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Bus Surfer

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Posts posted by Bus Surfer

  1. Burger King wins the fast find race hands down. XL Bacon double Cheese Burger or a triple whopper everytime.


    Used to enjoy Subway, but the last one I had gave me the shits for a few days.

  2. Anyone else dislike that Mike Tyson seemingly fast counts Austin's first title win at Mania 14? Doesn't take the shine off and had no lasting effect on what he went on to do and achieve, but every time I see it, it bothers me. I wonder if Austin was pissed about it at the time.


    I'll just put it down to Tyson being a little nervous.

  3. I'm subscribed to the network with a USA address despite being in the UK. I can access it fine via Xbox 360/One and through my Android Smartphone/Tablet, but every time I try and do so via my laptop, I get into a continuous circle where it tells me to register an account.


    Is there a way around this?

  4. How awesome was American Bad Ass Taker? Just watching Judgement Day '99 and The following night's Raw after his return. Being a WWF only fan, I'd never seen a main event guy come back under a totally reinvented gimmick in this way. The Kid Rock entrance on Raw the next night it so fucking great, Heavy Guitars and a motorbike. Taker looks like he's fucking loving it laying into the heels. I probably moaned about him holding people down and general match quality at the time, but to be fair, it was great.

  5. Yeah my driving stat has been reduced too. I just assumed it was because I haven't played in a few months though. 


    They've also added a bunch of new Freeroam challenges and missions, plus a new 'Adversaries' game type which I haven't tried yet. The coolest thing by far though, is the ability to now point in a certain direction to guide your team mates. Very simple, but cool feature.

  6. I've just finished up the Prison one with a bunch of randoms. Went pretty smooth compared to all the other attempts I've had so far with other people.


    Really enjoying the Heists but they're a right ballache to get into unless you've got a crew ready and waiting invites. Also, It seems you can only launch each Heist from your apartment if you've hosted and completed the previous one first, I've spent a load of time just sat there waiting for lobbies to fill up only to get booted off due to server issues minutes later.


    I'll be down to play some more tonight. Hopefully there'll be some UKFF'ers on. Add me on XB1 - stuey2dope

  7. I can't believe we've had to wait this long for Heists. Rockstar apparently have re-done them entirely, so there's no way they'll live upto the hype, but I'm down to play next week.


    Hopefully we get a casino next 

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