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Bus Surfer

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Posts posted by Bus Surfer

  1. Come Dine With Me got ruined for me when I found out every single convosation and put down is rehearsed and performed just how the TV crew wants it


    Doesn't make it any less enjoyable as a viewer though.

    You'll struggle to find anything on TV these like CDWM that isn't rehearsed before its shot, It would just be a massive clusterfuck otherwise.

  2. Come Dine With Me was golden tonight.




    Professional Deer Stalker Christian Viola is the greatest contestant ever. Absolute cunt of a man, but brilliant TV none the less. Lulu has a sausage neck and the blonde is just vile. The Italian bloke has some great facial hair and reminded me of Dev from Corrie.


    This one is up there with the 'Roadkill' episode.

  3. Both decent enough, although you will want to rip out Brian Knobbs' vocal cords so he stops fucking shouting in that bastard obnoxious voice all the while.


    Holy Christ I coudn't stick it. Saggs almost murmurs so I turned up the volume, then Knobs made my ears bleed.


    A horrid sound.

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