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Posts posted by AshC

  1. I always thought that winning the coin toss was a DISadvantage if anything. In kayfabe-terms, Luger, on losing, could've got counted out or DQ'd straight away against Crush and then been fresh against the winner of a likely gruelling World Title match. I know the character would never have played that card, but still. I guess it's the whole issue of the champion's advantage that would've been attractive?...

  2. The Bob Backlund heel turn on Bret Hart in 1994 - was that role ever intended for Randy Savage?The Backlund turn seemed fairly out of the blue, as did his ascension to the top of the card after floundering for much of his comeback run (Royal Rumble aside, I can't recall even seeing him that year prior to the stuff with Bret).Savage meanwhile had blown off the Crush programme and wasn't doing a whole lot before leaving for WCW. Now I know Vince McMahon wanted Savage to act primarily as a commentator, but to me Savage snapping and returning to his 'madness' days of yore would have made a lot more sense than Backlund (though Backlund was ace in the role). Plus I think the fans would've accepted Savage as a genuine threat and adversary to Bret.Basically, does anyone know if this idea was ever touted to Savage as a carrot to keep him in the fed, only to be given to Backlund as Savage jumped ship?

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