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Bus Surfer

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Posts posted by Bus Surfer

  1. I guess your right then because I did select the beer based off the design on the bottle. I picked up a couple of bottles of Trooper for the same reason also. I thought that wasn't too bad either to be honest. I'd be happy to try anything, so hopefully this thread will provide some good info. Are there any decent ones that can be found in supermarkets?

  2. I decided to switch to ale from lager a few weeks ago, after sampling some local stuff whilst being away. I have been mainly drinking Hobgoblin since then. Rather enjoying it too.


    I'm obviously out of my depth here, but why the hate for the 'Goblin?

  3. I'm still rocking a 20gig HD Xbox and have been struggling for some time with having to delete and re-download stuff when I want to play. This is going to cripple me though. I've been putting off upgrading the HD due to not really knowing what to do/worrying I'll mess something up, but I think I'll have to nut up now. :(

  4. I don't own a PS3, so I've watched a load of play throughs of The Last Of Us on YouTube. This is probably the only time I've regretted my decision to go with a 360. The game is stunning. Enjoy, you bastards! As far as my playing goes, I hit a bit of a wall of boredom with Madden '12, so I've gone back to RDR online. Slowly trying to make my way to level 50. Can't see it happening though.

  5. Watched about 5 episodes of 'Longmire' on Netflix over the last week. Basically a president day cop drama set around the rural plains of Wyoming. Nothing to write home about and lacks a bit of bite in places, but I'm finding it an easy watch and am happy to go back to it when I've got some time to kill. The unspoiled, New Mexico western setting is lovely and right up my street. Robert Taylor is doing a great job as the lead and Katee Sackhoff knows how to squeeze herself into a pair of tight Levis.


    Anyone else seen it?

  6. I don't know. I assumed he'd been banned before I even posted in the thread originally about it. I've been on here a lot today and only got the notification a few minutes ago. I deleted it pretty quickly and didn't catch the username, so no idea if he's got a second account, or if someone sent it for him.

  7. Just got a Galaxy s4 and its the first decent phone I've had since literally flushing my HTC down the toilet 3 years ago (whoops). Any recommendations for podcast apps? I've always had a ipod for that kind of thing but its recently gone the way of the dodo.


    I got the Galaxy S4 last week too. I was a little shocked at how big the phone is compared to my iPhone, but I'm starting to get used to it now.


    As far as podcasts go, I'm using Podkicker. Very easy to use and seems to support all the stuff I listen to (Steve Austin show, Live Audio Wrestling) so I'm happy with it.

  8. Not the FBI, but it might make the average person think Juggalos are a real 'gang' in that sense.

    I hope their weapon of choice in game is a 2 litre of Faygo.

  9. I wonder if we're gonna see 'Juggalo gangs' in these types of games going forward alongside the Cartels, Mafia etc. That would be weird. Really doesn't help their cause against the FBI either.

  10. Did I see one of the ICP in the Trevor clip?


    I caught that as well, although I don't think it was supposed to be one of the ICP. Juggalos are classed as gang members these days so maybe you'll get to unload a clip into some of them. :(

  11. Cheers. I went with Madden '12 in the end. Really looking forward to playing it. I've been wanting to get into the NFL for a good while. It sounds silly, but video games can be a good starting point for learning the basics.

  12. Thanks, Gladders. I'll try and check those out, I was toying with the South Park one a few days ago.

    I really want to give 'Marley' a go, but the length is putting me off. Maybe I'll try it over 2 sittings.


    On an unrelated note, I finally watched Triangle yesterday. My heads still hurts :(

  13. I've been giving the documentaries on Netflix a bit of a look recently, too. So far I've only watched Craigslist Joe, Whores Glory, Indie Game and The Bridge. There's just so much on there, I don't know where to start. Can I get any recommendations please? I'm not too fussed what it's about, as long as it's a decent watch.

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