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By the way, did anybody hear the suggestion that instead of just selling all our RBS shares back into the market, the government is now considering giving every adult in the country about 1000 quids' worth of shares to do with as they please? I actually rather like the idea.


It's certainly a vote winner, but that much spare money, with the deficit and cuts and everything else. The money's needed more elsewhere.


A vote winner at this stage of the game is needless and probably pointless. If they save it until just before the next election, it might do them some good. As a general point of Tory principle though, I think it's amongst their best. A business was effectively nationalised. When it comes to re-privatising it, isn't it better that EVERYONE gets the benefit rather than the minority who have the funds and the access to already be able to play the stock market? The bailed-out banks will almost certainly all recover and become successful again. If we all get a share, we can then all get the nice dividends and/or sell the shares on for the cash reward and/or hang on to them and all get a vote at their AGMs to try and make them more accountable and responsible.


Does have some positives, my first response was thinking the cash would be better used keeping libraries open, or dealing with some of the more unpleasantly cycnical cuts, harlow - for instance - just announced it's cutting it's sure start and playgroups for disabled children. Things like that, where people most in need are getting shat on, I'd like to see that sorted before we all get a grand of shares to play with.

Having said that though, I'm falling into the propoganda trap of thinking the above has to happen because we can't afford it, when of course we'd do much better to just make vodafone pay their tax, or close some of the loopholes barclays are using (they're not just not paying over 1% tax this year, that'll be the same year on year until they've offset their

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Barclays Bank PLC isn't a private business - it is a public limited company.

It's not run for the good of the public in general is what I mean. It's run for the benefit of it's owners and shareholders. It is not a public service, and people need to get over the idea that banks are public services.

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Barclays Bank PLC isn't a private business - it is a public limited company.

It's not run for the good of the public in general is what I mean. It's run for the benefit of it's owners and shareholders. It is not a public service, and people need to get over the idea that banks are public services.


A functioning banking system is a more or less essential part of a capitalist economy. They may not be a "public service" in the way that, for example, the NHS is. It doesn't change the fact that they have a social responsibility that goes above and beyond the profit motive.

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Changing things up a little, if anyone has ever wondered how an imbecile like Sarah Palin can amass as much support as she does, check out some of her supporters in


It would be funny if it weren't such a serious matter.

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Barclays Bank PLC isn't a private business - it is a public limited company.

It's not run for the good of the public in general is what I mean. It's run for the benefit of it's owners and shareholders. It is not a public service, and people need to get over the idea that banks are public services.


A functioning banking system is a more or less essential part of a capitalist economy. They may not be a "public service" in the way that, for example, the NHS is. It doesn't change the fact that they have a social responsibility that goes above and beyond the profit motive.

Have the banks ever agreed to this, or is it just something that's been taken for granted?

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Barclays Bank PLC isn't a private business - it is a public limited company.

It's not run for the good of the public in general is what I mean. It's run for the benefit of it's owners and shareholders. It is not a public service, and people need to get over the idea that banks are public services.


A functioning banking system is a more or less essential part of a capitalist economy. They may not be a "public service" in the way that, for example, the NHS is. It doesn't change the fact that they have a social responsibility that goes above and beyond the profit motive.

Have the banks ever agreed to this, or is it just something that's been taken for granted?


Yes the banks have agreed to this. You are a complete moron.

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Barclays Bank PLC isn't a private business - it is a public limited company.

It's not run for the good of the public in general is what I mean. It's run for the benefit of it's owners and shareholders. It is not a public service, and people need to get over the idea that banks are public services.


A functioning banking system is a more or less essential part of a capitalist economy. They may not be a "public service" in the way that, for example, the NHS is. It doesn't change the fact that they have a social responsibility that goes above and beyond the profit motive.

Have the banks ever agreed to this, or is it just something that's been taken for granted?

Are you mental? Do you understand what society is?

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Amnesty International have jumped on the big payoff bandwagon, paying 2 of it's former bosses 6 figure sums in hush-hush deals. I am sure the people who donate every month by direct debit are pleased to see poverty campaigners getting rich from their donations. Just goes to show what a waste of time and money charities are, just an excuse for middle-class lefties to feel self-important and get rich at the same time. Only a miniscule amount of money ever gets to the people portrayed in the adverts.

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A Councillor at the centre of a storm over his comments about a nine-year-old alleged rape victim has been sacked from several political posts and suspended by the Labour Party.


Glasgow City councillor William O

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Amnesty International have jumped on the big payoff bandwagon, paying 2 of it's former bosses 6 figure sums in hush-hush deals. I am sure the people who donate every month by direct debit are pleased to see poverty campaigners getting rich from their donations. Just goes to show what a waste of time and money charities are, just an excuse for middle-class lefties to feel self-important and get rich at the same time. Only a miniscule amount of money ever gets to the people portrayed in the adverts.


What a suprise Happ changes the subject the moment he is shown up as the fool that he is, I don't care how over used the word is but you are indeed a cunt Happ and thats all that is left to be said when it comes to you and you views.


And yes David fucking hell pretty much sums that report up.

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Just goes to show what a waste of time and money charities are, just an excuse for middle-class lefties to feel self-important and get rich at the same time. Only a miniscule amount of money ever gets to the people portrayed in the adverts.

You're right, let's just do away with the lot of them.

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Or just run them so they that the onus is placed on helping who they are supposed to help, not on giving gainful employment to the self-important middle-class women who normally seem to run them.


Can you even attempt to justify AA paying someone

Edited by Happ Hazzard
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Or just run them so they that the onus is placed on helping who they are supposed to help, not on giving gainful employment to the self-important middle-class women who normally seem to run them.


And by this statement, you display, yet again, that you know absolutely fuck-all about the subject you're spouting such drivel. I've been a member of Amnesty for years; I've seen the work they do, what they've accomplished and the people who do that work.


Seems to me you're just lambasting people who give a shit to try and justify the fact that you don't. It's your prerogative not to care, but don't try and drag others down to your level.

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