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Posts posted by FUM

  1. Did anyone spot the background of Kevin Owens interview? Doudrop and Nikki A.S.H had crashed their car which wasn’t mentioned later in their interview or by commentary. It was then being towed during Asuka and Alexa’s interview. Bizarre stuff but hilarious all the same - it was obviously planned with how in-shot it was though.

    Enjoyed RAW this week - stories seem to be slowly being built and interested to see where they go with some.

  2. I didn’t think I wanted to ever see Brock/Roman again but now I’m glad I did. Excellent stuff.

    Enjoyed most of the event although I think it was something like 3 run in style moments in 4 matches at the start which felt a bit repetitive.

  3. 2 hours ago, Supremo said:


    Bloody hell though. The whole first hour being the Life and Times of Austin Theory was bonkers. I bet even Vince himself was sitting at home thinking, “bit too much of Austin Theory, for my tastes.” Theory interrupts a Roman promo, which then transitions into a match between Theory and Drew, which then transitions into a tag match with Theory and Sheamus against Lashley and Drew, which then transitions to an angle with Theory and the Usos. Nearly sixty fucking minutes of this charmless, useless prick on my screen. The only entertainment you could glean from it was how absolutely fucked he was. Lad looked knackered. Bright red. Drenched in sweat. Commentators banging on about this bright young star and he looked ready to have a heart attack!


    Totally disagree on this. I’ve fell away from WWE a lot and that was the best hour they’ve put out in a long time in my opinion. The segments tied into each other, the match was good with some nice spots, the breaks didn’t seem to be overly long and Theory getting hate from all angles was great. As much as I’m not really on board with the guy, there is no denying that the crowd were loving every bit of the grief he was getting through that first hour and they didn’t even need to can the noise much if at all.

    Rest of the show felt standard but that first hour felt very different and definitely kept me watching when I’d normally have gone to bed 15 minutes in when giving RAW a shot lately.

  4. Madness to see the amount of people that seem to still think Sasha Banks has been wronged and her attitude isn’t just shite as it seems to come out after most of her walkouts. And not in a leaked or statement by WWE way, talent seems to think it.

  5. NXT was shite from the moment he had two hours. A fantastic one hour booker.


    EDIT: Nah, I’m changing that. Checked the Champions list and it was shite for about 2 years before that too. Basically around Drew McIntyre returning it got dull as hell, Drew is just a timeline example not a cause by the way.

  6. I see Jordynne Grace has been made to retract her comments on Benoit burning in hell by Chavo, Jericho and David.

    Nancy’s sister has now reached out on Twitter about the apology to her. People in the business should probably be more considerate on how likely it is people impacted will see their comments in comparison to a random commenting.

  7. Sting is just fantastic eh? Absolutely on a roll at the minute as he has generally always been.

    I haven’t watched the full show yet but enjoyed what I’ve seen so far.

    I still have the huge criticism of wrestlers not watching the fucking matches that they aren’t in.

    Yuta done the German Suplex spot and Dax tried it in the very next match. This is just one instance of the spot repetition that happens in AEW but I notice it every single big show they do. They done a PPV not long ago where it was so obvious too as about 4 matches done the Eddie Guerrero multiple suplex spot.

  8. It’s a pretty significant change though. It’s not just saying you’ll do something then not being too arsed when the time comes as most politicians do. It’s a total shift of stance on a major issue. It’s proper Trump which I suppose shouldn’t be a surprise from a McMahon.

  9. 10 hours ago, Infinity Land said:

    Yeah, i'm sure the McMahons are going to remove Kane from their Hall of Fame because of his public stance on abortion...


    Unrelated to their opinion of Kane but someone pointed out Linda has given pro-choice interviews and tweeted about being pro-choice in the past. Her stance now is odd.

