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Chest Rockwell

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Posts posted by Chest Rockwell

  1. Julia Louis Dreyfus - She plays Elaine in Seinfeld and has got hotter over the years. Funny lady too, which I like. And short which i also like.

    She really did get hotter over the years...If I turn on the TV halfway through a Seinfeld episode, I can always tell what season it's from by looking at Elaine...Have you caught her in Arrested Development? She was in a few episodes in both Seasons 1 & 2....
  2. She makes me want to vom. Seriously I just want to throw up when ever I see her pictures on here.

    23587aa1d2022ri.jpgAm I the only one who thinks that she looks a bit like she has Down Syndrome? In those pics anyway. I that other colour pic she just looks ugly. And that is all the pictures I've ever seen of her.
  3. Who's been playing on easy mode? :alien: Above that only one can appears at a time.

    I finished the game a while ago, so it's not fresh in my memory, but I played it on the middle difficulty level.... a can would appear, and then you go get it. then, wait a bit and the next one appears, then you go get that. IT doesn't matter how much time you waste waiting around, because as long as you get to the paint first when it appears noone else can finish their tag...
  4. Yeah.. I'm a fan of hers too... Speaking of Janine Garofolo and obscure telly - anyone ever watch Dr. Katz? Hilarious cartoon... I remember one episode with her in it - Dr. K - "What is your name"JG - " Janeane Garofolo"Dr K - "How do you spell that?"JG - "Like the animal"... well it's not so funny written down, but trust me, it was funny, dammit!

  5. Lincs doesnt count because no one seems to know it.

    Such a bad show.There are a lot of rubbish sitcoms in which the jokes are shit, but with Lincs they don't even seem to bother making jokes.I don't understand what the show is meant to be about, and who it is meant to appeal to.Instead of jokes it seems to just be whimsical observations and weak social commentary.Sorry to go off on one, but I just don't get that show.
  6. Yup, I'm sure most would agree that Emily Booth is damn fine... she was good in that show about Horror movies that she did.. I even tried watching "Mission Paintball" because she was in it, but it is a rubbish show, and her being scantily clad isn't particularly conducive to the sport of paintball, so fuck that....

  7. The Warriors, pretty violent, but fun to play, currently getting frustrated with the level where you have to compete with rival gangs at tagging.

    Set your gang to "Watch My Back" and keep an eye on the map for the next available paint can - then get there first.Far more annoying are any parts involving a boss character - rubbish.
    That bit is really easy to do if you just go around at the begginning collected as much paint as you'll need, and then paint your whole tag in one go. They won't be able to finish before you, cos you'll have all the paint.
  8. What do you think of the new system for taking shots in the 06 version? I was a little skeptical at first.... but it's actually really good once you get used to it.That said, I seem to be the only person that prefers Tiger on the PS2 to Tiger on XBox... apart from the incredibly slow loading times on the PS2, the feel of the game is just better.

  9. Gotta commend you on your excellent choices, Stug.


    I don't know if it counts as "less commercial or less conventional" - but she hasn't really been that exposed since the 80s, and I don't hear mention of her often enough, so I'm adding Lisa Bonet:




    Also - anyone remember this TV show? Sam & the hispanic one - awesome.. (the two at the bottom right of the picture)



  10. The reason for the Randy Top Trump is the whole tie-in factor - like with the Jake/PSP thing.... If you buy the pack of Top Trumps it comes without Randy Orton (We got 'em to play on the coach on the way up to Uproar - great way to kill the time!)

  11. As for The Throwback in particular, I think it could be due to the nature of the move. WWE have pretty much banned anything that could cause neck damage.

    I don't mean for this to sound rude; thanks for answering my question, but how does the throwback cause neck damage?I just never really saw it as a potentially dangerous move, although it does look pretty cool....
  12. Example: The 'Speed' & 'Cursor Change' buttons on defence have swapped so just when you think you're speeding your Linebacker towards the Running Back for a big hit, you end up changing the cursor and one of your Cornerback performs a lunging dive at thin air!!! :angry:

    That really fucked me up for a while; I'm just about getting used to it now... The locking on the pass is a little tricky at first too, I keep accidentaly holding down the R2, and subsequently not releasing the ball quick enough and getting sacked... (Whoops just realised you already wrote this, too.. sorry late night; very tired this morn, and started writing this post a couple hours ago .......... nevertheless, I concur).I'm liking the new system for the running backs, though - couple nice new moves you can do with them, but more importantly the way they respond overall is much better...
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