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Chest Rockwell

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Posts posted by Chest Rockwell

  1. How many times....???


    They point people have made repeatedly is that even if the shows were good, they consider the business model to be unworkable in the longterm, and 1PW's existence ultimately detrimental to British Wrestling in the longterm.


    Please actually read what people are saying :/

  2. Fair enough, both Gauntley & Sprules have made some bad business moves, shit I've done it meself, but why the personal attacks from people who've not lost a penny or have never had anything to do with them except over the internet?Sure they can be classed as bad businessmen, but the way they get treated you'd think they were akin to Ian Huntley or something.

    You may think it's sad and they should have better things to do with their time BUT a lot of people on here feel very strongly about BritWres, worry about it's future and therefore understandably get pretty worked up when shit like this goes down that is severely damaging to its prospects and credibility as far as they're concerned.Surely you can understand this, if you've ever been passionate about anything?(and yeah, of course there are also bandwagon jumping cunts trying to create an identity for themselves by co-opting everbody else's anger. This happens with any common public outpouring of emotion)
  3. To me, winning Dolt of the year is a compliment, as the ones who are voting are more mentally and socially retarded then anyone on the internet ever could be. Just take a look at some of the photos in the photo section. Their posts match their ugliness. I vote Man Of The Millions.

    This little campaign of yours is made all the more funny by the fact that you're not going to win the award anyway; no one really gives two shits about you, in either a positive or negative way.
  4. Yeah, but does the book have Arnold Schwarzenegger in it? No. So you're wrong.

    Yeh, but I couldn't remember the characters name so I said the guy who Arnie plays in the film. I don't understand what your arguing against? The fact that I thought the book was better or the fact that there is a different ending?
    I was saying that you're wrong in saying that the book is better, my reason being because Arnie isn't in the book.
  5. There's no Charles Buchan?Jesus, how can you not even pull the most basic wrestling scam properly?Yes, it's fine to false-advertise wrestlers, lie about the arena, sell tickets for a show that isn't happening, sell sponsorship, make up posters to your forum, send out press releases in a different name from your own, pose as a journalist to cover your own story, and so on - that's all part of the scam.BUT THE MONEY MARK HAS TO BE REAL.

    :laugh:On a serious tip though, your man is clearly slightly insane, and a compulsive liar with some yearning to be respected and recognized by the peopel that ridicule him most.In short, this is all rather unfortunately starting to become less funny and more tragic. Gutted.edit: I see that in the short time I turned back to my work (read; bluetoothing a song to my boss for her ringtone) I was beaten to the punch with the same sentiment.
  6. I don't really understand this award, either... What are the criteria for it? I don't know where I've ever seen posters 'rated' before in the first place, for any to be under-rated..The only thing I can think of is it being a category for anyone who's not been nominated for 'Poster of the Year' in previous years..?That doesn't really seem to make all that much sense...

    The criteria is that someone thinks you are under-rated.
    I guess what I was saying is that it was always going to be a slightly problematic award (as evidenced by the overlap situation) because there isn't any prior conscious rating of Posters to speak of..
  7. I don't really understand this award, either... What are the criteria for it? I don't know where I've ever seen posters 'rated' before in the first place, for any to be under-rated..The only thing I can think of is it being a category for anyone who's not been nominated for 'Poster of the Year' in previous years..?That doesn't really seem to make all that much sense...

  8. I'm somewhat surprised that IPW aren't running away with it once again...I can't really comment on LDN, though. All I've seen of them was that DVD from Fighting Spirit... that totally stank, but I'm guessing they've done better... and I've yet to see any British Wrestling that comes across anywhere near as good on DVD/TV as it does live.

  9. :blush: shucks - I guess I should stuff more people off here full of booze and drugs, huh?At the risk of this sounding like a backslap-fest, you got my vote for the LOL award... But accept that with the caveat that Stingersplash would have had it, had he made the final ballot - take that for what you will :D
  10. TXW hands down. I know Im slightly biased, but I viewed the first two shows as a fan, and it realy is something special. As well as stellar matches from some of the best talent in the country, it has one of the best atmospheres Ive ever encountered at a wrestling show. Im not sure if its the relaxation of sitting down at your table with a nice cool (and cheap) beer to watch great wrestling at your leisure, the amount of hilarious comedy wrestling (and lots of UKFF 'in-jokes', where else could you see a whole spot centred around the phrase 'It's still real to me dammit!') or just the way the crowd is so close and so involved in the matches that it almost seems like they're part of the roster. There's definately big things in store for them next year.

    Sorry, but that just sounds simply horrible...
  11. In all fairness, they are probably stupider..But their idiocy makes me laugh most of the time, whereas some of the things you say just make me angry..Your general obstinate arguing based entirely on semantics, completely eschewing common sense and logic gets to me. Your stubborn yet poor defense of your idiotic opinions irritates me.When you rather frequently say "I agree", or "I was thinking the same thing", or words to those effect, it leads me to believe you don't know how to form your own opinion, or if you do, you are unable to articulate it...and just generally saying stupid things like "I don't watch Smackdown, here are my opnions on it"; "Moj, stop trying to think of reasons for your likes and dislikes"; ...and so on and so forth, as those are from the month of December alone..

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