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Posts posted by AshC

  1. The acid test is always watching with a non-fan in the room. Which I've not done with this yet, though, kind of on-topic, my old man was about for 15 minutes last night during AEW. He seemed to like 'One Eyed John'.

  2. 3 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Edge never did it for me either. Never felt top tier at all but fine at what he does, even though it isn’t for me. It’s like someone going “OH YAY, ECHOBELLY ARE REFORMING”

    King of the Ring, King of the Kerb, it's all good!

    EDIT: Just read the rest of the thread!

  3. 35 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    I saw that Sleeper released an album last year, gave it a listen. Sounds like it could have come out when they were at their peak. Their first album turns 25 this year. I bet Louise Wener's kids are the same age I was when I bought that album. 

    Louise Wener was born the day England won the World Cup.

  4. 4 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    There was talk of AEW having a morning repeat. Not sure what happened to that. Not that it matters. WWE, AEW, NXT:UK and Impact all on terrestrial telly in some form and some still can't let go of their little pissing contest.

    MLW as well. 

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