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Posts posted by AshC

  1. I still can't get over Bischoff arguing that the nWo storyline was based on two disgruntled ex-employees of WCW returning to the company to exact revenge. To the point I think that he must be on a wind-up and fishing for a reaction. I can't ever recall that theme being played up on TV.

  2. 23 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

    Do you know what fan reaction I really hate, because of how nonsensical it is? The crowd chanting 'you suck' OUT OF RESPECT (as per the announcers) at Kurt Angle, with him lapping it up as though he's hearing 'you deserve it' in another language. It's fucking barmy. A great example for the Wrestling Without Context account on Twitter. How on earth do you explain that to the average Joe?

    A million times this. I'm glad it's not just me.

  3. I enjoyed watching World Tour 1992 last night. Lord Al gallivanting around London and Davey Boy dropping a Manchester United/Liverpool reference in there. Two battle royals as well, he was sh*t hot at them, ol' Bulldog. I forgot, mind you, how over his match against Warlord was at WrestleMania 7. The crowd are losing their minds for it.


    Good old wrestling.

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