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Why? Honest question. :)

Because, despite the current set-up as far as the Scottish Government goes, we're basically being run by a coalition of political parties that secured 12 seats and 34% of the Scottish vote.


I don't like that, or think it's very fair, thus independence is the answer as far as I'm concerned.

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Because, despite the current set-up as far as the Scottish Government goes, we're basically being run by a coalition of political parties that secured 12 seats and 34% of the Scottish vote.


I don't like that, or think it's very fair, thus independence is the answer as far as I'm concerned.



Britain is being run by that government, and its not just Scotland that didnt vote them in, South Yorkshire also was mostly opposed. Following your logic do you think the answer is independence for them?


Or is this reason more a way to justify the way you already feel about Scottish independence?


Either way its no odds, I support self determination for all the home nations. I'll especially support it for Scotland if you agree to take the cast of Geordie Shore from England.




edit: why cant I ever type without seeming like Im being cuntish?

Edited by ReturnOfTheMack
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We can always hope. The sooner we split from England, the better.


Of course you'll be immensely poorer without your subsidy from Westminster, so no more free universities, etc. etc. But at least you'll be freeeee.

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No need to be aggressive mate, doesn't solve anything


Could have a point there, course if that's your actual belief, you may wanna lose the sig. EDL marches and the EDL as a whole not being known as a particularly zen and restrained kinda scene.

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Of course you'd know that because it's been spoon fed to you by ITV news.


And seen it in person, and read the union of journalists account of being assaulted for attempting to cover it, and seen the footage of EDL members breaking into an asian restaurant and scaring the shit out of women and children working in it, and have friends in the police force who have to deal with what these cunts do when they come to towns, and seen the arrest figures, and seen the overlap between the BNP and national front, and seen tommy robinson in his BNP days standing next to an openly holocaust denier and national front member.

Don't be a cunt mate, you either have no idea what you're talking about and you're assuming I'm as ignorant to the reality of the situation as you (and that'd be a mighty fucking silly assumption) or you know full fucking well what's what and you're playing the same game big mickey's doing (while searching for a cause big enough to distract him from killing himself and con himself into thinking his life has some worth) with the whole media conspiracy about these lovely reasonable EDL members who only dislike extremists and wouldn't dream of violently abusing any asian they see.


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I actually think Mickey does a good job of keeping his cool and not rising to the popular slating of his beliefs.


More power to you big Mickey.


And Jim Brown'd do mighty well to keep his cool under the popular slating of his beliefs that it's ok to wank off to pictures of naked children. But he'd still be a paedophilic cunt, and this mickey fellow, despite his ability to say "Only joking" after suggesting we bomb all muslims, is still a far right delusional mentally ill fuckwit.


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