  10. 4 hours ago, Daddymagic said:

    I love my job, have worked there a long time and have great benefits but I really find working for her infuriating. As she is the top dog in my companies site I don't know what to do or where to go. But it's utterly demotivating. I don't want to leave, but have found myself starting to look at other areas and other companies as I feel totally despondent. 


    Found myself in a similar situation as part of my reporting was direct to the CEO in my previous role who had no appreciation for how good a job we were doing as it wasn't as good as 5 years ago - without any acknowledgement of how the sales and contact centre game has changed in that time. I loved the people so didn't really want to leave but eventually bit the bullet and left due to feeling undervalued, best decision I have made. Landed on a higher salary with less responsibility if I'm being completely honest and in just 2 months feel more appreciated than I ever did in 4 years at my last place. Don't let yourself feel unappreciated, if you're already thinking about other jobs then you're probably not happy deep down. One thing I will say is I did get an offer I couldn't refuse though as it was a move from private to being a civil servant so it may just be that things worked out for me and won't for everyone.

    27 minutes ago, neil said:

    Only thing I would add is avoid saying things like "showed her how we were miles ahead of every one else"...comes off as pretty weak and something that I find most managers scoff at.

    Having said that, this is very much true. I cannot stand any of my reports coming to me and making others look bad to make themselves look better. I know this wasn't what you were trying to do but it's possible it is coming across that way with the comparisons. Comparisons are fine but focus mostly on your own performance and the positives there when presenting as opposed to the negatives of other areas.

  11. 1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    That’s every WWE show tbf. That said, when you watched the crowd you could see them clapping and cheering for him. So even though it was probably sweetened, watch the reaction from the crowd. 

    You could see a few in the background but the ones it showed you on screen may not have been legit from last night. Someone pointed out WWE using as much as 10 year old fan shots on a recent PPV.

  12. Realise this is more Rampage than Dynamite discussion but this seems to be the main AEW thread. CM Punk has announced he’ll be on Rampage tonight with an important announcement about the title and his career.

    I know he’s been a bit sloppy lately but I hope he’s not done as he is undoubtedly someone I tune in for.

  13. Loved the MJF promo and it was believable which is all I need in my wrestling.

    JR needs put down though, absolutely cringed when he finally remembered Cash Wheeler’s name and proceeded to try to explain why he has forgot rather than just leaving it and moving on.

  14. 1 hour ago, simonworden said:

    Not a chance this will get moved unless there's a really big issue. They'll keep it in the arena for 30,000 and above I expect although I honestly think it will sell out. 

    I know a lot of people are not in driving range of Cardiff but a lot of places are not actually that far. If I was living in London and planned to go I would probably save money and drive there and back along the M4 rather than shell out for a hotel as well. Even if I was in Bournemouth that would likely be my plan of attack. 

    It won’t sell out till prices start to come back down. Anyone who was paying £300 per ticket has paid it.

  15. 6 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

    i dont think 'dynamic' pricing is in play here. If you are getting cheap tickets in a section where other tickets are more expensive, you likely have limited view from the seat.

    A mate of mine has front of lower tier seats and paid a whack for them. Tickets at the back of the same section are half the price, likely because your view is obscured by the tier above hanging over you.


    Yeah that definitely isn’t the case here. I can see tickets in the very row I got four in that are £300+ now and as I say were £67.50 when I got them in the partner’s presale.

  16. 1 hour ago, Matthew said:

    What’s this? I’d not read anything about this anywhere?

    Been quite a few photos of late at events where she’s not had it on. I tried to hunt Twitter there but couldn’t dig them out - though her last photo she uploaded for Mothers Day she doesn’t have it on either.

  17. On 5/18/2022 at 1:31 PM, Duke said:

    It's worth saying that I don't think Alvarez used the word tantrum, and FUM is just using shorthand. You're right more generally though.

    Yeah to be fair to him, that was me. I do agree with the other poster who said that wrestling is one place you do see those sort of terms towards men as much as women. On a wider scale of the entire entertainment industry, it’s a fair remark though.

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