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Posts posted by FUM

  1. 6 hours ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

    It makes sense that Vince would be there offering some direction in terms of the wider production - ignoring the creative aspect in terms of storylines/matches etc, he's led the production element at every Wrestlemania to date. It makes sense he'd be there as part of a wider team running the show.

    Only in the context of knowing what Vince is like does it make sense.

    Believe he became an “employee” again officially a few days ago so he’s definitely not going to sit back and let the creative go ways he doesn’t want it to go I imagine. Give it a few months and the reignited buzz the last few months have brought will be gone again.

  2. 1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Charlotte getting genuinely emotional towards the end because of how much she was putting into it and her genuine happiness at Rhea getting her moment was awesome to see.

    I loved the show and the match but I can’t agree on this at all. She wasn’t happy for Rhea, she was doing her classic “oh look you got me” act after a loss to make herself look better when it just wasn’t that type of lucky win she wanted it to look. It was the act of an egomaniac who can’t take losing in pre-determined outcomes.

  3. 16 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Lion doesn’t know TKOOSs pronouns so  covered all bases, you stupid twat. 

    These pronouns are fantastic.

    When it comes to Rhea/Charlotte or even the womens division as a whole it is evidently clear that Triple H just got a bit of luck with what was coming through at the time in NXT because he has had no idea how to book them on the main roster. Asuka is an example of this, all the potential after that Rumble return and now she’s just laughing and looking like a kid who has opened their mouth while drinking bubblegum juice.

  4. Some posts just shouldn’t be addressed so I’m not touching that one.

    A cracking SmackDown as said. The pops Trips has been able to create by building up stories as opposed to just throwing things at the wall has been great at times. If it’s true he has the next year mapped out then I can’t wait to see what he has planned. He’s got me into people I never thought I would be interested in and given two of the top feuds in wrestling of the last 20 years.

    Agree on the LA Knight comment, he just has something however much people want to say otherwise. I’m not sure if I like him or not but the crowd wasn’t entirely on Rey’s side during that match.

    The next week of wrestling is really primed to be an excellent one.

  5. 7 hours ago, CTXRussomark said:

    Great choice obviously, but awful timing considering Lawler would be the obvious choice to induct him.  Bit of a shame. 

    Believe Lawler is recovering well, this photo was going about last week and JR tweeted about doing some signings soon with him. Should be capable of a short couple of minutes slot at least to induct him I reckon.


  6. 1 hour ago, Supremo said:

    Purest, hottest babyfaces in a generation, and people are already fantasy booking their heel turns. For shame.

    Oh my one absolutely isn’t fantasy, it’s prediction. They won’t be able to help themselves eventually having KO v Sami again.

    I have no interest in it personally.

  7. I imagine KO is the one to turn on Sami yet again, he doesn’t need him or the tag titles, it was only about bringing down The Bloodline.

    I can also see people getting sick of Cody’s cartoon superhero and forcing him heel after a few months once the initial buzz has worn off.

  8. 47 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    Going to need to see some receipts for the claim they’re editing live TV to harm LA Knight.

    Was going to ask the same. Why would they actively edit out a chant getting behind a guy they clearly like as they’re giving him plenty of TV time?

  9. 1 hour ago, OzExile said:

    I wouldn't hate it if KO turned on Sami at Mania, and begrudgingly joins the Bloodline because he's sick of them. Keep the story rolling for the eventual Sami pay off when he dismantles them. Though that largely leans on Roman retaining and sticking around. 

    You’ve been watching too much Lost. Give it a bye.

  10. I was thinking about Romans schedule as someone mentioned and it’s a real poor show from him.

    He gave Jimmy Uso a week to get Jey back in The Bloodline and then wasn’t even there the next week anyway. Jey has rejoined and Roman has just sat at home with zero thoughts on it. It’s lucky Jey has proven himself so capable of carrying a story.

    The KO/Sami hug had to happen and it was worth it. They have to main event for me.

