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The UKFF Comics n Graphic Novels thread

Famous Mortimer

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Yeah sorry, the actual book itself. I wasn't sure if they'd be a slightly cheaper version or whatever. I'd be quite interested in getting them if they're ok.


Cheers :)


I recon they are worth a punt, but i'm no expert so don't go just by my word on it, i'll be easier to please than a proper collector. I saw Iron Man (issue 3 of the series) in WH Smiths the weekend, so you might be able to check them out in a local shop first. I'm waiting on mine coming through the post, can cancel at any time, so I thought i'd at least stick it out for the first few months.

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Is there a link to a website/online shop for this hardcover collection thing?

Previous page mate.


They look decent and three good stories to start with. Think I'll keep my eye on what els follows before I subscribe. I've got the first three so no need yet.

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Can anyone pimp me any of The Flash's stories to give a read over? He's one of the few DC characters I haven't really attempted to check out.


Also 100 Bullets is just fantastic and I totally recommend it to everyone.

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Oops, I missed it on the previous page, even though it was that discussion that got me wondering about it.


Are the first two still in shops?


Not that I have seen, I guess you might be able to find them on e-bay or you can subscribe from issue 1 if you wanted online.

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Anybody been reading Cosmic Marvel recently. I got back into that side of things with Annihilation War and followed it from there. Just finished Thanos Imperative and it's maintained a fantastic quality throughout.


I'd recomend it to anyone.

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  • 3 months later...
whoever mentioned Garth Ennis' "Crossed" you were fucking right. It's not for the faint hearted. I picked up the trade paperback. So is that all of it then? I've seen crossed: family values, is that any good?

This is months late now so you've probably either lost interest or already looked into it, but there was Crossed: Family Values, Crossed 3D (that one's a one-shot) and the current series is Crossed: Psychopath. I really don't know how to compare them to the original. I think Family Values had more of a story than the original, and Psychopath has more of a story than them both, but is even more fucked-up.


Anyway, my reason for resurrecting the thread is I've become more interested in Batman again with all the hype around the new game and want to ask: What decent standalone Batman TPBs are there? I've read TDKR and the sequel (edit: and Year One), read The Killing Joke, read the Loeb and Sale ones. I'm not interested in anything where you have to have read a million issues to know who everyone is and what the story's following on from.


Also what do people reckon is the best "Ultimate" series? I'm thinking of starting reading Ultimate Spider-Man from the beginning, which I started years and years ago but stopped after the first two or three TPBs.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Anyway, my reason for resurrecting the thread is I've become more interested in Batman again with all the hype around the new game and want to ask: What decent standalone Batman TPBs are there? I've read TDKR and the sequel, read The Killing Joke, read the Loeb and Sale ones. I'm not interested in anything where you have to have read a million issues to know who everyone is and what the story's following on from.


If you haven't read The Long Halloween, you should do that. Arkham Asylum is one I've picked up recently but not read yet.

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I've just had a look, and Cataclysm is one of those storylines spread across the regular Batman comics, which makes me think it'll just be one big wank over continuity -- and I don't know all the backstory. I'm after standalone miniseries stuff really, although I've read and quite enjoyed Knightfall.

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Anyway, my reason for resurrecting the thread is I've become more interested in Batman again with all the hype around the new game and want to ask: What decent standalone Batman TPBs are there? I've read TDKR and the sequel, read The Killing Joke, read the Loeb and Sale ones. I'm not interested in anything where you have to have read a million issues to know who everyone is and what the story's following on from.


Batman: Year One is an essential read. My favourite ever Batman book.

Edited by The Natural
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