're turning down houses offered by the council as it goes against their way of life, yet it seems that a lot of them dont do that much travelling and if they could just stay in the same spot for as long as they can.


They've turned down the flats or hostels that have been offered for the old folks and familys with kids. Hostels are not lovely places to live with your kids alot of the times, and it would involve splitting them all up and ruining their community.

For all the issues that can go with travelling communites (and I certainly wouldn't be naive enough to suggest that there are often issues) the togetherness and sense of community they've got is really rather special. I dunno if we ever actually had the sense of community and everyone looking out for and hanging out with each other than people seem to suggest we did in the good old days. But whether or not we did, the guys at dale farm do. And quite frankly, with them owning the land, it seems a bit much to rip it all apart for no good reason.

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I'm actually a little surprised the EDL hasn't got involved with this somehow yet. Or maybe because not many travellers are Muslamics and that many adult male travellers are quite capable of taking care of themselves?

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I'm actually a little surprised the EDL hasn't got involved with this somehow yet. Or maybe because not many travellers are Muslamics and that many adult male travellers are quite capable of taking care of themselves?


Or maybe because there is no reason at all to get involved in this?

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Should anyone who owns land be able to build whatever they want on it, without getting planning permission? If the answer is no, then you can't make an exception for Dale Farm. It's been allowed to go on for a ridiculous amount of time. If the bulldozers had been sent in as soon as the buildings had been put up, we'd all be a lot better off. All that is going to happen once they are evicted is they'll do the same again somewhere else and it'll drag on for another decade while all the appeals go on and a lot of lawyers get very rich from the public purse.

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I'm actually a little surprised the EDL hasn't got involved with this somehow yet. Or maybe because not many travellers are Muslamics and that many adult male travellers are quite capable of taking care of themselves?


Or maybe because there is no reason at all to get involved in this?


Yeah, stick to protesting the opening of mosques, cos there's loads of good reasons to do that.



Should anyone who owns land be able to build whatever they want on it, without getting planning permission? If the answer is no, then you can't make an exception for Dale Farm. It's been allowed to go on for a ridiculous amount of time. If the bulldozers had been sent in as soon as the buildings had been put up, we'd all be a lot better off. All that is going to happen once they are evicted is they'll do the same again somewhere else and it'll drag on for another decade while all the appeals go on and a lot of lawyers get very rich from the public purse.


Exceptions get made all the fucking time, for various people for various reasons. House's are put up all over the shop by construction companies all the time on top of green belt land and all the rest.

The idea that taking a considered viewpoint on this means anyone gets to build whatever they want whenever they want is ridiculous.

Quite frankly they should have been given planning permission in the first place and left to get on with it, would have saved millions of pounds and would have worked out better for the council, the travellers and everyone else involved.

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Hurrah! Nice one Duane!

Hurrah! You're on the same side of the argument as Duane, Mickey and Tommy Atkins! Hurrah!


Boo, another delay due to an injunction. The tension is killing me.

Seriously, even if you're just a stickler for planning laws (no matter how institutionally discriminatory they are), (and this is a bit like Mickey's EDL as a food-labelling pressure group), surely you can see that boorishly cheering for the forced displacement of a heavily-persecuted ethnic minority is in unbelievably bad taste and is grossly illiberal.

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Quite frankly they should have been given planning permission in the first place

Why? They bought the land in full knowledge that it could not be used for residential dwellings.


Where are all these houses built on green belt land by construction companies?


Lol, it was a fucking scrap yard when they bought it, let's not pretend the green belt thing meant a fucking damn.

And are you serious re green belt land being built on? You are taking the piss aren't you?

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