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New Doctor Who


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An interesting episode to say the least, they tend to save some good bits for part two, and i'm really interested in this Pregnant/Not Pregnant scan thing. That as well as the women with the iron eye patch, behind the crazy sliding portal thing.


Will be interesting to see whats what as we go on, but I'm loving Matt Smith more and more every week.

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Early feedback from this episode on Dr Who forums seems to be negative. I enjoyed it much more than the pirate one. And it's nice to see the girl from At Home With the Braithwaites is still alive.


I wasn't keen on this episode on first watch though I agree that it's not the weakest episode of the series.

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Definitely had 'first episode of a two parter' syndrome. I'm sure it'll work far better as an overall story. Didn't help that it was after a very good episode, but it certainly wasn't 'bad' for me. Just felt like we were waiting for answers I suppose.

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I just felt this weeks episode was poorly written, although i liked the concept of fighting themselves and the questions that brings up i think they came up with that idea and just tried to fit stuff around it. I did not understand what the Solar storms were as they were barely explained while the whole idea of them needing to mine acid seemed like a last minute addition.

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Didn't Moffat say a while back that this series wouldn't feature any of the old Dr. Who monsters and would consist entirely of new monsters?

SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

It may depend just how he worded it I read that these Cybermen are all new Cybermen they are not the Cybermen from the original show and they are not Cybermen from "Pete's World" so technically you could say they are a new monster/villain


I don't know how true that is though.



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I must admit I didn't see that ending coming


I still wonder if The Doctor we saw killed was a ganger either a 2nd one or Doctor "Smith" as he did say there maybe a way back it may even turn out he had to die to set the other events into motion.


I also loved it when he started quoting past Doctor's catchphrases

Edited by Smeg_&_The_Heads
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Didn't Moffat say a while back that this series wouldn't feature any of the old Dr. Who monsters and would consist entirely of new monsters?

It may depend just how he worded it I read that these Cybermen are all new Cybermen they are not the Cybermen from the original show and they are not Cybermen from "Pete's World" so technically you could say they are a new monster/villain


I don't know how true that is though.



I think that the Cybermen, Silurians, etc will be gangers, hence they'll be "new monsters" even though they are still old ones.

Edited by bristep123
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I'ld say its from episode 1, remember we didn't see what happened during those '3 months' the Dcotor was imprisoned. Anyway a fantastic ending to that episode. However, her house was ramshackled in episode 11, they used her thoughts to create a trap for The Doctor. Maybe they stole Amy!


Plus, I don't think the Doctor who was killed was the ganger, it went to regenerate which i'm not sure the gange rcould do. Or possibly it could!!


Ah I bloody love Doctor Who!

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