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Posts posted by AshC

  1. In hindsight, there's a school of thought that they should have definitely held off that cell blow-off with Lesnar, especially given how anti-climatic Brock's Mania appearance was this year. But then on the other hand, if Shane McMahon being in the match added 40,000 to the gate... not sure you can massively argue against what they ended up doing, as thrown-together as it came across.


    So I can't be the only one that gets disproportionately annoyed at that weird "one fall" thing everyone parrots during the introductions at literally all of the Brit Wres shows these last couple of years.

    Can anyone explain what it is? Is it a joke? What is the joke? How did it start? Why do people do it. Keep seeing announcers everywhere playing up to it now too. Does my nut in. (I told you my annoyance was disproportionate).

    Almost as bad as the crowd counting one ahead of the ref during count outs...ugh


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