  11. 3 hours ago, RedRooster said:

    I'm not sure if it was rumoured, but it wasn't spoken about on air up until this week. There are still a few weeks to go until Wrestlemania, so I still agree with your point that it's not particularly last minute. I also agree with your suggestion that the feud hasn't been up to much. 

    Was it ever before they named an event around it? Generally always the wrestler requesting the match was the first one to mention HIAC.

  12. 1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

    They bothered to explain why MMM were now on Raw, but now you have LA Knight and others showing up with little explanation (unless I missed it).

    Cody responded to an LA Knight tweet asking him to turn up for a match so it was sort of explained. It’s never really been explained in terms of someone like Solo Sikoa outside he hangs about with The Bloodline though.

    That Asuka/Bianca segment was dreadful - proper nonsense and Bianca looked like a moron. Zero interest in what should be a good match there unfortunately.

    Rey and Dom continues to be brilliant and I can’t wait until it boils over.

    The piped in cheer for KO walking out was so obvious that I honestly struggled with the main event laughing at how bad it was. It was good to see jeans in a street fight again but.

    Stranger Things isn’t really Hollywood is it? Surely Hollywood is more about the film industry. None the less, I actually thought Rhea looked like such a killer here to the point it wasn’t even an obvious WrestleMania trailer. Excellent stuff.

  13. On 3/11/2023 at 1:50 PM, scouseman said:

    if anyone is looking at getting the book by sir william regal waking a golden mile it is available at World of Books for the reasonable price of £17.99. WOB also has discounts available. type in google world of books discount codes should work.  In general I have bought a ton of wrestling books from them recently. 




    Is £17.99 “reasonable” for a book in 2023? Genuine question.

  14. 24 minutes ago, RedRooster said:
    38 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:


    I suppose they could still add a level of nuance, and Jey could justify his turn by saying he changed his mind when he saw his brother looking crestfallen in the ring. 


    Not convinced they need to. Roman was going to blame Jimmy. Jey is saving his brother taking the fall because his brother comes first, it’s not really about Sami or Jey wanting to take out Sami. He’s playing Romans game until he can convince Jimmy and Solo to come out of The Bloodline with him I imagine. At least I hope so as Jey suddenly just being all Bloodline loyal again doesn’t make much sense as others are getting at.

    15 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

    I always thought Riddle would come back to face Solo at Mania seeing as it was him who "put him on the shelf" but the more weeks that go by i would say they are saving his return for after Mania.

    Not sure how true as it’s all rumours like everything but I did read Riddle was in a pretty bad way and needed a LOT of help so I hope he gets it if true.

  15. 5 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

    I don't think so, I think they need the Uso's to be full blown bastards going into Mania to get that moment of catharsis when Sami and KO beat them. I think if anything, they showed restraint in not doing it at Chamber and letting other things breathe.

    I agree to an extent but I can’t accept Jey just suddenly being okay with Roman again but that has SmackDown to play out. Hoping however he is with Roman that there is at least some interaction where he tells Jimmy he did it for him not Roman or something along those lines.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

    WWE nicking AEW's idea for a Final Burial in the Cena/Theory deal was very funny

    Am I the only one that thinks Sami is an idiot babyface

    His entire character and reason for being popular is that he is a vulnerable loveable idiot. He didn’t get over being some sort of high IQ strategist - he’s as thick as us.

  17. 4 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Yes, because no one else could possibly book shit stuff.

    I’ve not actually seen RAW but yeah, this idea that Triple H never books anything bad is tired. NXT was shite for a long period before he finished up there after its initial boom period. On the whole, he’s going to have some good stuff worth watching though.

  18. It’s funny we all clamour for a slow build feud then you’re desperate for something to happen when they do one. None the less, great build for The Bloodline story this week with Jey not getting in to help Jimmy and Sami starting to plant the seeds with Jimmy. I like they brought it back to their own friendship as it did bug me how quickly Jimmy turned on Sami.

    Not sure why LA Knight is taking falls to Kofi at this stage if you want to build him at all.

    Dominik is utterly brilliant in this role. I’ve probably not been that big a Rey fan for a long time but I cannot wait till this boils over and he snaps.

    Not much else I can remember.

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