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Posts posted by FUM

  1. 1 hour ago, Supremo said:

    Assuming it’s Bray Wyatt, I’m interested to see what his output is like without going through the Vinny Mac filter. It always felt like Bray had great ideas and cool concepts that never went anywhere and eventually fell into the same pattern as most characters on Vince’s TV, boiled down to one note, rinsed and repeated until the end of time/contract.

    I don’t know if you’ve seen Triple H’s interview with Ariel Helwani but he pretty much says in a round about way that Bray is creative but some of his ideas are ridiculously bad. He actually hinted at not signing him because of it. At least that’s the impression I got.

  2. Bringing back Wyatt would be the first major wrong step under this regime for me. He is the absolute epitome of change the channel or fast forward for me. I really cannot stand him. I am bored to death of his “reinventions” which basically go wrong the moment he has to step in ring because they are backed into a corner every single time.

  3. 52 minutes ago, simonworden said:

    Interesting! Cheers for the reply. Not having been to any stadium shows big objects Vs fans fascinates me. Still can't quite figure out how that castle was actually positioned 

    It was mostly a big round screen and the part of the castle that came out was hard cam side where there were no fans in upper tiers.

    On another note, full respect to the commitment of the guy who bought that spare I had. Turned up, told my mate he was a big Rey Mysterio fan, that’s who he had came to see and didn’t utter another word. Left straight after the Rey Mysterio match with not a care given for anything else on the show.

  4. 11 hours ago, simonworden said:

    Was anyone sat with that giant castle video screen blocking their view? I assume that's why someone on here got shifted about.

    It was me that got shifted, in the end up I noticed it was due to a couple of smoke machines right in front of where I was due to sit and because the floor curved down meaning you’d have seen relatively little of the action outside the big screen.

    The castle certainly didn’t look as if it was low enough to block anyones view when I was in the stadium.

  5. I find it mental that anyone is holding up HBK, Triple H or Stone Cold as the beacons of professionalism. Guys who went into business of their own countless times and a guy who has a tendency to just walk out mid-shift. Folk delude themselves about what the attitude era was like at times. 

  6. I got home from Cardiff earlier and watched some of the show back. It definitely delivered for those in the stadium, I left last night thinking it was a cracking show. Watching some back, I’ve not changed my mind.

    I am very surprised the Drew/Fury bit was shown though - I genuinely said to my mates about 3 times last night that I’m sure the show cut when Roman was talking to the camera when we were discussing about that not being needed. Something like that is completely fine in a “for the fans in attendance” type setting but that should never have aired. Tyson telling Drew to bolt when Drew suggested he was a jukebox was very amusing right enough.

    I completely disagree with the comments about needing to have a knowledge of NXT to figure out who the interference was. The guy is the absolute double of the Usos and even though I couldn’t remember his name, I figured who it was right away even though I don’t watch NXT and have never seen him wrestle. For those on TV, it was explained very clearly too. I hate the nonsense that we need to know the people who debut, we had no idea who Brock Lesnar was when he first turned up. Life was much better in wrestling not knowing the career history of every debutant and getting to know new guys. The excitement of “I can’t wait to find out who that was” has always been great in wrestling.

    I actually thought Finn laughing like a mad man was hilarious and I preferred how they done Dominik’s turn. You could clearly see the story was he helped them win, wanted the credit and they pretty much ignored him for a good two minutes celebrating together which pushed him over the edge (pun not intended). Just turning in the match was so predictable.

    Sheamus is an absolute superstar and totally underrated as a wrestler. I love the guy.

  7. Yeah, I’m not so sure it’s Balor’s mentality as opposed to his actual talent. He is massively overrated by a section of the audience and I’m not meaning that in a way to say he’s shite, I do like him, but he’s not on the level some project him. There isn’t really much of an interest in him because once you’ve seen The Demon then plain old Finn is a bore but then you can’t overdo the demon because that becomes a bore. It’s a catch 22 in that the most interesting thing about him is when he isn’t Finn Balor but if he’s not Finn Balor all the time then The Demon becomes less interesting.

  8. 10 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

    I admire the fact they've tried with Judgement Day but its just not working for me. All 3 feel incredibly miscast. I think they all have upsides and something to offer but I'm just not feeling it at all.

    Bizarrely, I think they’d be okay if Edge was still hanging about with them but they turfed him out first chance they got.

  9. 1 hour ago, Nick James said:


    Strange decision for the main, but at least the finish was new with the blind tag and they made it feel like an important win. Surely they can't bring Sasha and Naomi back as heels going for the titles? 


    This is only clip from RAW I’ve seen and I’m a huge fan of Dakota immediately mouthing to Iyo on camera that she wasn’t the legal woman. Such a small detail that a lot will have missed but fantastically done.

