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That was shit

In what way was it shit? I thought it was rather a clever way round his death. I don't recall anyone predicting that beforehand which to me is good because it wasn't predictable but it still made sense.

Very enjoyable episode but I thought the ending was shit. 'Doctor Who?'....Really?!?! They took a shit knock-knock joke I first heard aged 5 and turned it into 'the most important question in the universe'?? Load of bollocks.

I'm guessing the took the question from the title of the TV series rather than a very old joke which also came from the TV Series. What would you prefer the question be? Seem to make sense as it's one thing that only The Doctor would know!
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Just watched it. Totally called the question. And Daz summed it up for me: Brilliant, insane fun. Absolutely loved it, and won't ruin it by unpicking it just yet (that can wait til I get bored waiting for the Christmas special).

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Moffat essentially erased RTD's obsession with The Doctor being Superman-cum-Jesus by making him covert again and, in case I forgot, it was fun as hell.

He really, really didnt. Time traveller, remember? Even if he had actually died it wouldnt matter as he could still have appeared anywhere at any time. If hes known about before then hes still known about after. To make him covert he'd have had to erase all knowledge of himself, and probably his species, from the timelines.
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I'm not totally sure about it to be honest, it was good but not a "Doctor who series finale" like i've been used to over the years. Totally bonkers from start to finish, and i kind of guessed about the tesselecta thing, the question was guessable, although not "Obvious" but interesting non the less.Will we get to see more River Song? I hope so, i mean she aparently does actually know his name (if you remeber the older episode with David Tennant). That i really want to know why The Silence aliens where suits.....i'm just not 100% on why they feel the need to do so, considering nobody ever remembers them.All in all, crazy stuff, i didnt "not" like it, but it felt a bit out of place with the previous episodes in this series. Bring on the christmans episode!

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If hes known about before then hes still known about after. To make him covert he'd have had to erase all knowledge of himself, and probably his species, from the timelines

Yes but the fact is they all think he's gone. So he can go about his business without the threat of something like The Silence looking to kill him. He made too much noise so to speak, became too 'known' where as before he used to silently go about his business.
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If hes known about before then hes still known about after. To make him covert he'd have had to erase all knowledge of himself, and probably his species, from the timelines

Yes but the fact is they all think he's gone. So he can go about his business without the threat of something like The Silence looking to kill him. He made too much noise so to speak, became too 'known' where as before he used to silently go about his business.
Except hes a time traveller with a complicated personal timeline. Even if he was dead an earlier him would still have been able to pop up and ruin plans/cause havok/save planets. Being dead doesnt mean people would stop looking as he would still have the ability to be there ruining things for The Silence or whoever else. Seriously, for any of his enemies to think hes gone just because hes dead would make them stupid beyond even traffic warden standards! Wibbly wobbly timey wimey.
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If hes known about before then hes still known about after. To make him covert he'd have had to erase all knowledge of himself, and probably his species, from the timelines

Yes but the fact is they all think he's gone. So he can go about his business without the threat of something like The Silence looking to kill him. He made too much noise so to speak, became too 'known' where as before he used to silently go about his business.
Except hes a time traveller with a complicated personal timeline. Even if he was dead an earlier him would still have been able to pop up and ruin plans/cause havok/save planets. Being dead doesnt mean people would stop looking as he would still have the ability to be there ruining things for The Silence or whoever else. Seriously, for any of his enemies to think hes gone just because hes dead would make them stupid beyond even traffic warden standards! Wibbly wobbly timey wimey.
It was stated quite clearly that the reason the Silence wanted him dead was to prevent a future catastrophe, on the field of Tranzalor, the fall of the eleventh. That's why they created the doctor's death as a fixed point so that he died before this event occured.
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Im sorry, you're clearly not getting what I'm saying. Im not great with the written/typed word, so its probably how Im putting it. OK, try one last time.Even dead he ISNT gone. His death at the lake would have prevented his fall at Tranzalor, but it doesnt mean he can operate covertly as people know who he is and he can TIME TRAVEL. The Doctor from before his 'death' can still be places, so he could only operate in secret anywhere he could operate in secret before. His death doesnt change that. Thats the point I was picking up on.

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Im sorry, you're clearly not getting what I'm saying. Im not great with the written/typed word, so its probably how Im putting it. OK, try one last time.Even dead he ISNT gone. His death at the lake would have prevented his fall at Tranzalor, but it doesnt mean he can operate covertly as people know who he is and he can TIME TRAVEL. The Doctor from before his 'death' can still be places, so he could only operate in secret anywhere he could operate in secret before. His death doesnt change that. Thats the point I was picking up on.

I think it's less 'covert' and more staying off the radar. He said it himself that he made himself too big. Stick to having less impact, being less of an action hero jesus christ and more of the travelling observer he used to be. This has given them a great way to take the series back to being about the stories and characters as opposed to trying to outdo the special effects year upon year. Moffat has done wonders in that regard. And, when Matt Smith decides he wants to leave then they put him back on the radar and head to Tranzalor and the 'fall of the eleventh'.
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Thats what Im saying, how has this made him go under the radar? It makes no sense when you stop and think about it and how time travel works. If he wanted to be under the radar then he would be able to do the same without faking his death or needing a set up. I mean his (fake) death was needed for the story, and going less obvious is fine, but tying them together makes no sense in any logic I can figure.

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Thats what Im saying, how has this made him go under the radar? It makes no sense when you stop and think about it and how time travel works. If he wanted to be under the radar then he would be able to do the same without faking his death or needing a set up. I mean his (fake) death was needed for the story, and going less obvious is fine, but tying them together makes no sense in any logic I can figure.

That's really it though, it's Doctor Who, so I don't stop and think about it. It's fluffy sci-fi which tends to make up rules as it sees fit, and I'm fine with that. I don't need it to fit in with 'how time travel works' because time travel doesn't actually exist, so it can't have a solid set of rules to follow or break. After I got over the fact that he isn't using a Delorean or phone booth to travel I was able to forgive most other things.
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After I got over the fact that he isn't using a Delorean or phone booth to travel I was able to forgive most other things.

Well, he kind of does. :laugh: I just like a bit of logic in Doctor Who, I find it easy to ignore in other shows (even Torchwood) but not Doctor Who. Go figure.
Ah yes, technically he does. The Russell T Davies era kinda turned me off wanting any sort of logic what with his love of macguffins and reset buttons
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That was shit

In what way was it shit? I thought it was rather a clever way round his death. I don't recall anyone predicting that beforehand which to me is good because it wasn't predictable but it still made sense.

Very enjoyable episode but I thought the ending was shit. 'Doctor Who?'....Really?!?! They took a shit knock-knock joke I first heard aged 5 and turned it into 'the most important question in the universe'?? Load of bollocks.

I'm guessing the took the question from the title of the TV series rather than a very old joke which also came from the TV Series. What would you prefer the question be? Seem to make sense as it's one thing that only The Doctor would know!
I just thought it was utter gash, It was obvious to me as soon as he met the "dead" robot thing that was the way round his death.
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