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Posts posted by FUM

  1. I watched House of Hardcore the debut show yesterday and really enjoyed the show. Thought it had a nice flow and a cracking roster with the likes of Dreamer, Knox, Tony Nese, Rhino, Callihan, Big XLG, Scott Steiner, Edge, Big Daddy V, Chris Masters, Crowbar, Winter, Jazz, Shaun Davari etc. Plus some really good matches. Luckily they didn't make it all about the ECW names and the parts they were involved in weren't too bad either. Tony Nese is very good, it's a shame TNA never bothered with the bloke.


    What happened to the October event they were advertising and promoting at the end of the show?


    Do you mind me asking where you got a hold of this mate? Can't seem to find it on the usual sites.

  2. Surely he'll be back as part of A&8 storyline eventually? He has to be one of the big hitters, either behind it with Bischoff or coming back to SAVE TNA~!


    I've not watched TNA in ages, is the Aces and Eights storyline still bloody going on!?


    That interested me when it started but I was out as soon as Devon was revealed.


    Matt Hardy calls in to Byte This with Lita on, a couple of days after that first time he ran in Raw and said "Adam" and "ROH" and all that. It's all just worked shooting at this point, but it's a fun listen anyway. Even in these (presumably pre-planned) circumstances, Hardy comes across as a loser.


    Lita makes him look like an absolute dick. It's hard to feel any sympathy for Matt Hardy.

  4. - Best event

    TNA Slammiversary

    Raw 1000

    WWE Extreme Rules


    - Worst event

    WWE Hell in a Cell

    TNA Bound for Glory

    WWE No Way Out


    - Best wrestling TV show

    Impact Wrestling

    NXT: Redemption

    WWE Raw


    - Best promo

    John Cena mocking The Rock for writing on his wrist

    John Cena talking about how he's never left and The Rock has

    CM Punk, the week after turning heel


    - Best DVD/documentary

    CM Punk: Best in the World

    Top 100 Raw Moments

    The Attitude Era

  5. - Best moment

    Brock Lesnars return

    CM Punk attacking The Rock

    DX Reunion


    - Biggest anticlimax

    Bobby Roode and James Storm fued not having the title

    Royal Rumble

    Devon unmasking at Bound for Glory


    - Funniest moment

    Kane giving his life story at Anger Management

    Brodus Clay debut

    Sheamus beating Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds


    - Best bang for your buck *

    Heath Slater

    Dolph Ziggler

    Santino Marella


    - Best non-wrestler

    John Laurinitis

    Paul Heyman

    Vince McMahon


    - Poster of the year **

    Money in the Bank 2012

    Hell in a Cell 2012

    No Way Out 2012


    - GTFO ***

    Kofi Kingston

    Alberto Del Rio

    Jeff Hardy

  6. - Wrestler of the year

    Dolph Ziggler

    CM Punk

    Daniel Bryan


    - Worst wrestler

    Lord Tensai

    Jack Swagger

    Garrett Bischoff


    - Best face

    John Cena


    Joseph Park


    - Best heel

    Dolph Ziggler

    CM Punk

    Bully Ray


    - Best tag-team

    Team Hell-No

    Daniels & Kazarian

    Primetime Players


    - Best performance

    John Cena in his fued with The Rock

    Dolph Ziggler at Money in the Bank

    Heath Slater vs The Legends


    - Best feud

    CM Punk vs John Cena

    Bobby Roode vs James Storm

    The Rock vs John Cena


    - Match of the year

    CM Punk vs John Cena - Night of Champions

    The Undertaker vs Triple H - WrestleMania

    Kurt Angle and AJ Styles vs Kazarian and Daniels - Slammiversary

  7. From what I'm hearing, he's doing alot better, and his New Japan stuff is very good.


    Like Tensai was good, and like people are probably lying and saying Lance Cade is good over there now as well. Ignore the "He's doing dead good in Japan" because it normally comes from the weirdos who decide that any wrestling in Japan is good because it's in Japan. Basically, take it with a pinch of salt.


    Aye, been told he's doing superbly over there.

  8. Here's an interesting feud going on at the moment. Apparently CM Punk made up a story to work the sheets. Meltzer didn't print it, but Punk thought he did and had a go at gullible sheet writers. In response (which he admitted was in jest) Meltzer tweeted this:

    Is Raw moving back to 2 hours? Comcast listing for Monday has NCIS at 8 p.m., Raw at 9 p.m. @CMPunk #2.3 quarter hour


    And today Meltzer posted this on the Observer board.

    Man, if anyone wonders about who was gotten to, I heard Punk's reaction at the Comic Con was priceless.


    At least I thought it was funny from the start and was just making a joke back.




    What the fuck happened?


    I seen that, and Spider RT'ed Meltzer's comment. I thought it had been forgotten about.

  9. The NJPW PPV is indeed cracking. Meltzer was saying that NJPW are planning on doing more iPPVs in the future, which Meltzer creamed himself over. He's convinced Tanahashi is the best in the World too; as Ian stated, he 's always looked the business.I still prefer Cena/Lesnar as MOTY though.

    Is there anyway you can get NJPW events with English commentary? I always enjoy watching the matches but the commentary annoys me.
  10. I liked Khan back when he was doing his Olympic thing and his first two or three fights, after that he started to think he was better than he actually is and can't just accept when he loses without making some sort of excuse. For me, he started all his arrogance and cockiness before he'd actually done anything of note as a professional, and it drove me to dislike him. He may have but it seems to the "casual fan", who only really know the bigger names, as if he hadn't beaten anyone to back up everything he was saying.


    I watch the big fights by the way but am no means a massive "know every fighter" fan of boxing, so feel free to rip my comments to shreds.

  11. He hasn't been in WWE for years. I don't think he's even in the business anymore, save from rare indy shows. He seems more interested in politics now. He said on his shoot interview he earns money from his website and its various spin offs.


    All his ramblings are on http://paper.li/ValVenisEnt/1305760901


    He'd probably be a good one to bring in though. Val Venis was a decent size name. I'd be surprised if he wasn't on that Attitude era game as well.


    Just looked up what I said about returning as an agent and found this from November 2010:



    To follow up on a report from Saturday, former WWE star Sean Morley (Val Venis) is officially back with WWE and is backstage at tonight's Raw taping at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Long Island, NY. Morley had been informing indy promoters seeking to book him that he was scheduled to start again with WWE soon for the company's upcoming European tour this week.
  12. Is Val Venis still signed to WWE?


    He was released nearly 3 and a half years ago!



    Is Val Venis still signed to WWE?


    I imagine he's a stick on to have a match over the next few weeks if he is.


    I don't think Venis has been signed with WWE for a few years now, unless he was signed again in some capacity after his short TNA run.


    As far as I remembered, he was re-hired as an agent.

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