  10. I’ve not read all the thread but nobody will convince me that Prince Naseem Boxing was not the pinnacle of a Career Mode for a game in that era. 

    No matter your thoughts on the gameplay or anything else on this game, I would imagine that career would hold up if it was released on a game now. It’s everything FIFA and WWE games should have been replicating for years.

  11. 24 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

    I watched the Gargano segment again, and there was a line I'd missed first time round that didn't sit right with me. Being, clearly, a woke; easily-offended snowflake I'm going to bring it up now. Gargano said "if you work hard, you can get whatever you want in this life, I promise". 

    Johnny, fuck off. Are people struggling away on minimum wage jobs, giving their all not working hard enough to get what they want from life? Are those of us who are about to face energy price rises beyond what we've ever seen before in our lives not working hard enough to get past that? 

    It may have been unintentional right-wing rhetoric, but if he genuinely believes that, he's a twat. 

    I think you’re being overly sensitive on this one and if you are struggling at the minute as lots are I can understand why. Pretty much every athlete ever says this sort of stuff no matter their political beliefs. It’s just one of those buzz phrases for kids to have a bit of hope and to think they can be like them one day.

  12. 14 hours ago, pitseleh said:

    Has anyone tried to exchanged their tickets for better seats after the recent price drop from Ticketmaster? What are the fees like? How long does it take for the refund to go through?

    I decided to try my luck to see if I could exchange my tickets for a better view. I paid £112 each for seats in the nosebleeds and now that price could get me seats in the lower and middle tier. I emailed Ticketmaster and I got an email what looked like an automated response that said that I could get a refund on my previous order if I brought new tickets and emailed them the order number to them. Just wanted to check if anyone else has done this before I part with £200+. 

    As said above, done this after my relocation. Refund was in my account this morning. Very quick, expected I’d be out of pocket for longer.

  13. 8 hours ago, simonworden said:

    I've had seats further up at arenas which cost more because the were on the side which I guess is meant to mean a better view but then had a much cheaper ticket almost on the floor but couldn't see the screen. I'm not sure how they assign value but I guess the assume this is a like for like trade as they're going to put giant dragon style pillars in or something. 

    I would enquire about this though as it doesn't seem like an equal trade to be up in the gunnels instead of the floor. It might've been a computer based decision using price algorithms and by speaking to someone you get a preferred seat.

    They offered if I could find seats that were better for same price or higher they’d refund the tickets so I managed to get some in B10 at the same price so we’re now actually floor rather than any tier and got confirmation of my refund so all sorted.

    Need to wait on the refund so I’m out of pocket for a bit but I really can’t be arsed with getting to the top tier and back when I’m likely to have a good bit of drink in the tank!

  14. 1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    I would imagine that there will be something buried in the T&C’s about being allowed to move you for purposes of the production of the show, they wouldn’t leave themselves open to something like that.

    Is the area your ring moved to one that had cheaper tickets? If not then I imagine there’s little you can do. Looking at the seating plan, and as you mentioned, you’re further back but now more central.

    Dropped them a message anyway. I just can’t understand why relocate me two tiers up when there’s seats in the very same section. Common sense and large companies just don’t seem to mix.

  15. Anyone know anything about rights here? We had decided not to go and sold our previous seats in L28 but then done a u-turn and ended up buying new seats in L21 Row 5. I’ve just had an email from Ticketmaster saying they have to move us as “The event organisers have let us know that there have been a few changes to the production for this event, which will affect your view – this can be anything from the layout of the stage to the setup of the speakers or lighting rigs.”

    There are literally still 3 seats together available right now in L21 and they’ve moved us to U19 claiming it’s the same view. Surely they can’t move you up two tiers and claim this?

  16. I’m so glad Miz mentioned how AJ lost the mini tournament and got a title shot anyway as it was my first thought. Shows there is at least some awareness of what they were doing.

    Wrestling heavy episode but some really good and fresh feeling matches. I remember Triple H saying 3 hours is so hard to book so I like how he’s just firing a super long match in there between two top guys to fill the time. Another good episode and Lashley is looking a huge star again.

  17. 36 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Top Dolla? Oh mate.

    Does it not raise any red flags to Triple H that all the people he wants to bring back have done precisely fuck all since leaving, with nobody else wanting them?

    I mean to be completely fair if they hadn’t done fuck all then they wouldn’t be available as all the companies you can do something in sign their wrestlers to contracts now so anyone he brings in was always gonna have done fuck all.

    He needs to bring people in - the roster is threadbare with constantly repetitive matches. I prefer this style where it’s a larger roster and not everyone is on TV every week.

    Hit Row will fit fine as another tag team which again is a threadbare division - we’ve been watching Street Profits v Usos for about a year. Any additions right now are handy to be honest.

    Another decent show and echo the thoughts on the video packages to build things - properly trying to give the US and Intercontinental titles meaning again.

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