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Posts posted by AshC

  1. 12 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    Looks like it's from the Halloween Havoc tour they ran later in the year from the look of Flair and Regal being there. 

    Yup, it was the first wrestling show at the new Cardiff International Arena.

    Unless I'm mistaken, the Arn/Sid incident happened later that night, after the crew arrived in Blackburn for the next stop.

  2. They shouldn't have changed the theme toon, but changing it back is a good move.

    I don't think involving RoH was their greatest idea, even if it brought more eyeballs.

    Not to say the talents weren't decent, but it diluted the old time vibe of the brand.

    Hope they can make it work, 2019-20 Powerrr at its best was very enjoyable.

  3. That Rebellion 99 appearance for Davey did have storyline implications too, remember he chucked that bin backstage and it hit Stephanie McMahon in the head.

  4. Sorry you feel like this. I'm as left as they come. All skeletons are the same colour. But put the boot in if it makes you feel good, by all means. The 87 final will still be one of my favourites. Cheers.

  5. Cheers guys. No wonder the left never win an election here. Any views outside of the echo chamber and you're a dunce or a racist monster or both. It's an exhausting subject and I apologised for getting involved. That should be that. But I'm sure it won't be.

  6. 2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    We'd be better off if people were worried more about being conscientious and polite enough to say the right thing than imagining that they were being restricted from saying the wrong thing. 

    I mean, you're right, but it's gone to such an extreme now. Like everything amplified by social media, I suppose. I wasn't saying they were being restricted. But punishing people for using a term that was fine a year or two ago but is now usurped by another term? I'm sorry, but that seems counterproductive, to me.

  7. Is it just me that thinks WWE have a point about all this? If Raquel off Corrie was going on tinterweb in full gimmick, jiggling and freestyling, ITV would be having a word right away. The way the company is being portrayed over this seems well over the top.y

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