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Bus Surfer

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Posts posted by Bus Surfer

  1. I have had Red Dead Redemption for months and months but only started playing it during my week off last week and I really love it. I'm not that far into it, but it's great. Is the multiplayer good then?


    I enjoy it. You've got your standard Deathmatch/Team Deathmatch style shootouts. Along with 'capture the flag' and Co-Op mission types too. With the DLC you get Undead Over Run, Stronghold, Texas Hold'em and the other gambling mini games too.

    And like I said, there's the free roam, where you can do most of the in game side challenges, alongside other people.


    It's all great fun.

  2. Despite wanting to give Sleeping Dogs a run through, I don't have any motivation to play, after only spending a few hours with it. On paper, it's certainly something that I would enjoy, but I just couldn't get into it.


    I decided to go back to Red Dead Redemption as I wanted to give the story another run through as a bad guy, but I've been stuck in Multiplayer now for a week or two and I'm loving it. Mostly just wandering the free roam and jumping into posse's here and there. It's such a beautiful game, Probably my favourite ever. I kind of wish we were getting the next instalment this year, opposed to GTA V.

  3. I threw in a nomination for Bendo, but my final vote will go to Rousey. A FOTY candidate in her outing against Tate, where she'd win the title and get submission of the year. A complete demolition of Kaufman, all whilst being courted into a very likely cushy contract with the UFC and becoming the poster girl for Womens MMA.


    2012 was her coming out party to the world.

  4. I've been giving GTA III a good going over on the Nexus 7. It looks much better than San Andreas did on my Xbox and the controls are decent on the whole, although aiming to shoot is a bit of a potch. It sometimes leaves me riddled with bullets and dead before I can get any shots off. I'm planning on getting an adapter to plug in a controller, so that should be easily sorted.


    I've not long opened up the second island, so I've still got plenty left to do. I relived the horror of Bomb Da Base II yesterday. All the painful memories came flooding back, and I failed miserably a few times before stumbling upon a pill hidden round the back, which slows time down. Did it first time then.


    I'm enjoying it much more this time round too, Easily the best 69p I've spent this year.





  5. I was't going to nominate Benson and I've been critical of him a few times this year, but after his performance last night, going 3-0 with a title win in the most stacked division in the UFC, I thought he deserved atleast a nomination.


    I struggled to recall any of the top guys fighting 3 times in 2012. Was there anyone else? :/


    Edit - And yeah, Supremo has been great in the MMA threads this year. He gets a lot of shit, but I think he's superb going back and forth with David.

  6. - Best MMA fighter


    Benson Henderson

    Ronda Rousey

    Jon Jones


    - Best MMA fight


    Nick Diaz v Jim Miller UFC on Fox 3

    Joe Lauzon v Jamie Varner UFC on Fox 4

    Donald Cerrone vs. Melvin Guillard UFC 150


    - Best MMA event


    UFC 146: Dos Santos vs. Mir

    UFC on Fox 4: Shogun vs. Vera

    UFC 153: Silva vs. Bonnar



    - Best MMA poster on the UKFF





  7. Because he's not samoan and he's meant to walk around with them up there to show strength.

    Why would he have to be Samoan to pick them up that way? And like I said, when he has them up and stomps around doing his 'march', his opponent is in the same position anyway. Think of how Luger would pick someone up for the Torture Rack. It's an easier lift, but looks the same in the end.
  8. Anyone know if there are plans for another set of the WWE Roundtables? I've not seen a new one since Nash was on.


    For the people who don't know, there's a new one up. A History of Monday Night Raw with Road Dogg, JR, Patterson and Hayes on hand. Going to give it a watch now.

  9. There are some crazy looking daps knocking about this thread. That said, I'm totally out of the fashion loop.


    Primark canvas - Not sturdy, not waterproof and last for about a month before falling apart. Also more comfortable than you'd expect.


    This. Sometimes, I go crazy and alternate with Asda ones too. I'm not with you on the comfort though - I get terrible pains.


    I think it's time to upgrade to something half decent.

  10. I thought the Undead Nightmare was pretty good on the whole. I enjoyed the online multiplayer side of it too, but yeah, a lot of it was much of the same. If they do decide to throw something like that in, I would hope they'd learn from the mistakes of UN. The Zombie format is stale, but when it's done right, it's superb.

  11. I hope they throw in some Zombie DLC. I've always got time for something like that, despite how overplayed it is. Fingers crossed for 'GTA Race' too. Hours of fun with that shit.

  12. You seen Boardwalk Empire? Watch that. It's awesome.


    I've seen it. I'm looking forward to season 3 starting on Sky now, but I need more than 1 episode a week.


    The only thing I'd like to start which I never got round to was The Wire. But at the moment, TV consists of, "What's on Netflix?" So that's out of the question. Sons Of Anarchy it is.

  13. I've been watching Breaking Bad over the last couples of months and I thought it was getting pretty stale toward the mid-end of season 3. I loved the first two though. Just started season 4 now and I'll certainly stick with it with a hope it will pick up a bit. As said, It is brilliant at times.


    I'm looking for something else to watch when BB dries up. I never got on with Sons of Anarchy when I tried to watch it before, but I've only heard good things about it since, so I should probably get through it while it's on Netflix.

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